import socket import paramiko import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( '.molecule/ansible_inventory').get_hosts('all') def test_installed_software(Package): """ Tests if the required packages have been installed. """ assert Package('duplicity').is_installed assert Package('duply').is_installed def test_backup_directory(File, Sudo): """ Tests if the backup directory has been set-up correctly. """ with Sudo(): backup_directory = File('/srv/backups') assert backup_directory.is_directory assert backup_directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert backup_directory.mode == 0o751 def test_regular_ssh_server_configuration(File, Sudo): """ Tests if the default SSH server has been configured correctly (to prevent access to it via backup users). """ with Sudo(): assert "DenyGroups backup" in File('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').content def test_backup_ssh_server_configuration_directory(File, Sudo): """ Tests if the backup SSH server configuration directory has been created correctly. """ with Sudo(): backup_ssh_server_directory = File('/etc/ssh-backup') assert backup_ssh_server_directory.is_directory assert backup_ssh_server_directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert backup_ssh_server_directory.mode == 0o700 def test_backup_ssh_server_service_configuration(File): """ Tests if the backup SSH server service configuration file has been set-up correctly. """ config_file = File('/etc/default/ssh-backup') assert config_file.is_file assert config_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config_file.mode == 0o644 assert 'SSHD_OPTS="-f /etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config"' in config_file.content def test_backup_ssh_server_configuration(File, Sudo): """ Tests if the backup SSH server configuration file has been set-up correctly. """ with Sudo(): config_file = File('/etc/ssh-backup/sshd_config') assert config_file.is_file assert config_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config_file.mode == 0o600 assert "AllowGroups backup" in config_file.content assert "ChrootDirectory %h" in config_file.content assert "ForceCommand internal-sftp" in config_file.content assert "Subsystem sftp internal-sftp" in config_file.content assert "PasswordAuthentication no" in config_file.content assert "PubkeyAuthentication yes" in config_file.content assert "PermitRootLogin no" in config_file.content assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_rsa_key" in config_file.content assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_dsa_key" in config_file.content assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ecdsa_key" in config_file.content assert "HostKey /etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ed25519_key" in config_file.content def test_backup_ssh_server_keys(File, Sudo): """ Tests if the backup SSH server private keys have been deployed correctly. """ with Sudo(): dsa = File('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_dsa_key') assert dsa.is_file assert dsa.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert dsa.mode == 0o600 assert dsa.content == open('tests/data/ssh/server_dsa', 'r').read() rsa = File('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_rsa_key') assert rsa.is_file assert rsa.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert rsa.mode == 0o600 assert rsa.content == open('tests/data/ssh/server_rsa', 'r').read() ed25519 = File('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ed25519_key') assert ed25519.is_file assert ed25519.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ed25519.mode == 0o600 assert ed25519.content == open('tests/data/ssh/server_ed25519', 'r').read() ecdsa = File('/etc/ssh-backup/ssh_host_ecdsa_key') assert ecdsa.is_file assert ecdsa.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ecdsa.mode == 0o600 assert ecdsa.content == open('tests/data/ssh/server_ecdsa', 'r').read() def test_backup_ssh_server_systemd_service(File): """ Tests if the backup SSH server systemd service file has been deployed correctly. """ service_file = File('/etc/systemd/system/ssh-backup.service') assert service_file.is_file assert service_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert service_file.mode == 0o644 assert "EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/ssh-backup" in service_file.content def test_backup_ssh_server_service(Service, Socket, Sudo): """ Tests if the backup SSH server service is running and listening on correct port. """ with Sudo(): service = Service('ssh-backup') assert service.is_running assert service.is_enabled assert Socket('tcp://').is_listening def test_backup_ssh_server_login_mechanisms(): """ Tests available SSH login mechanisms (should be just public key). """ sock = socket.socket() sock.connect(('', 2222)) transport = paramiko.transport.Transport(sock) transport.connect() try: transport.auth_none('') except paramiko.transport.BadAuthenticationType, err: assert err.allowed_types == ['publickey']