File diff d5b70f2e098c → d36a238c0dd5
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@@ -232,6 +232,7 @@ First of all, let's set-up some basic directory structure and configuration:
     mkdir ~/mysite/playbooks/
     mkdir ~/mysite/group_vars/
     mkdir ~/mysite/ssh/
     mkdir ~/mysite/tls/
     mkdir ~/mysite/gnupg/

5. Create SSH private/public key pair that will be used by Ansible for
@@ -262,7 +263,8 @@ public CAs, or perhaps go for a mix of both.

For the purpose of this guide, we'll set-up a small simple local CA to
issue all the necessary certificates, and we'll generate the private
keys and issue server certificates on the go as needed.
keys and issue server certificates on the go as needed, storing them
all under the ``~/mysite/tls/`` directory.

So, let us make a slight detour to create a CA of our own:

@@ -272,12 +274,7 @@ So, let us make a slight detour to create a CA of our own:

     apt-get install -y gnutls-bin

2. Create directory where the private keys and certificates will be
   stored at (you can switch back to the ``ansible`` user now)::

     mkdir ~/mysite/tls/

3. Create a template for the ``certtool`` so it would know what
2. Create a template for the ``certtool`` so it would know what
   extensions and content to have in the CA certificate:

@@ -291,13 +288,13 @@ So, let us make a slight detour to create a CA of our own:

4. Almost there... Now let us generate the CA private key and
3. Almost there... Now let us generate the CA private key and
   self-signed certificate::

     certtool --sec-param high --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.key
     certtool --template ~/mysite/tls/ca.cfg --generate-self-signed --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem

5. And just one more small tweak - we need to provide a truststore PEM
4. And just one more small tweak - we need to provide a truststore PEM
   file containing all CA certificates in the chain for services to be
   able to connect to each-other (where necessary). In this particular
   case we have a super-simple hierarchy (root CA is also issuing the
@@ -632,8 +629,8 @@ one up first. This includes both the LDAP *server* and *client* configuration.

      ldap_admin_password: admin
      ldap_server_organization: "Example Inc."
      ldap_server_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_ldap.pem') }}"
      ldap_server_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key') }}"
      ldap_server_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.pem') }}"
      ldap_server_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key') }}"

4. Phew. That was... Well, actually, easy :) Technically, only the
   LDAP admin password and TLS certificate/key *must* be set, but it
@@ -777,16 +774,16 @@ role.
      mail_user_gid: 5000

      # Set private keys and certificates to use for the IMAP service.
      imap_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_imap.pem') }}"
      imap_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_imap.key') }}"
      imap_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.pem') }}"
      imap_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.key') }}"

      # Set private keys and certificates to use for the SMTP service.
      smtp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_smtp.pem') }}"
      smtp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_smtp.key') }}"
      smtp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.pem') }}"
      smtp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.key') }}"

      # Set the X.509 certificate truststore to use for validating the
      # LDAP server certificate.
      mail_ldap_tls_truststore: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/truststore.pem') }}"
      mail_ldap_tls_truststore: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/truststore.pem') }}"

3. There are two distinct mail services that need to access the LDAP directory -
   *Postfix* (serving as an SMTP server), and *Dovecot* (serving as an IMAP
@@ -1062,8 +1059,8 @@ role.

      # Set the TLS private key and certificate.
      xmpp_server_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.pem') }}"
      xmpp_server_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.key') }}"
      xmpp_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.pem') }}"
      xmpp_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.key') }}"

      # Set one of the users to also be an XMPP administrator.
@@ -1240,8 +1237,8 @@ Nginx.


      default_https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/www.example.com_https.pem') }}"
      default_https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/www.example.com_https.key') }}"
      default_https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.pem') }}"
      default_https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.key') }}"

      web_default_title: "Welcome to default page!"
      web_default_message: "Nothing to see here, move along..."
@@ -1418,8 +1415,8 @@ Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the
          # Our virtual host will for PHP website will respond to this name.
          # TLS key and certificate to use for the virtual host.
          https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem') }}"
          https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/tbg.example.com_https.key') }}"
          https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem') }}"
          https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key') }}"
          # Some additional packages are required in order to deploy and use TBG.
            - php-gd
@@ -1736,8 +1733,8 @@ on the safe side:
        - role: wsgi_website
          # TLS key and certificate to use for the virtual host.
          https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/wiki.example.com_https.pem') }}"
          https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'tls/wiki.example.com_https.key') }}"
          https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.pem') }}"
          https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key') }}"
          # In many cases you need to have some development packages available
          # in order to build Python packages installed via pip