Changeset - e15b53d59517
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Branko Majic (branko) - 7 years ago 2016-11-22 21:16:07
MAR-67: Deploy /etc/profile.d/ configuration file that allows reading user-specific profile config files from ~/.profile.d/ directory. Create home directory for web application users in order to get all the fancy colouring etc. Deploy virtual environment activation script inside of wsgi_website role as profile.d script.
6 files changed with 26 insertions and 15 deletions:
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@@ -238,12 +238,14 @@ The role implements the following:

* Configures apt to use caching proxy (if any was specified).
* Sets-up umask for all logins to ``0027``.
* Installs sudo.
* Sets-up uniform bash prompt for all accounts (optionally coloured and with
  identifier). This is useful for distinguishing machines and/or environments.
* Sets-up ability to have user-specific ``/etc/profile.d/`` entries via
* Installs additional base packages, as configured.
* Disables ``electric-indent-mode`` in Emacs globally if either the ``emacs24``
  or ``emacs24-nox`` are installed through the role.
* Creates additional operating system groups, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system users, as configured.
* Hardens the SSH server by disabling remote ``root`` logins and password-based
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new file 100644
# Read user-specific profile "configuration" files.
if [ -d "$HOME/.profile.d" ]; then
    for conf in "$HOME"/.profile.d/*.sh; do
        if [ -r "$conf" ]; then
            . "$conf"
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@@ -20,12 +20,16 @@
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/adduser.conf state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^DIR_MODE=' line='DIR_MODE=0750'

- name: Deploy bash profile configuration for fancier prompts
  template: src="" dest="/etc/profile.d/"
            owner=root group=root mode=644

- name: Deploy profile configuration that allows for user-specific profile.d files
  copy: src="" dest="/etc/profile.d/"
        owner=root group=root mode=644

- name: Replace default and skeleton bashrc
  copy: src="{{ item.key }}" dest="{{ item.value }}"
        owner=root group=root mode=644
    skel_bashrc: "/etc/skel/.bashrc"
    bashrc: "/etc/bash.bashrc"
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@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@

- name: Create PHP website group
  group: name="{{ user }}" gid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" state=present

- name: Create PHP website admin user
  user: name="{{ admin }}" uid="{{ admin_uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ user }}"
        shell=/bin/bash createhome=no home="{{ home }}" state=present
        shell=/bin/bash createhome=yes home="{{ home }}" state=present

- name: Create home directory for the user (avoid populating with skeleton)
  file: path="{{ home }}" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode=2750
- name: Set-up directory for storing user profile configuration files
  file: path="{{ home }}/.profile.d" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode=750

- name: Create PHP website user
  user: name="{{ user }}" uid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ user }}" comment="umask=0007"
        system=yes createhome=no state=present

- name: Add nginx user to website group
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file renamed from roles/wsgi_website/files/bashrc to roles/wsgi_website/files/
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@@ -7,17 +7,21 @@

- name: Create WSGI website group
  group: name="{{ user }}" gid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" state=present

- name: Create WSGI website admin user
  user: name="{{ admin }}" uid="{{ admin_uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ user }}"
        shell=/bin/bash createhome=no home="{{ home }}" state=present
        shell=/bin/bash createhome=yes home="{{ home }}" state=present

- name: Create home directory for the user (avoid populating with skeleton)
  file: path="{{ home }}" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode=2750
- name: Set-up directory for storing user profile configuration files
  file: path="{{ home }}/.profile.d" state=directory
        owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode=750

- name: Deploy profile configuration file for auto-activating the virtual environment
  copy: src="" dest="{{ home }}/.profile.d/"
        owner="root" group="{{ user }}" mode="640"

- name: Create WSGI website user
  user: name="{{ user }}" uid="{{ uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ user }}" comment="umask=0007"
        system=yes createhome=no state=present

- name: Add nginx user to website group
@@ -44,19 +48,12 @@
            owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode="640"

- name: Deploy virtualenv wrapper
  template: src="venv_exec.j2" dest="{{ home }}/virtualenv/bin/exec"
            owner="{{ admin }}" group="{{ user }}" mode="750"

- name: Deploy minimalistic bashrc for auto-activating the virtual environment
  copy: src="bashrc" dest="{{ item }}"
        owner="root" group="{{ user }}" mode="640"
    - "{{ home }}/.bashrc"
    - "{{ home }}/.profile"

- name: Install futures package for use with Gunicorn thread workers
  become_user: "{{ admin }}"
  pip: name=futures version="{{ futures_version }}" state=present virtualenv="{{ home }}/virtualenv"
    - "Restart website {{ fqdn }}"

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