Changeset - fe6cdb2443c7
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Branko Majic (branko) - 9 years ago 2015-08-30 19:14:54
MAR-19: Simplified the parameters for common role, making a lot of them optional with some sane defaults. Switched to using an actual list for additional groups.
4 files changed with 33 insertions and 32 deletions:
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@@ -206,131 +206,128 @@ The role implements the following:
* Configures apt to use caching proxy (if any was specified).
* Sets-up umask for all logins to ``0027``.
* Installs sudo.
* Installs additional base packages, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system groups, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system users, as configured.
* Hardens the SSH server by disabling remote ``root`` logins and password-based
* Allows traversing of directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` to everyone. This lets
  you put TLS private keys in central location where any operating system user
  can reach them provided they have appropriate read/write rights on the file
  itself, and provided they know the exact path of the file.
* Deploys CA certificate files, normally used for truststore purposes, to
* Installs ``ferm`` (for iptables management), configuring a basic firewall
  which allows ICMP echo requests (PING), incoming connection on TCP port 22
  (SSH), and also introduces rate-limitting for incoming ICMP echo request
  pacakges and (new) TCP connections. The rate-limitting is based on the source
  IP address, using the ``iptables hashlimit`` module.



**apt_proxy** (string, optional)
**apt_proxy** (string, optional, ``None``)
  URI of a caching proxy that should be used when retrieving the packages via
  apt. Default is no proxy.

**os_users** (list, optional)
**os_users** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of operating system users that should be set-up on a server. Each item
  is a dictionary with the following options describing the user parameters:

  **name** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the operating system user that should be created. User's default
    group will have the same name as the user.

  **uid** (number, mandatory)
  **uid** (number, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
    UID for the operating system user. User's default group will have a GID
    identical to the user's UID.
    identical to the user's UID if specified. Otherwise user's default group
    will have OS-determined GID.

  **additional_groups** (string, mandatory)
    Comma-separated list of additional groups that a user should belong to. If
    no additional groups should be appended to user's list of groups, set it to
    empty string (``""``).
  **additional_groups** (list, optional, ``[]``)
    Comma-separated list of additional groups that a user should belong to.

  **authorized_keys** (list, mandatory)
  **authorized_keys** (list, optional, ``[]``)
    List of SSH public keys that should be deployed to user's authorized_keys
    truststore. If no authorized keys should be deployed, set it to empty list

  **password** (string, mandatory)
  **password** (string, optional, ``!`` - no password)
    Encrypted password that should be set for the user.

**os_groups** (list, optional)
**os_groups** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  A list of operating system groups that should be set-up on a server. Each item
  is a dictionary with the following options describing the group parameters:

  **name** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the operating system group that should be created.

  **gid** (number, mandatory)
  **gid** (number, optional, ``whatever OS picks``)
    GID for the operating system group.

**common_packages** (list, optional)
**common_packages** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of additional operating system packages that should be installed on the
  server. Each element of the list should be a simple string denoting the name
  of the package.

**ca_certificates** (list, optional)
**ca_certificates** (list, optional, ``[]``)
  List of additional CA certificate files that should be deployed on the
  server. Each element of the list should be a filepath to a CA certificate file
  on originating (Ansible) host that should be copied to destination

**incoming_connection_limit** (string, mandatory)
**incoming_connection_limit** (string, optional, ``3/second``)
  Rate at which the incoming ICMP echo-request packages and new TCP connections
  will be accepted at. The value should be specified in the same format as value
  for the ``iptables hashlimit`` option ``--hashlimit-upto``.

**incoming_connection_limit_burst** (string, mandatory)
**incoming_connection_limit_burst** (string, optional, ``9``)
  Initial burst of packages that should be accepted when the client with
  distinct source IP address connects to the server for the first time (usually
  higher than ``incoming_connection_limit``), even if it would go above the
  specified connection limit.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up some common users, groups, and
packages on all servers:

.. code-block:: yaml


    - name: admin
      uid: 1000
      additional_groups: sudo
        - sudo
        - "{{ lookup('file', '/home/admin/.ssh/') }}"
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'
    - name: john
      uid: 1001
      additional_groups: ""
      authorized_keys: []
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'

    - name: localusers
      gid: 2500

    - emacs23-nox
    - screen
    - debconf-utils

    - ../certs/truststore.pem

  incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

  incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6

.. _ldap_client:

LDAP Client

The ``ldap_client`` role can be used for setting-up an OpenLDAP client on
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packages: []
os_users: []
os_groups: []
ca_certificates: []
\ No newline at end of file
ca_certificates: []
incoming_connection_limit: 3/second
incoming_connection_limit_burst: 9
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -9,65 +9,65 @@
  file: path="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy" state=absent
  when: apt_proxy is undefined

- name: Deploy pam-auth-update configuration file for enabling pam_umask
  copy: src=pam_umask dest=/usr/share/pam-configs/umask mode=644 owner=root group=root
  notify: Update PAM configuration

- name: Set login UMASK
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/login.defs state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^UMASK(\s+)' line='UMASK\g<1>027'

- name: Set home directory mask
  lineinfile: dest=/etc/adduser.conf state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^DIR_MODE=' line='DIR_MODE=0750'

- name: Install sudo
  apt: name=sudo state=present

- name: Install ssl-cert package
  apt: name=ssl-cert state=present

- name: Install common packages
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state="present"
  with_items: common_packages

- name: Set-up operating system groups
  group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.gid }}" state=present
  group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.gid | default(omit) }}" state=present
  with_items: os_groups

- name: Set-up operating system user groups
  group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.uid }}" state=present
  group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" state=present
  with_items: os_users

- name: Set-up operating system users
  user: name="{{ }}" uid="{{ item.uid }}" group="{{ }}"
        groups="{{ item.additional_groups }}" append=yes shell=/bin/bash state=present
        password="{{ item.password }}"
  user: name="{{ }}" uid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ }}"
        groups="{{ ",".join(item.additional_groups | default([])) }}" append=yes shell=/bin/bash state=present
        password="{{ item.password | default('!') }}"
  with_items: os_users

- name: Set-up authorised keys
  authorized_key: user="{{ }}" key="{{ item.1 }}"
    - os_users
    - "{{ os_users | selectattr('authorized_keys', 'defined') | list }}"
    - authorized_keys

- name: Disable remote logins for root
  lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PermitRootLogin" line="PermitRootLogin no"
    - Restart SSH

- name: Disable remote login authentication via password
  lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PasswordAuthentication" line="PasswordAuthentication no"
    - Restart SSH

- name: Deploy CA certificates
  copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ item | basename }}" mode=644 owner=root group=root
  with_items: ca_certificates
    - Update CA certificate cache

- name: Install ferm (for firewall management)
  apt: name=ferm state=installed

- name: Configure ferm init script coniguration file
  copy: src=ferm dest=/etc/default/ferm owner=root group=root mode=644
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# Define domain for the test site that should be used.

# Derive some additional values that will be used - basing them on domain.
testsite_domain_underscores: "{{ testsite_domain | regex_replace('\\.', '_') }}"
testsite_domain_alternative: "{{ testsite_domain | regex_replace('\\.[^.]+$', '.something') }}"
testsite_ldap_base: "{{ testsite_domain | regex_replace('\\.', ',dc=') | regex_replace('^', 'dc=') }}"

# Configuration for roles bootstrap and preseed.
ansible_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"

# Configuration for role 'common', shared across all servers.
  - name: admin
    uid: 1000
    additional_groups: sudo
      - sudo
      - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
    password: '$6$/aerscJY6aevRG$ABBCymEDtk2mHW/dklre9dMEdgZNJvVHsGLCzgjGmy61FssZ.KW7ePcO2wsMGIkHcg3mZlrA4dhYh.APq9OQu0'
  - name: johndoe
    uid: 1001
    additional_groups: "office,developer"
    authorized_keys: []
      - office
      - developer
    password: '$6$cJnUatae7cMz23fl$O3HE2TslnEaKaTDSZnvuDDrfqILAiuMV1wOPGVnkUQFxUu3gIWZOyO7AI1OWYkqeQMVBiezpSqYNiQy6NF6bi0'

  - name: office
    gid: 1500
  - name: developer
    gid: 1501

  - emacs24-nox
  - screen
  - debconf-utils
  - colordiff
  - unzip

  - "{{ inventory_dir }}/tls/ca.pem"

incoming_connection_limit: 2/second

incoming_connection_limit_burst: 6
\ No newline at end of file
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