Changeset - c6f217756635
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2016-01-11 00:05:52
MAR-44: Redesigned handling of private keys by the backup_client role. Keys are now provided directly, not as key identifiers to be looked-up in the backup keyring.
6 files changed with 48 insertions and 67 deletions:
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@@ -1488,15 +1488,16 @@ Backup clients utilise duplicity (via the duply convenience wrapper) for
performing the backups to a backup server via *SFTP* protocol.

The role itself will take care of deploying the necessary software,
configuration files, and encryption/signing keys to the backup client in order
to be able to perform backup.
configuration files, and encryption/signing private key to the backup client in
order to be able to perform backup.

The role implements the following:

* Installs backup software (Duplicity, Duply).
* Sets-up Duply configuration under directory ``/etc/duply/main/``.
* Extracts the encryption public key and signing private key from a
  locally-available keyring, deploys them to the server, and imports them.
* Deploys encryption/signing private key (usually host-specific), as well as
  additional encryption public keys to the server, and imports them into local
  GnuPG keyring used by backup software.
* Deploys private SSH key for logging-in into the backup server over SFTP.
* Deploys ``known_hosts`` file for SFTP fingerprint verification.
* Sets-up pre-backup task that creates LDAP database dump in location
@@ -1515,38 +1516,42 @@ Duply is configured as follows:
  directory ``/etc/duply/main/patterns/``. It is recommended to name such a file
  after the role name. Include pattern file is assembled from these snippets and
  stored in location ``/etc/duply/main/include``.
* Backups are encrypted with specified encryption keys. If signing key has been
  provided, it will be used for signing the backups.
* Backups are encrypted and signed with the specified encryption key.
* Maximum age for old backups is set to 6 months.
* Maximum age for full backups is set to 1 month.
* Volume size is set to 1GB.

.. note::
   Since at time of this writing there are no lookup plugins for extracting key
   material/information from GnuPG keyring, you may want to resort to extraction
   of keys on the controller machine via lookups similar to::

     lookup('pipe', 'gpg2 --homedir /path/to/your/keyring --armor --export some_identifier')
     lookup('pipe', 'gpg2 --homedir /path/to/your/keyring --armor --export-secret-keys some_identifier')

   This may not be the most elegant solution, but for now it offers better
   flexibility (theoretically, you could store all those keys etc as plaintext
   files instead).



**backup_additional_encryption_keys** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of additional identifiers of encryption keys used for backup
  operation. Listed encryption keys must be present in the backup keyring - only
  the public key is used. These additional keys are useful in cases where the
  backups should be decryptable with some master key in addition to
  server-specific key.
  List of additional public encryption keys used for backup operation. Each item
  in the list should be an ASCII armour-encoded public key exported from a GnuPG
  keyring. These additional public keys are useful in cases where the backups
  should be decryptable with some master key in addition to server-specific key.

**backup_client_username** (string, optional, ``bak-{{ ansible_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}``)
  Username for connecting to the backup server via SFTP.

**backup_encryption_key** (string, optional, ``{{ ansible_fqdn }}``)
  Identifier of encryption key used for the backup operations. Specified key
  must be present in the backup keyring, both private and public
  counterpart. This is normally host-specified encryption key that is
  distributed to destination server and that can be also used for the restore
  operations (for data decryption).

**backup_gnupg_keyring** (string, optional, ``{{ inventory_dir }}/backup_keyring``)
  Path to the directory on *controller* machine (where Ansible is executed)
  where the GnuPG keyring can be found. The keyring contains encryption and
  signing keys for backup clients, and is used for deploying those keys to the
  backup clients.
**backup_encryption_key** (string, mandatory)
  Private GnuPG key, encoded using ASCII armor, used for encryption and signing
  operations when running the backup on the client server. This *must* be a
  private key! This is normally host-specific encryption key that is distributed
  to destination server and that can be also used for the restore operations
  (for data decryption). The key must not be password-protected.

**backup_server** (string, mandatory)
  Backup server to connect to.
@@ -1562,12 +1567,6 @@ Parameters
**backup_server_port** (int, optional, ``2222``)
  Port on the backup server to connect to for accessing the SFTP service.

**backup_signing_key** (string, optional, ``None``)
  Key identifier of a key to use for signing the backups. The specified key
  needs to be present in backup keyring, both private and public counterpart. If
  there are multiple keys with the same ID present, the most recent one will be

**backup_ssh_key** (string, mandatory)
  SSH private key for logging-in into the backup server.

@@ -1581,10 +1580,9 @@ plugin is quite useful here for fetching key values from some local directory):
.. code-block:: yaml

  - role: backup_client
    backup_additional_encryption_keys: "my_key"
    backup_additional_encryption_keys: "-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\n...\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
    backup_client_username: "user"
    backup_encryption_key: "host_enc_key"
    backup_gnupg_keyring: "/home/admin/.gnupg"
    backup_encryption_key: "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n...\n-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----"
    backup_server: ""
    backup_server_destination: "//example/host"
@@ -1593,5 +1591,4 @@ plugin is quite useful here for fetching key values from some local directory):
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
      - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
    backup_server_port: 22
    backup_signing_key: "host_enc_key"
    backup_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/') }}"
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@@ -2,8 +2,5 @@

backup_additional_encryption_keys: []
backup_client_username: "bak-{{ ansible_fqdn | replace('.', '_') }}"
backup_encryption_key: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
backup_gnupg_keyring: "{{ inventory_dir }}/backup_keyring"
backup_server_destination: //duplicity
backup_server_port: 2222
backup_signing_key: ""
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@@ -17,28 +17,8 @@
    - "/var/cache/duply"
    - "/var/cache/duply/main"

- name: Extract private keys used for encryption and signing
  local_action: "command gpg2 --homedir '{{ backup_gnupg_keyring }}' --armor --export-secret-keys {{ backup_encryption_key }} {{ backup_signing_key }}"
  become: no
  register: private_keys
  changed_when: False

- name: Extract public keys used for encryption only
  local_action: "command gpg2 --homedir '{{ backup_gnupg_keyring }}' --armor --export {{ backup_additional_encryption_keys | join(' ') }}"
  become: no
  register: public_keys
  changed_when: False
  when: backup_additional_encryption_keys

- name: Extract signing key ID (duplicity accepts 8-char hex code only)
  local_action: shell gpg2 --homedir "{{ backup_gnupg_keyring }}" --with-colons --list-secret-keys "{{ backup_signing_key }}" | grep '^sec' | sort -n -k 6 -t ":"  | cut -f 5 -d ':' | grep -o '[A-F0-9]\{8\}$'
  become: no
  when: backup_signing_key is defined
  register: signing_key_id
  changed_when: False

- name: Deploy GnuPG private keys
  copy: content="{{ private_keys.stdout }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc"
  copy: content="{{ backup_encryption_key }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc"
        owner=root group=root mode=600
    - Clean-up GnuPG keyring for import of new keys
@@ -46,13 +26,24 @@
    - Import public keys

- name: Deploy GnuPG public keys
  copy: content="{{ public_keys.stdout | default("") }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc"
  copy: content="{{ backup_additional_encryption_keys | join('\n') }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc"
        owner=root group=root mode=600
    - Clean-up GnuPG keyring for import of new keys
    - Import private keys
    - Import public keys

- name: Extract encryption key identifier (Duplicty requires key ID in hexadecimal format)
  shell: "gpg2 --list-packets /etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc | grep keyid: | head -n1 | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sed -re 's/^.{8}//'"
  register: backup_encryption_key_id
  changed_when: False

- name: Extract additional encryption keys identifiers (Duplicty requires key ID in hexadecimal format)
  shell: "gpg2 --list-packets /etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc | grep keyid: | head -n1 | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sort -u | sed -re 's/^.{8}//' | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,$//'"
  register: backup_additional_encryption_keys_ids
  when: backup_additional_encryption_keys
  changed_when: False

- name: Deploy private SSH key for logging-in into backup server
  copy: content="{{ backup_ssh_key }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="600"
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# GnuPG keys that should be used for encryption. Normally the encryption key is
# not available locally.
GPG_KEYS_ENC='{{ backup_encryption_key}}{% if backup_additional_encryption_keys %},{{ backup_additional_encryption_keys | join(',') }}{% endif %}'
GPG_KEYS_ENC='{{ backup_encryption_key_id.stdout }}{% if backup_additional_encryption_keys %},{{ backup_additional_encryption_keys_ids.stdout }}{% endif %}'

{% if backup_signing_key is defined -%}
# GnuPG keys that should be used for signing. Normally the signing key should be
# available locally.
GPG_KEY_SIGN='{{ signing_key_id.stdout }}'
{% endif -%}
# GnuPG key used for signing.
GPG_KEY_SIGN='{{backup_encryption_key_id.stdout }}'

# Trust all keys available in the GnuPG keyring.
GPG_OPTS="--homedir /etc/duply/main/gnupg/ --trust-model always"
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@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ ldap_client_config:
enable_backup: yes

  - "backup.{{ testsite_domain }}"
  - "{{ lookup('pipe', 'gpg2 --homedir \"' + inventory_dir + '/backup_keyring' + '\" --armor --export backup.' + testsite_domain ) }}"

backup_signing_key: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
backup_encryption_key: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'gpg2 --homedir \"' + inventory_dir + '/backup_keyring' + '\" --armor --export-secret-keys ' + ansible_fqdn ) }}"

backup_server: "backup.{{ testsite_domain }}"

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@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@
    - web_server
    - phpinfo
    - wsgihello
    - backup_client
\ No newline at end of file
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