File diff 63d26c0b3d86 → e61d502b9d00
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@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ Parameters
  Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS
  for SMTP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``.

**xmpp_domains** (list, mandatory)
**xmpp_domains** (list, optional, ``ansible_facts[host]['domain']``)
  List of domains that are served by this Prosody instance. Each item is a
  string specifying a domain.

@@ -593,24 +593,25 @@ Parameters
**xmpp_ldap_password** (string, mandatory)
  Password used for authenticating to the LDAP server.

**xmpp_ldap_filter** (string, mandatory)
**xmpp_ldap_filter** (string, optional, ``(mail=$user@$host)``)
  LDAP filter used for obtaining a list of users available on the Prosody
  server. Two special strings can be used for specifying the user and domain,
  ``$user``, and ``$host`` within. These will be replaced with real values in
  the filter every time a user is looked-up.

**xmpp_ldap_scope** (string, mandatory)
**xmpp_ldap_scope** (string, optional, ``subtree``)
  Scope for performing the LDAP search for obtaining a list of users available
  on the Prosody server.

**xmpp_ldap_tls** (boolean, mandatory)
  Specifies whether to use STARTTLS extension when connecting to the LDAP server
  or not.

**xmpp_ldap_base** (string, mandatory)
**xmpp_ldap_base** (string, optional, see below)
  Base DN under which the lists of users available on the Prosody should be

  If not specified, the value will default to base DN constructed by putting all
  elements of the server's domain as ``dc`` entries (as per standard Debian
  convention). I.e. if XMPP server domain is ````, the resulting base
  DN would be ``dc=example,dc=com``.


@@ -636,7 +637,6 @@ Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody:
  # side.
  xmpp_ldap_filter: '(&(memberOf=cn=xmpp,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)(mail=$user@$host))'
  xmpp_ldap_scope: "onelevel"
  xmpp_ldap_tls: "true"
  xmpp_ldap_base: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"