diff --git a/roles/wsgi_website/tasks/main.yml b/roles/wsgi_website/tasks/main.yml index 1c9b2cc6e97f48c3d04e323d4e7548b2a9f18ec4..4f07bcaa56431d3bda4fd3c7e1c4feadc958e0ea 100644 --- a/roles/wsgi_website/tasks/main.yml +++ b/roles/wsgi_website/tasks/main.yml @@ -106,49 +106,13 @@ group: "{{ user }}" mode: 02750 -# @TODO: Get rid of this if possible in Debian Buster. -# Do not install setuptools when creating the virtual environment - -# otherwise it will also install Debian-specific pkg-resources -# package. The pkg-resources package can be removed, but this breaks -# the package downloading via pip. -# -# Install setuptools later on via separate pip invocation. -# -# The pkg-resources package is also annoying because it shows-up in -# the output of the pip freeze command, and also interferes with the -# virtual environment management using pip-tools. -# -# For more details, see: -# -# - https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/4022 -# - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-pip/+bug/1635463 -# - https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=871790 - - name: Create Python virtual environment - command: '/usr/bin/virtualenv --no-setuptools --python "{{ python_interpreter }}" --prompt "({{ fqdn }})" "{{ home }}/virtualenv"' + command: '/usr/bin/virtualenv --python "{{ python_interpreter }}" --prompt "({{ fqdn }})" "{{ home }}/virtualenv"' args: creates: "{{ home }}/virtualenv/bin/{{ python_interpreter | basename }}" become: true become_user: "{{ admin }}" -# @TODO: Park of the pkg-resources described above. -- name: Install setuptools in virtual environment - pip: - name: - - "setuptools" - virtualenv: "{{ home }}/virtualenv" - become: true - become_user: "{{ admin }}" - -# @TODO: Park of the pkg-resources described above. -- name: Remove the pkg-resources package from virtual environment (see comments above for details) - pip: - name: pkg-resources - virtualenv: "{{ home }}/virtualenv" - state: absent - become: true - become_user: "{{ admin }}" - - name: Configure project directory for the Python virtual environment template: src: "venv_project.j2"