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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_forwarder/tests/

MAR-127: Implemented time synchronisation set-up in common role:

- Added new parameter ntp_servers for defining list of servers to use.
- Deploy ntp and ntpdate packages and relevant configuration files.
- Updated tests, fixing expected restriction lines in ntp
configuration, and adding an additional test to make sure the ntp
daemon has reread its configuration.
import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_connectivity_from_relay(Command, Sudo):
    Tests connectivity towards mail forwarder servers from relay. Connection
    towards parameters-mandatory should fail.

    with Sudo():

        ping = Command('hping3 -S -p 25 -c 1 parameters-mandatory')
        assert ping.rc != 0
        assert "100% packet loss" in ping.stderr

        ping = Command('hping3 -S -p 25 -c 1 parameters-optional')
        assert ping.rc == 0

        ping = Command('hping3 -S -p 25 -c 1 parameters-no-incoming')
        assert "100% packet loss" in ping.stderr
        assert ping.rc != 0

def test_mail_reception_from_relay(Command, Sudo):
    Tests if mails can be sent from relay to servers configured to use the

    send = Command('swaks --suppress-data --to root@parameters-optional --server parameters-optional')
    assert send.rc == 0

def test_open_relay(Command):
    Tests if mail forwarder behaves as open relay.

    no_recipients_accepted = 24

    send = Command('swaks --suppress-data --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional')
    assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted
    assert "Relay access denied" in send.stdout