File diff cc12c282bb3d → 626eadba53b7
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@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ Role Reference

This role can be used for generating simple preseed files for Debian Wheezy
The ``preseed`` role can be used for generating simple preseed files for Debian
Wheezy installations.

The generated preseed files allow simplified installation, with a single root
partition. A number of common parameters can be provided.
@@ -129,3 +129,97 @@ automatic and one with manual network configuration:
      mirror_directory: /debian
      root_password: testserver
      timezone: Europe/Stockholm



The ``common`` role can be used for applying a common configuration and
hardening across all servers, no matter what services they provide.

The role implements the following:

* Sets-up umask for all logins to ``0027``.
* Installs sudo.
* Installs additional base packages, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system groups, as configured.
* Creates additional operating system users, as configured.
* Hardens the SSH server by disabling remote ``root`` logins and password-based



**os_users** (list, optional)
  A list of operating system users that should be set-up on a server. Each item
  is a dictionary with the following options describing the user parameters:

  **name** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the operating system user that should be created. User's default
    group will have the same name as the user.

  **uid** (number, mandatory)
    UID for the operating system user. User's default group will have a GID
    identical to the user's UID.

  **additional_groups** (string, mandatory)
    Comma-separated list of additional groups that a user should belong to. If
    no additional groups should be appended to user's list of groups, set it to
    empty string.

  **authorized_keys** (list, mandatory)
    List of SSH public keys that should be deployed to user's authorized_keys
    truststore. If no authorized keys should be deployed, set it to empty list

  **password** (string, mandatory)
    Encrypted password that should be set for the user.

**os_groups** (list, optional)
  A list of operating system groups that should be set-up on a server. Each item
  is a dictionary with the following options describing the group parameters:

  **name** (string, mandatory)
    Name of the operating system group that should be created.

  **gid** (number, mandatory)
    GID for the operating system group.

**common_packages** (list, optional)
  List of additional operating system packages that should be installed on the
  server. Each element of the list should be a simple string denoting the name
  of the package.



Here is an example configuration for setting-up some common users, groups, and
packages on all servers:

.. code-block:: yaml


    - name: admin
      uid: 1000
      additional_groups: sudo
        - "{{ lookup('file', '/home/admin/.ssh/') }}"
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'
    - name: john
      uid: 1001
      additional_groups: ""
      authorized_keys: []
      password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.'

    - name: localusers
      gid: 2500

    - emacs23-nox
    - screen
    - debconf-utils