Changeset - c4113608aa36
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-12-22 13:16:22
MAR-44: Added role reference documentation for the backup_client role. Added role reference examples for the backup_server role.
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@@ -1384,3 +1384,124 @@ Parameters
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ed25519_key -N '' -t ed25519
    ssh-keygen -f backup_server_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the backup server role:

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup_server
      - server:
        uid: 3000
        public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - server:
        public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      dsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_dsa_key') }}"
      rsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_rsa_key') }}"
      ed25519: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ed25519_key') }}"
      ecdsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/backup_server_ecdsa_key') }}"


Backup Client

The ``backup_client`` role can be used for setting-up the server as a backup
client so it can perform backups to the backup server.

Backup clients utilise duplicity (via the duply convenience wrapper) for
performing the backups to a backup server via *SFTP* protocol.

The role itself will take care of deploying the necessary software,
configuration files, and encryption/signing keys to the backup client in order
to be able to perform backup.

The role implements the following:

* Installs backup software (Duplicity, Duply).
* Sets-up Duply configuration under directory ``/etc/duply/main/``.
* Extracts the encryption public key and signing private key from a
  locally-available keyring, deploys them to the server, and imports them.
* Deploys private SSH key for logging-in into the backup server over SFTP.
* Deploys ``known_hosts`` file for SFTP fingerprint verification.

Duply is configured as follows:

* GnuPG keyring is stored under ``/etc/duply/main/gnupg/``. The keyring should
  not be managed manually.
* SSH private key for logging-in into backup server is stored in location
  ``/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity``. Backup server SFTP fingerprint is stored in
  location ``/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts``.
* Base directory for back-ups is root (``/``), but *all* files are excluded by
  default to prevent huge back-ups. Ansible roles that want to utilise the
  backup client role can specify patterns to include by adding pattern file to
  directory ``/etc/duply/main/patterns/``. It is recommended to name such a file
  after the role name. Include pattern file is assembled from these snippets and
  stored in location ``/etc/duply/main/include``.



**backup_client_username** (string, optional, ``bak-{{ ansible_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}``)
  Username for connecting to the backup server via SFTP.

**backup_encryption_keys** (list, mandatory)
  List of key identifiers for encryption keys used for backup operation. Listed
  encryption keys must be part of the backup keyring. It is sufficient (and
  recommended) to include only the public keys.

**backup_gnupg_keyring** (string, optional, ``{{ inventory_dir }}/backup_keyring``)
  Path to the directory on *controller* machine (where Ansible is executed)
  where the GnuPG keyring can be found. The keyring contains encryption and
  signing keys for backup clients, and is used for deploying those keys to the
  backup clients.

**backup_server** (string, mandatory)
  Backup server to connect to.

**backup_server_destination** (string, optional, ``//duplicity``)
  Target directory on the backup server where the backups are stored.

**backup_server_host_ssh_public_keys** (list, mandatory)
  SSH public keys presented by the server during client authentication. These
  public keys are used for populating the known hosts on the backup client side
  for host verification purposes.

**backup_server_port** (int, optional, ``2222``)
  Port on the backup server to connect to for accessing the SFTP service.

**backup_signing_key** (string, optional, ``None``)
  Key identifier of a key to use for signing the backups. The specified key
  needs to be present in backup keyring, both private and public counterpart. If
  there are multiple keys with the same ID present, the most recent one will be

**backup_ssh_key** (string, mandatory)
  SSH private key for logging-in into the backup server.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up the role (take note that lookup
plugin is quite useful here for fetching key values from some local directory):

.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup_client
      - "my_secret_key"
    backup_server: ""
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
    backup_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
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