Files @ 8d272d91d3d2
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/database_server/molecule/default/tests/

MAR-165: Deploy Diffie-Helman parameters for LDAP server in the ldap_server role:

- Not relevant for Debian Strech because of a bug in the OpenLDAP
version it ships with.
- This should allow use of DHE ciphers with LDAP server.
- Generated DH parameters only help pick one of the parameters from
RFC-7919 (based on the size of generated ones).
- Make the cipher test lists distro-specific due to differences
between supported algorithms in respective GnuTLS versions.
import os

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

testinfra_hosts += testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

testinfra_hosts = sorted(set(testinfra_hosts))

def test_installed_packages(host):
    Tests if the correct packages have been installed.

    assert host.package('mariadb-client').is_installed
    assert host.package('mariadb-server').is_installed
    assert host.package('python3-pymysql').is_installed

def test_service(host):
    Tests if the database server service is enabled on boot and running.

    service = host.service('mysql')

    assert service.is_enabled
    assert service.is_running

def test_root_my_cnf_is_absent(host):
    Tests if the root my.cnf configuration file is absent (root should
    be able to login via unix socket, and does not need its password

    with host.sudo():

        assert not host.file('/root/.my.cnf').exists

def test_root_password_is_not_empty(host):
    Tests if the database server root password is empty.

    login ="mysql -uroot -BNe 'show databases'")

    assert login.rc != 0

def test_root_os_user_can_login(host):
    Tests if the root account can log-in without providing any password (via unix socket).

    with host.sudo():
        login ="mysql -uroot -BNe 'show databases'")

    assert login.rc == 0
    assert "information_schema" in login.stdout
    assert "mysql" in login.stdout
    assert "performance_schema" in login.stdout

def test_utf8_configuration_file(host):
    Tests if UTF-8 database server configuration file has been deployed

    config = host.file('/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/90-utf8.cnf')

    assert config.is_file
    assert config.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert config.mode == 0o644

def test_utf8_configuration(host):
    Tests if UTF-8 configuration has been applied correctly to server.

    with host.sudo():
        assert"mysql -uroot -BNe 'drop database if exists test'").rc == 0
        assert"mysql -uroot -BNe 'create database test'").rc == 0

        check_server ="mysql -uroot test -BNe 'select @@character_set_server; select @@collation_server'")

        assert check_server.rc == 0
        assert check_server.stdout == "utf8\nutf8_general_ci\n"

        check_database ="mysql -uroot test -BNe 'select @@character_set_database; select @@collation_database'")

        assert check_database.rc == 0
        assert check_database.stdout == "utf8\nutf8_general_ci\n"

        check_database ="mysql -uroot -BNe 'select @@character_set_connection; select @@collation_connection'")

        assert check_database.rc == 0
        assert check_database.stdout == "utf8\nutf8_general_ci\n"

def test_root_can_login_via_unix_socket_only(host):
    Tests if the root login is possible only via unix socket.

    with host.sudo():

        root_logins_without_unix_socket_count ="mysql -BNe %s", "select count(*) from mysql.user where user = 'root' and plugin != 'unix_socket'")
        root_logins_with_unix_socket ="mysql -BNe %s", "select User, Host, Password from mysql.user where user = 'root' and plugin = 'unix_socket'")

        assert root_logins_without_unix_socket_count.rc == 0
        assert root_logins_without_unix_socket_count.stdout.strip() == "0"

        assert root_logins_with_unix_socket.rc == 0
        assert root_logins_with_unix_socket.stdout.strip() == "root	localhost"

def test_debian_system_maintenance_user_is_absent(host):
    Tests if the dedicated Debian system maintenance user is absent
    (leftover from Debian Jessie and previous versions).

    with host.sudo():
        debian_system_maintenance_user ="mysql -BNe %s", "select count(*) from mysql.user where user = 'debian-sys-maint'")

        assert debian_system_maintenance_user.rc == 0
        assert debian_system_maintenance_user.stdout.strip() == "0"

def test_debian_system_maintenance_configuration_file(host):
    Tests if the Debian system maintenance configuration file has been
    set-up properly.

    with host.sudo():
        config = host.file("/etc/mysql/debian.cnf")

        assert config.is_file
        assert config.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert config.mode == 0o600
        assert "debian-sys-maint" not in config.content_string

def test_debian_system_maintenance_configuration_file_can_be_used_for_login(host):
    Tests if the Debian system maintenance configuration file can be
    used for authenticating as the root user.

    with host.sudo():
        login ="mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -NBe %s", "select current_user();")

        assert login.rc == 0
        assert login.stdout.strip() == "root@localhost"