File diff 76debadf4dae → 5eeaa6ef80fd
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@@ -36,21 +36,37 @@ performing the following steps:
   to use latest versions available. At time of this writing the role tests have
   been successfully run on *VirtualBox 5.2.12* and *Vagrant 2.0.4*.

3. Clone the git repository::
3. In order to allow static IPv6 addresses to be allocated to virtual
   machines during testing, it is necessary to explicitly white-list
   the range used by the tests. Once the configuration file has been
   created, however, even the VirtualBox default allowed IPv4 subnet
   needs to be in the configuration explicitly as well.

   Update the VirtulBox configuration file (and make sure it can be
   read by the user running the tests):



     * fd00::192:168:56:0/116

4. Clone the git repository::

     git clone ~/projects/

4. Create a separate Python virtual environment::
5. Create a separate Python virtual environment::

     mkvirtualenv majic-ansible-roles -a ~/projects/majic-ansible-roles/

5. Make sure the virtual environment has been activated, and install `pip-tools
6. Make sure the virtual environment has been activated, and install `pip-tools

     workon majic-ansible-roles
     pip install pip-tools

6. Synchronise Python virtual environment with requirements file using
7. Synchronise Python virtual environment with requirements file using

     workon majic-ansible-roles