diff --git a/docs/usage.rst b/docs/usage.rst
index 7861744b25c9f9c36168dbd205cc0255f4101a91..bd012fc6326cc6284b285fe5e9f5f59077a7a34b 100644
--- a/docs/usage.rst
+++ b/docs/usage.rst
@@ -1230,10 +1230,11 @@ Let us first define what we want to deploy on the web server. Here is the plan:
setting-up a couple of web applications. For the purpose of the usage
instructions, we will deploy the following two:
- 1. `The Bug Genie `_ - an issue tracker. To keep
- things simple, we will not integrate it with our LDAP server (although
- this is supported and possible). Being written in PHP, this will
- demonstrate the role for PHP web application deployment.
+ 1. `Nextcloud `_ - extendable solution for
+ file sharing, calendars etc. To keep things simple, we will not
+ integrate it with our LDAP server (although this is supported
+ and possible). Being written in PHP, this application will be
+ used to demonstrate the role for PHP web application deployment.
2. `Django Wiki `_ - a wiki
application written in Django. This will serve as a demo of how the WSGI
@@ -1380,285 +1381,322 @@ server.
which can be combined with web app roles for this purpose).
-Deploying a PHP web application (The Bug Genie)
+Deploying a PHP web application (Nextcloud)
We have some basic infrastructure up and running on our web server, so
now we can move on to setting-up a PHP web application on it. As
-mentioned before, we will take *The Bug Genie* as an example.
+mentioned before, we will roll-out *Nextcloud*.
-For this we will create a local role in our site to take care of it. This role
-will in turn utilise two roles coming from *Majic Ansible Roles* that will make
-our life (a little) easier.
+For this we will create a local role in our site to take care of
+it. This role will in turn utilise two roles coming from *Majic
+Ansible Roles* that will make our life (a little) easier.
To make the example a bit simpler, no parameters will be introduced
-for this role (not even the password for database, we'll hard-code
+for this role (not even the password for database) - we'll hard-code
Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the
-``php_website`` role we'll be using for the PHP part:
-* The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and
- group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website,
- for example ``web-tbg_example_com``.
-* While running the application, application user's umask is set to ``0007``
- (letting the administrator user be able to manage any files created while the
- application is running).
-* An administrative user is created as well, and this user should be used when
- running maintenance and installation commands. Similar to application user,
- the name is also derived from the FQDN of website, for example
- ``admin-tbg_example_com``. Administrative user does not have a dedicated
- group, and instead belongs to same group as the application user.
+``php_website`` role:
+* The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user
+ and group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the
+ FQDN of website, for example ``web-nextcloud_example_com``.
+* While running the application, application user's umask is set to
+ ``0007`` (letting the administrator user be able to manage any files
+ created while the application is running).
+* An administrative user is created as well, and this user should be
+ used when running maintenance and installation commands. Similar to
+ application user, the name is also derived from the FQDN of website,
+ for example ``admin-nextcloud_example_com``. Administrative user
+ does not have a dedicated group, and instead belongs to same group
+ as the application user.
* PHP applications are executed via FastCGI, using *PHP-FPM*.
-* If you ever need to set some additional PHP FPM settings, this can easily be
- done via the ``additional_fpm_config`` role parameter. This particular example
- does not set any, though.
-* Mails delivered to local admin/application users are forwarded to ``root``
- account instead (this can be configured via ``website_mail_recipients`` role
+* If you ever need to set some additional PHP FPM settings, this can
+ easily be done via the ``additional_fpm_config`` role
+ parameter. This particular example does not set any, though.
+* Mails delivered to local admin/application users are forwarded to
+ ``root`` account (configurable via ``website_mail_recipients`` role
* If you ever find yourself mixing-up test and production websites,
have a look at ``environment_indicator`` role parameter. It lets you
insert small strip with environment information at bottom of each
HTML page served by the web server.
* Static content (non-PHP) is served directly by *Nginx*.
-* Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``, named
- after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are created with
- ``02750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin user, and group set to the
- application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit
- set, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group
- automatically set to the group of the parent directory.
-* Files are served (both by *Nginx* and *PHP-FPM*) from sub-directory called
- ``htdocs`` (located in website directory). For example
- ``/var/www/tbg.example.com/htdocs/``. Normally, this can be a symlink to some
- other sub-directory within the website directory (useful for having multiple
- versions for easier downgrades etc).
+* Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``,
+ named after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are
+ created with ``02750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin
+ user, and group set to the application's group. In other words, all
+ directories will have ``SGID`` bit set, allowing you to create
+ files/directories that will have their group automatically set to
+ the group of the parent directory.
+* Files are served (both by *Nginx* and *PHP-FPM*) from sub-directory
+ called ``htdocs`` (located in website directory). For example
+ ``/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/htdocs/``. Normally, this can be a
+ symlink to some other sub-directory within the website directory
+ (useful for having multiple versions for easier downgrades etc).
* Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID``
- permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means
- that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and
- application can be granted write permissions to a *minimum* of necessary
- files.
+ permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up
+ usually means that the administrator will be capable of managing
+ application files, and application can be granted write permissions
+ to a *minimum* of necessary files.
.. warning::
- Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like ``mv``, do *not*
- respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would recommend using ``cp`` when you
- deploy new files to the directory instead (don't simply move them from your
- home directory).
+ Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like
+ ``mv``, do *not* respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would
+ recommend using ``cp`` when you deploy new files to the directory
+ instead (don't simply move them from your home directory).
1. Start-off with creating the necessary directories for the new role::
- mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/tbg/{tasks,meta,files}/
+ mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/{tasks,meta,files}/
-2. Let's set-up role dependencies, reusing some common roles to make our life
- easier.
+2. Let's set-up role dependencies, reusing some common roles to make
+ our life easier.
- :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/meta/main.yml`
+ :file:`~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/meta/main.yml`
- # Ok, so this role helps us set-up Nginx virtual host for serving our
- # app.
+ # Role helps us set-up Nginx virtual host for serving our app.
- role: php_website
- # Our virtual host will for PHP website will respond to this name.
- fqdn: tbg.example.com
+ # Name that will be bound to specific virtual host definition.
+ fqdn: nextcloud.example.com
# TLS key and certificate to use for the virtual host.
- https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem') }}"
- https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key') }}"
- # Some additional packages are required in order to deploy and use TBG.
+ https_tls_certificate: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.pem') }}"
+ https_tls_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.key') }}"
+ # Additional packages required for deploying and running Nextcloud.
- php-gd
+ - php-json
+ - php-mysql
- php-curl
+ - php-intl
- php-mbstring
+ - php-imagick
+ - php-ldap
- php-xml
- - git
- - php-mysql
- - php-apcu
- php-zip
- # Set-up URL rewriting. This is based on public/.htaccess file from
- # TBG.
- php_rewrite_urls:
- - ^(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1
- # We don't necessarily need this, but in case you have a policy on
- # uid/gid usage, this is useful. Take note that below value is used
- # for both the dedicated uid and gid for application user.
+ - php-gmp
+ - python3-pexpect
+ - php-apcu
+ - php-bcmath
+ # Set-up URL rewrites for well-known URIs (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Well-known_URIs).
+ rewrites:
+ - '^/\.well-known/carddav /remote.php/dav/ permanent'
+ - '^/\.well-known/caldav /remote.php/dav/ permanent'
+ - '^/remote/(.*) /remote.php last'
+ # Prevent specific files from ever being served by the web server (for security reasons etc).
+ deny_files_regex:
+ - '^/(build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates|data)/'
+ - '^/(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console)'
+ # Custom regex defining what files shouled be processed via PHP
+ # interpreter.
+ php_file_regex: \.php(?:$|/)
+ # Not necessarily needed, but in case you have a policy on uid/gid
+ # usage, this is useful. Take note that the uid value is also used
+ # for the application group (gid == uid).
uid: 2000
admin_uid: 3000
- # And this role sets up a new dedicated database for our web
+ # Role that sets up a new dedicated database for our web
# application.
- role: database
# This is both the database name, _and_ name of the database user
# that will be granted full privileges on the database.
- db_name: tbg
- # This will be the password of our user 'tbg' for accessing the
- # database. Take note the user can only login from localhost.
- db_password: tbg
+ db_name: nextcloud
+ # Password for user used for accessing the database. Take note
+ # that the user can only login from localhost.
+ db_password: nextcloud
-3. Now for my favourite part again - creating private keys and certificates!
- Why? Because the ``php_website`` role requires a private key/certificate
- pair to be deployed. So... Moving on:
+3. Now for my favourite part again - creating private keys and
+ certificates! Why? Because the ``php_website`` role requires a
+ private key/certificate pair to be deployed. So... Moving on:
1. Create new template for ``certtool``:
- :file:`~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.cfg`
+ :file:`~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.cfg`
organization = "Example Inc."
country = SE
- cn = "Exampe Inc. Issue Tracker"
+ cn = "Example Inc. Cloud Service"
expiration_days = 365
- dns_name = "tbg.example.com"
+ dns_name = "nextcloud.example.com"
2. Create the keys and certificates for the application::
- certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key
- certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem
+ certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.key
+ certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/nextcloud.example.com_https.pem
-4. Time to get our hands a bit more dirty... Up until now we didn't have to write
- custom tasks, but at this point we need to.
+4. Time to get our hands a bit more dirty... Up until now we didn't
+ have to write custom tasks, but that ends now.
- :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/tasks/main.yml`
+ :file:`~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/tasks/main.yml`
- - name: Define TBG version
- set_fact:
- tbg_version: "4.3.1"
- tbg_archive_checksum: "45de72b1ef82142ad46686577d593375ba370156df4367d17386b4e26a37f342"
+ # Deployment
+ # ==========
- - name: Download the TBG archive
+ - name: Download the application archive
- url: "https://github.com/thebuggenie/thebuggenie/archive/v{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz"
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz"
- sha256sum: "{{ tbg_archive_checksum }}"
+ url: "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-20.0.14.tar.bz2"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud-20.0.14.tar.gz"
+ sha256sum: "09652c459c99e0b77dbd91603151715c6cd09e4f4abbdecb64f495581af09367"
become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ become_user: admin-nextcloud_example_com
- - name: Download Composer
- get_url:
- url: "https://getcomposer.org/download/1.10.19/composer.phar"
- dest: "/usr/local/bin/composer"
- sha256sum: "688bf8f868643b420dded326614fcdf969572ac8ad7fbbb92c28a631157d39e8"
- owner: root
- group: root
- mode: 0755
- - name: Unpack TBG
+ - name: Unpack the application archive
- src: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz"
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/"
+ src: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud-20.0.14.tar.gz"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/"
copy: no
- creates: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}"
+ creates: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud"
become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ become_user: admin-nextcloud_example_com
- - name: Allow use of lib-pcre version 10 (since PHP is built against it in Debian Buster)
+ # Majic Ansible Roles currently only support utf8 encoding.
+ - name: Disable opportunistic use of utf8mb4 on fresh installs
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/{{ item }}"
- state: present
- regexp: '.*"lib-pcre".*'
- line: ' "lib-pcre": ">=8.0",'
- with_items:
- - "composer.json"
- - "composer.lock"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/lib/private/Setup/MySQL.php"
+ line: "{{ '\t\t\t' }}$this->config->setValue('mysql.utf8mb4', true);"
+ state: absent
- - name: Create directory for storing uploaded files
+ - name: Allow application user to install and update applications
- path: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/files"
- state: directory
- mode: 02770
- become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/apps"
+ mode: g+w
- - name: Create symlink towards directory where uploaded files are stored
+ - name: Allow CLI tool to be run by the user and group
- src: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/files"
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/files"
- state: link
- become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/occ"
+ mode: u+x,g+x
- - name: Create TBG cache directory
+ - name: Create directory for storing data
- path: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/cache"
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data"
state: directory
mode: 02770
- become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
- - name: Set-up the necessary write permissions for TBG directories
+ - name: Create directory for storing configuration files
- path: "{{ item }}"
- mode: g+w
- with_items:
- - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/
- - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/public/
- - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/config"
+ state: directory
+ mode: 02750
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
- - name: Create symbolic link to TBG application
+ - name: Create an empty log file if it does not exist
+ copy:
+ content: ""
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data/nextcloud.log"
+ force: no
+ - name: Set-up log file permissions
- src: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/public"
- path: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/htdocs"
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data/nextcloud.log"
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
+ mode: 0660
+ - name: Symlink the default path used by the web server for finding application files
+ file:
+ src: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/htdocs"
state: link
- owner: "admin-tbg_example_com"
- group: "web-tbg_example_com"
- become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
+ notify:
+ - Restart PHP-FPM
- - name: Install TBG dependencies
- composer:
- command: install
- working_dir: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}"
- become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
- - name: Deploy database configuration file for TBG
- copy:
- src: "b2db.yml"
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/b2db.yml"
- mode: 0640
- owner: admin-tbg_example_com
- group: web-tbg_example_com
+ # Installation
+ # ============
+ - name: Get application installation status
+ command: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/occ status"
+ become: yes
+ become_user: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ register: nextcloud_status
+ changed_when: False
+ failed_when: False
- - name: Install pexpect package
- apt:
- name: python3-pexpect
- state: present
+ - name: Check if application is installed
+ set_fact:
+ nextcloud_installed: "{{ 'Nextcloud is not installed' not in nextcloud_status.stdout }}"
- - name: Deploy expect script for installing TBG
+ - name: Deploy installation script
- src: "tbg_expect_install"
- dest: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/tbg_expect_install"
- mode: 0750
- owner: admin-tbg_example_com
- group: web-tbg_example_com
- - name: Run TBG installer via expect script
- command: /var/www/tbg.example.com/tbg_expect_install
- args:
- chdir: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}"
- creates: "/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/installed"
+ src: "install_nextcloud.py"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/install_nextcloud.py"
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
+ mode: 0700
+ when: "not nextcloud_installed"
+ - name: Install application
+ command: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/install_nextcloud.py"
become: yes
- become_user: admin-tbg_example_com
+ become_user: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ when: "not nextcloud_installed"
+ - name: Remove installation script
+ file:
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/install_nextcloud.py"
+ state: absent
-5. Set-up the files that are deployed by our role.
+ - name: Fix data file permissions for application user/group
+ file:
+ path: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data"
+ mode: g+w
+ recurse: yes
+ follow: no
- :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/files/b2db.yml`
- ::
+ - name: Deploy local configuration overrides
+ copy:
+ src: "local.config.php"
+ dest: "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/config/local.config.php"
+ owner: "admin-nextcloud_example_com"
+ group: "web-nextcloud_example_com"
+ mode: 0640
+5. Set-up files that are deployed by the role.
- b2db:
- username: "tbg"
- password: "tbg"
- dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=tbg"
- tableprefix: ''
- cacheclass: '\thebuggenie\core\framework\Cache'
+ :file:`~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/files/local.config.php`
+ ::
- :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/files/tbg_expect_install`
+ true,
+ 'instanceid' => 'suqw2cvca8sp',
+ 'trusted_domains' =>
+ array (
+ 0 => 'nextcloud.example.com',
+ ),
+ );
+ :file:`~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/files/install_nextcloud.py`
#!/usr/bin/env python3
@@ -1666,35 +1704,48 @@ Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the
import pexpect
# Spawn the process.
- install_process = pexpect.spawnu('./tbg_cli', args = ["install",
- "--accept_license=yes",
- "--url_subdir=/",
- "--use_existing_db_info=yes",
- "--enable_all_modules=no",
- "--setup_htaccess=yes"])
+ install_process = pexpect.spawnu('/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/occ',
+ args = [ 'maintenance:install',
+ '--database', 'mysql',
+ '--database-name', 'nextcloud',
+ '--database-user', 'nextcloud',
+ '--database-host', 'localhost',
+ '--database-port', '3306',
+ '--admin-user', 'admin',
+ '--data-dir', '/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data'])
# If we get EOF, we probably already installed application, and ran
# into error at the end since no patterns matched.
- # First confirmation.
- install_process.expect(u'Press ENTER to continue with the installation: ', timeout=5)
- install_process.sendline(u'')
- # Second confirmation.
- install_process.expect(u'Press ENTER to continue: ', timeout=5)
- install_process.sendline(u'')
+ # Provide database password.
+ install_process.expect(u'What is the password to access the database with user.*\?', timeout=10)
+ install_process.sendline(u'nextcloud')
+ # Provide administrator password.
+ install_process.expect(u'What is the password you like to use for the admin account.*\?', timeout=10)
+ install_process.sendline(u'admin')
# Wait for application to finish.
- install_process.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=60)
+ install_process.expect(pexpect.EOF, timeout=120)
except pexpect.EOF as e:
- # Close application.
+ # Print command output. Has to be done prior to final wait for
+ # pexpect.EOF.
+ print(install_process.before.encode('utf-8'))
+ # Close application. Additional wait for pexpect.EOF prevents the
+ # process from getting killed prematurely in case it exits
+ # immediatelly (due to wrong command line arguments etc). Some
+ # background information can be found at (although it is a very old
+ # post):
+ #
+ # https://www.heikkitoivonen.net/blog/2009/01/28/pexpect-and-inconsistent-exit-status/
+ #
+ install_process.expect(pexpect.EOF)
- # Print text output.
- print(install_process.before)
# Return same exit code like child process.
@@ -1714,15 +1765,15 @@ Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the
- mail_forwarder
- web_server
- database_server
- - tbg
+ - nextcloud
7. Apply the changes::
workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml
-8. At this point *The Bug Genie* has been installed, and you should be able to
- open the URL https://tbg.example.com/ and log-in into *The Bug Genie*
- with username ``administrator`` and password ``admin``.
+8. At this point *Nextcloud* has been installed, and you should be
+ able to open the URL https://nextcloud.example.com/ and log-in into
+ *Nextcloud* with username ``admin`` and password ``admin``.
Deploying a WSGI application (Django Wiki)
@@ -2144,7 +2195,7 @@ on the safe side:
- mail_forwarder
- web_server
- database_server
- - tbg
+ - nextcloud
- wiki
7. Apply the changes:
@@ -2373,36 +2424,39 @@ So, back to the business:
Adding backup support to custom roles
-As mentioned before, all of the supplied roles coming with *Majic Ansible Roles*
-include backup support. What gets backed-up depends on the role implementation
-(see role reference for details). What about backup support for custom roles?
-This is something that has to be done by hand. However, it is quite simple to do
-Backup integration will be demonstrated with the previously implemented
-``tbg`` role.
-*The Bug Genie* stores most of its data in database, but thanks to the
-``database`` role its backup is already handled for us. As a side-note, just
-before every backup run the database is dumped and stored in location
-``/srv/backup/tbg.sql``. That file is subsequently backed-up via *Duply* run.
-What is not backed-up for us, though, are the files uploaded to *The Bug
-Genie*. So let's fix that one.
-1. Add the ``backup`` role to list of dependencies. Take note that while the
- ``backup_client`` role deals with basic set-up of backup client and its
- configuration, the ``backup`` role is used to define what should be
- backed-up. It is important to define unique filename for the backup patterns
- file. Take into account that you can use pretty much any globbing pattern
- supported by Duplicity.
+As mentioned before, all of the supplied roles coming with *Majic
+Ansible Roles* include backup support. What gets backed-up depends on
+the role implementation (see role reference for details). What about
+backup support for custom roles? This is something that has to be
+done by hand. However, it is quite simple to do so.
+Backup integration will be demonstrated with the previously
+implemented ``nextcloud`` role.
+*Nextcloud* stores most of its data on the filesystem, but also in the
+database. Thanks to the ``database`` role, though, database backup is
+already handled for us. As a side-note, just before every backup run
+the database is dumped and stored in location
+``/srv/backup/nextcloud.sql``. That file is subsequently backed-up via
+*Duply* run.
+What is not backed-up for us, though, are the uploaded files
+themselves, as well as configuration (which is generated during
+application installation). So let's fix that one.
+1. Add the ``backup`` role to list of dependencies. Take note that
+ while the ``backup_client`` role deals with basic set-up of backup
+ client and its configuration, the ``backup`` role is used to define
+ what should be backed-up. It is important to define unique filename
+ for the backup patterns file. Take into account that you can use
+ pretty much any globbing pattern supported by Duplicity.
.. warning::
- Make sure the addition is properly aligned in the yaml file to previous
- role dependency definitions.
+ Make sure the addition is properly aligned in the yaml file to
+ previous role dependency definitions.
- :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/meta/main.yml`
+ :file:`~/mysite/roles/nextcloud/meta/main.yml`
.. Small workaround for Sphinx not preserving leading spaces in
case all lines have the same amount of leading spaces.
@@ -2412,22 +2466,18 @@ Genie*. So let's fix that one.
- role: backup
when: enable_backup
- backup_patterns_filename: "tbg"
+ backup_patterns_filename: "nextcloud"
- - "/var/www/tbg.example.com/files"
+ - "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/data"
+ - "/var/www/nextcloud.example.com/nextcloud/config"
2. Apply the changes::
workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml
3. Now rerun the backup on server ``www.example.com`` (as root). If
- you haven't uploaded any files, you may want to do so before
- testing to make sure something is backed-up. This will require
- enabling file uploads in `The Bug Genie settings
- `_, creating a test
- project, and then adding a new project release (via project's
- release center). While creating a new project release, it is
- possible to upload a release file.
+ you haven't uploaded any files to Nextcloud, you may want to do so
+ before testing to make sure something is backed-up.
@@ -2439,10 +2489,11 @@ Genie*. So let's fix that one.
duply main list
-.. note:: If you wanted to run a script prior to backup run, you would simply
- deploy a shell script with desired content to
- ``/etc/duply/main/pre.d/``. Just make sure the permissions for it are
- ok (it has to be executable by the root user).
+.. note::
+ If you wanted to run a script prior to backup run, you would simply
+ deploy a shell script with desired content to
+ ``/etc/duply/main/pre.d/``. Just make sure the permissions for it
+ are ok (it has to be executable by the root user).
Dealing with failures