File diff 87c003723bdb → 36f65ea9de39
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@@ -415,6 +415,33 @@ so it is easy to set your own domain (see below in step-by-step
instructions). Some changes may be necessary to listed commands in that case
(i.e. replace every occurance of ```` with your own domain).

By default, the following hosts are used in test site (listed names
should be resolvable towards the servers):

- ````, acting as LDAP server
- ````, acting as XMPP server
- ````, acting as mail server
- ````, acting as web server
- ````, acting as backup server
- ````, acting as "workstation" (mainly demonstrating
  use of mail forwarder role)

The web server is also set-up with one sample PHP application and two
WSGI applications deployed via roles:

- ``phpinfo``, used to serve information about the local PHP
- ``wsgihello``, small hello world application using Python 2
- ``wsgihello2``, small hello world application using Python 3 and a
  couple of additional ``wsgi_website`` role parameters.

To make the web applications reachable, make sure the web server
(````) IP is also resolvable via names:

- ```` (``phpinfo`` application/role)
- ```` (``wsgihello`` application/role)
- ```` (``wsgihello2`` application/role)

All example commands listed within this section should be ran from within the
``testsite`` directory in order to have proper environment available for
playbook runs.
@@ -658,3 +685,15 @@ configuration, run (take note it is upper-case ``F``)::

  mutt -F mutt/john.doe
  mutt -F mutt/jane.doe

To test the provided web applications, use the following links in a

.. note::
   To avoid untrusted certificate errors, it is recommended to test
   the links with dedicated instance of Mozilla Firefox, and to import
   the CA certificate (``tls/ca.pem``) into it.
