Changeset - e2c7276ecff7
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Branko Majic (branko) - 8 years ago 2015-10-25 18:28:53
MAR-18: Added usage instructions for the mail forwarder role. Fixed some indentation.
1 file changed with 76 insertions and 13 deletions:
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@@ -610,20 +610,14 @@ role.
      mail_user_uid: 5000
      mail_user_gid: 5000

      # Finally, we want to allow relaying of mails from our web server
      # here. Beware the IP spoofing, though! Don't forget to change the bellow
      # IP for your server ;)

3. There are two distinct mail services that need to access the LDAP directory -
*Postfix* (serving as an SMTP server), and *Dovecot* (serving as an IMAP
server). These two need their own dedicated LDAP entries on the LDAP server in
order to log-in. Luckily, it is easy to create such entries through the options
provided by the LDAP server role. In addition to this, the Postfix and Dovecot
services will check if users are members of ``mail`` group in LDAP directory
before accepting them as valid mail users. Once again, the LDAP server role
comes with a simple option for creating groups.
   *Postfix* (serving as an SMTP server), and *Dovecot* (serving as an IMAP
   server). These two need their own dedicated LDAP entries on the LDAP server in
   order to log-in. Luckily, it is easy to create such entries through the options
   provided by the LDAP server role. In addition to this, the Postfix and Dovecot
   services will check if users are members of ``mail`` group in LDAP directory
   before accepting them as valid mail users. Once again, the LDAP server role
   comes with a simple option for creating groups.


@@ -749,3 +743,72 @@ install ``swaks`` on yout ansible machine, and run something along the lines of:

Of course, free feel to test out the mail server using mail client of your


Setting-up mail relaying from web server

With the mail server set-up, the next thing to do would be to set-up the SMTP
server on web server to relay mails via the communications server. This way we
can make sure that mail that gets sent via local SMTP to external addresses on
the web server goes through anti-virus scans and such.

1. Update the web server list of roles to include the mail forwarder role.


      - hosts: web
        remote_user: ansible
        sudo: yes
          - common
          - mail_forwarder

2. The next thing is to set-up the configuration for the new role. Web server
   configuration has not been touched before, so this will be a new
   configuration file.



      # First, let's make sure any mails directed to localhost root account get
      # forwarded to one of our mail users as well.
         root: root

      # Now signal the local SMTP to relay any non-local mails via our
      # communications server. Don't forget to specify your own IP address
      # here. Without this option, the SMTP would send out the mails directly.

3. Although we have told our web server to use the communications server as
   relay for non-local mail, the communications server is not aware of
   this. This would result in the communications server refusing all relay
   attempts (if not, it would be an open relay, which is bad).

   So, let's fix this a bit - we have a configuration option for the mail server
   for exactly this purpose.


      # We want to allow relaying of mails from our web server here. Beware the
      # IP spoofing, though! Don't forget to change the bellow IP for your
      # server ;)

4. Let's apply the changes::

     ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml

5. After this you may want to test out sending mail via web server's local SMTP
   to the root user (to see if the aliasing works), and to some external mail
   address - just run something along the lines of::

     swaks --to root@localhost --server localhost
     swaks --to YOUR_MAIL --server localhost

   If all went well, you should be able to see a new mail in John Doe's mailbox,
   as well as your own mailbox.
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