Files @ 38c3569bdc6a
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/requirements.txt

MAR-151: Added support for Debian 10 Buster to wsgi_website role:

- Updated role reference documentaiton.
- Updated role meta information.
- Updated tests.
- Replace the installation of libmariadbclient-dev-compat library with
atftp - the actual package is differently named under Debian Stretch
and Debian Buster (which would complicate the test without any
- Drop the fix for root mail alias in Vagrant image - seems it's no
longer a problem.
- Split-up the test for web application user since it's not possible
to keep it all under one parametrised test due to differences in
assigned system UID numbers for Debian Stretch and Debian Buster.
- Make the test for web application user less dependant on what the
actual UID number is in case of default value. By default user
should be created as system user, which means its UID number should
be less than 1000.
# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile
# To update, run:
#    pip-compile --allow-unsafe
alabaster==0.7.12         # via sphinx
ansible-lint==4.2.0       # via molecule
ansible==2.9.13           # via -r, ansible-lint, molecule
anyconfig==0.9.7          # via molecule
appdirs==1.4.4            # via virtualenv
arrow==0.16.0             # via jinja2-time
aspy.yaml==1.3.0          # via pre-commit
attrs==20.2.0             # via pytest
babel==2.8.0              # via sphinx
bcrypt==3.1.7             # via paramiko
binaryornot==0.4.4        # via cookiecutter
cerberus==1.3.2           # via molecule
certifi==2020.6.20        # via requests
cffi==1.14.3              # via bcrypt, cryptography, pynacl
cfgv==2.0.1               # via pre-commit
chardet==3.0.4            # via binaryornot, requests
click-completion==0.5.2   # via molecule
click==7.1.2              # via click-completion, cookiecutter, molecule, pip-tools, python-gilt
colorama==0.4.3           # via molecule, python-gilt
cookiecutter==1.7.2       # via molecule
cryptography==2.9.2       # via ansible, gimmecert, paramiko
defusedxml==0.6.0         # via -r
distlib==0.3.1            # via virtualenv
dnspython==1.16.0         # via -r
docutils==0.16            # via sphinx
fasteners==0.15           # via python-gilt
filelock==3.0.12          # via virtualenv
flake8==3.8.3             # via molecule
gimmecert==0.4.0          # via -r
git-url-parse==1.2.2      # via python-gilt
identify==1.5.4           # via pre-commit
idna==2.10                # via requests
imagesize==1.2.0          # via sphinx
importlib-metadata==1.7.0  # via flake8, pluggy, pre-commit, pytest, virtualenv
importlib-resources==3.0.0  # via pre-commit, virtualenv
iniconfig==1.0.1          # via pytest
jinja2-time==0.2.0        # via cookiecutter
jinja2==2.11.2            # via ansible, click-completion, cookiecutter, jinja2-time, molecule, sphinx
markupsafe==1.1.1         # via cookiecutter, jinja2
mccabe==0.6.1             # via flake8
molecule==2.22            # via -r
monotonic==1.5            # via fasteners
more-itertools==8.5.0     # via pytest
nodeenv==1.5.0            # via pre-commit
packaging==20.4           # via pytest, sphinx
paramiko==2.7.2           # via -r, molecule
pathlib2==2.3.5           # via pytest
pathspec==0.8.0           # via yamllint
pbr==5.5.0                # via git-url-parse, python-gilt
pexpect==4.8.0            # via molecule
pip-tools==5.3.1          # via -r
pluggy==0.13.1            # via pytest
poyo==0.5.0               # via cookiecutter
pre-commit==1.21.0        # via molecule
psutil==5.7.2             # via molecule
ptyprocess==0.6.0         # via pexpect
py==1.9.0                 # via pytest
pyasn1-modules==0.2.8     # via python-ldap
pyasn1==0.4.8             # via pyasn1-modules, python-ldap
pycodestyle==2.6.0        # via flake8
pycparser==2.20           # via cffi
pyflakes==2.2.0           # via flake8
pygments==2.7.1           # via sphinx
pynacl==1.4.0             # via paramiko
pyparsing==2.4.7          # via packaging
pytest==6.0.2             # via testinfra
python-dateutil==2.8.1    # via arrow, gimmecert
python-gilt==1.2.2        # via molecule
python-ldap==3.3.1        # via -r
python-slugify==4.0.1     # via cookiecutter
python-vagrant==0.5.15    # via -r
pytz==2020.1              # via babel
pyyaml==5.3.1             # via ansible, ansible-lint, aspy.yaml, molecule, pre-commit, python-gilt, yamllint
requests==2.24.0          # via cookiecutter, sphinx
ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.2   # via ruamel.yaml
ruamel.yaml==0.16.12      # via ansible-lint
sh==1.14.0                # via molecule, python-gilt
shellingham==1.3.2        # via click-completion
six==1.15.0               # via ansible-lint, bcrypt, cfgv, click-completion, cookiecutter, cryptography, fasteners, molecule, packaging, pathlib2, pip-tools, pre-commit, pynacl, python-dateutil, sphinx, testinfra, virtualenv
snowballstemmer==2.0.0    # via sphinx
sphinx-rtd-theme==0.4.3   # via -r
sphinx==1.7.9             # via -r, sphinx-rtd-theme
sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml==1.1.4  # via sphinxcontrib-websupport
sphinxcontrib-websupport==1.2.4  # via sphinx
tabulate==0.8.7           # via molecule
testinfra==3.4.0          # via molecule
text-unidecode==1.3       # via python-slugify
toml==0.10.1              # via pre-commit, pytest
tree-format==0.1.2        # via molecule
urllib3==1.25.10          # via requests
virtualenv==20.0.31       # via pre-commit
yamllint==1.24.2          # via molecule
zipp==1.2.0               # via importlib-metadata, importlib-resources

# The following packages are considered to be unsafe in a requirements file:
pip==20.2.3               # via -r, pip-tools
setuptools==50.3.0        # via -r, cerberus, sphinx