.. _usage: Usage ===== Majic Ansible Roles are targeted at sysadmins who wish to deploy services for their own, small-scale use. This chapter gives a simple tutorial-like set of instructions for using all of the roles available. .. contents:: :local: Overview -------- There is a number of different roles that can prove useful for setting-up a small infrastructure of your own. Some roles are suited for one-off operations during installation, like the ``preseed`` and ``bootstrap``, while some are better suited for periodic runs for maintaining the users and integrity of the system. By the end of the instructions you will have the following: * Ansible server, used for configuring the remaining servers. * Communications server, providing the LDAP, mail, and XMPP services. * Web server, providing the web services. * Backup server, where the backups will be stored at. Pre-requisites -------------- For the set-up outlined in this usage guide you'll need the following: * One server where Ansible will be installed at. Debian Jessie will be installed on top of this server. The server will be set-up manually (this is currently out of scope for the *Majic Ansible Roles* automated set-up). * Three servers where the services will be set-up. All servers must be able to communicate over network with each-other, the Ansible servers, and with Internet. Debian Jessie will be installed on top of this server as part of the usage instructions. * Debian Jessie network install CD. * All servers should be on the same network. * IP addresses for all servers should be known. * Netmask for all servers should be known. * Gateway for all servers should be known. In case of the servers listed above, it might be safest to have them as VMs - this is cheapest thing to do, and simplest (who wants to deal with pesky hardware anyway?). Usage instructions assume the following: * Domain used for all servers is ``example.com``. If you wish to use a different domain, adjust the instructions accordingly. * Server hostnames are ``ansible``, ``comms``, ``www``, and ``bak`` (for Ansible server, communications server, web server, and backup server, respectively). Installing the OS on Ansible server ----------------------------------- Start-off by installing the operating system on the Ansible server: 1. Fire-up the ``ansible`` server, and boot from the network installation CD. 2. Select the **Install** option. 3. Pick **English** as language. 4. Pick the country you are living in (or whatever else you want). 5. Pick the **en_US.UTF-8** locale. 6. Pick the **American English** keymap. 7. Configure the network if necessary. 8. Set the hostname to ``ansible``. 9. Set the domain to ``example.com``. 10. Set the root password. 11. Create a new user. For simplicity, call the user **Ansible user**, with username **ansible**. 12. Set-up partitioning in any way you want. You can go for **Guided - use entire disk** if you want to keep it simple and are just testing things. 13. Wait until the base system has been installed. 14. Pick whatever Debian archive mirror is closest to you. 15. If you have an HTTP proxy, provide its URL. 16. Pick if you want to participate in package survey or not. 17. Make sure that at least the **standard system utilities** and **SSH server** options are selected on task selection screen. 18. Wait for packages to be installed. 19. Install the GRUB boot loader on MBR. 20. Finalise the server install, and remove the installation media from server. Installing required packages ---------------------------- With the operating system installed, it is necessary to install a couple of packages, and to prepare the environment a bit on the Ansible server: 1. Install the necessary system packages (using the ``root`` account):: apt-get install -y virtualenv virtualenvwrapper git python-pip python-dev 2. Set-up the virtual environment (using the ``ansible`` account): .. warning:: If you are already logged-in as user ``ansible`` in the server, you will need to log-out and log-in again in order to be able to use ``virtualenvwrapper`` commands! :: mkdir ~/mysite/ mkvirtualenv -a ~/mysite/ mysite pip install -U pip pip install 'ansible~=1.9' Cloning the *Majic Ansible Roles* --------------------------------- With most of the software pieces in place, the only missing thing is the Majic Ansible Roles: 1. Clone the git repository:: git clone http://code.majic.rs/majic-ansible-roles ~/majic-ansible-roles 2. Checkout the correct version of the roles:: cd ~/majic-ansible-roles/ git checkout -b 1.0.0 1.0.0 Preparing the basic site configuration -------------------------------------- Phew... Now that was a bit tedious and boring... But at least you are now ready to set-up your own site :) First of all, let's set-up some basic directory structure and configuration: 1. Create Ansible configuration file. :file:`~/mysite/ansible.cfg` :: [defaults] roles_path=/home/ansible/majic-ansible-roles/roles:/home/ansible/mysite/roles force_handlers = True retry_files_save_path = /home/ansible/mysite/retry inventory = /home/ansible/mysite/hosts 2. Create directory where retry files will be stored at (so they woudln't pollute your home directory):: mkdir ~/mysite/retry 3. Create the hosts file. :file:`~/mysite/hosts` :: [preseed] localhost ansible_connection=local [communications] comms.example.com [web] www.example.com [backup] bak.example.com 4. Create a number of directories for storing playbooks, group variables, SSH keys, and GnuPG keyring (we'll get to this later):: mkdir ~/mysite/playbooks/ mkdir ~/mysite/group_vars/ mkdir ~/mysite/ssh/ mkdir ~/mysite/gnupg/ 5. Before moving ahead, we should also create SSH private/public key pair that will be used by Ansible for connecting to destination servers, as well as for some roles:: ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -N '' Preseed files ------------- The ``preseed`` role is useful for generating Debian preseed files. Preseed files can be used for automating the Debian installation process. Preseed files are commonly created on the Ansible host, and then in some way served to the servers using them during install. So, let's set this up for start: 1. First of all, create the playbook for generating the preseed files locally. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/preseed.yml` :: --- - hosts: preseed roles: - preseed 2. And that is about it to be able to actually use this particular role! So let's try running it:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/preseed.yml 3. If all went well, you should have the following files created: * :file:`~/mysite/preseed_files/comms.example.com.cfg` * :file:`~/mysite/preseed_files/www.example.com.cfg` * :file:`~/mysite/preseed_files/bak.example.com.cfg` 4. You can have a look at them, but you might notice the settings in the file might not be to your liking. In particular, it could be using wrong timezone, defaulting to DHCP for network configuration etc. Let's concentrate on making the network configuration changes - this is the main thing that will probably differ in your environment. Create a new configuration file: :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/preseed.yml` :: --- # Set your default (initial) root password. preseed_root_password: changeit # Use manual network configuration (no DHCP). preseed_network_auto: no # Set the gateway for all servers. preseed_gateway: # Set the netmask for all servers. preseed_netmask: # Set the DNS for all servers. preseed_dns: # Set the domain for all servers. preseed_domain: example.com # Set the server-specific options. preseed_server_overrides: comms.example.com: hostname: comms ip: www.example.com: hostname: www ip: bak.example.com: hostname: bak ip: 5. Now re-run the preseed playbook:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/preseed.yml 6. The preseed files should have been updated now, and you should have the new customised configuration files in the ``preseed_files`` directory. You can now use these to install the servers. Installing the servers with preseed files ----------------------------------------- You have your preseed files now, so you can go ahead and install the servers ``comms.example.com``, ``www.example.com``, and ``bak.example.com`` using them with network install CD. Have a look at `Debian `_ instructions for more details. If you need to, you can easily serve the preseed files from the Ansible server with Python's built-in HTTP server:: cd ~/mysite/preseed_files/ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 Bootstrapping servers for Ansible set-up ---------------------------------------- In order to effectively use Ansible, a small initial bootstrap always has to be done for managed servers. This mainly involves set-up of Ansible users on the destination machine, and distributing the SSH public keys for authorisation. When you use the preseed configuration files to deploy a server, you get the benefit of having the authorized_keys set-up for the root operating system user, making it easier to bootstrap the machines subsequently via Ansible. Let's bootstrap our machines now: 1. For start, create a dedicated playbook for the bootstrap process. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/bootstrap.yml` :: --- - hosts: [communications, web, backup] remote_user: root roles: - bootstrap 2. The ``bootstrap`` role has only one parameter - an SSH key which should be deployed for the Ansible user on managed server (in the ``authorized_keys`` file). This defaults to content of local file ``~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub``, so no need to make any changes so far. 3. SSH into all machines at least once from the Ansible server in order to store the SSH fingerprints into known hosts file:: ssh root@comms.example.com date ssh root@www.example.com date ssh root@bak.example.com date 4. Now, simply run the bootstrap role against the servers:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/bootstrap.yml 6. At this point you won't be able to ssh into the machines with root account anymore. You will be able to ssh into the machines using the private key of the ``ansible`` user (from the Ansible server). The ``ansible`` user will also be granted ability to run the ``sudo`` commands without providing password. 7. After this you can finally move on to configuring what you really want - common configuration and services for your site. Common server configuration --------------------------- Each server needs to share some common configuration in order to be functioning properly. This includes set-up of some shared accounts, perhaps some hardening etc. Let's take care of this common configuration right away: 1. Create playbook for the communications server: :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/communications.yml` :: --- - hosts: communications remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common 2. Create playbook for the web server: :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common 3. Create playbook for the backup server: :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/backup.yml` :: --- - hosts: backup remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common 4. Create the global site playbook: :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/site.yml` :: --- - include: preseed.yml - include: communications.yml - include: web.yml - include: backup.yml 5. Time to create configuration for the role. Since this role is supposed to set-up a common base, we'll set-up the variables file that applies to all roles: :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/all.yml` :: --- os_users: - name: admin uid: 1000 additional_groups: - sudo authorized_keys: - "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub') }}" password: "{{ 'admin' | password_hash('sha512') }}" common_packages: - emacs24-nox 6. That's all for configuration, time to apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 7. After this you should be able to *ssh* from Ansible server onto the managed servers as user ``admin`` using the *SSH* private key. The ``admin`` user's password has also been set to ``admin``, and the user will be member of ``sudo`` group. Introducing LDAP ---------------- Since some of the services actually depend on LDAP, we'll go ahead and set that one up first. This includes both the LDAP *server* and *client* configuration. 1. Update the playbook for communications server to include the LDAP client and server roles (``ldap_client`` and ``ldap_server``, respectively). :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/communications.yml` :: --- - hosts: communications remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - ldap_server 2. Update the playbook for web server to include the LDAP client role (``ldap_client``). You never know when it might come in handy :) :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client 3. Time to configure the roles. For start, let us configure the LDAP server role. Keep in mind that there is a lot of default variables set-up by the role itself, making our config rather short. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: --- ldap_admin_password: admin ldap_server_organization: "Example Inc." 4. Phew. That was... Well, actually, easy :) Technically, only the LDAP admin password *must* be set, but it's nice to have better organisation specified than the default one. Let's add the LDAP client configuration next. We will start off with global LDAP client configuration. In case of LDAP client, we've got to be a bit more explicit. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/all.yml` :: # Observe how we set the base DN. By default the ldap_server role # (defined up there) will use server's domain to form the base for LDAP. ldap_client_config: - comment: Set the base DN option: BASE value: dc=example,dc=com - comment: Set the default URI option: URI value: ldap://comms.example.com/ - comment: Set the LDAP TLS truststore option: TLS_CACERT value: /etc/ssl/certs/truststore.pem - comment: Enforce TLS option: TLS_REQCERT value: demand 5. Ok, so this looks nice and dandy... But, let's have a bit better configuration on the communications server itself. Namely, on that one we should be able to connect to socket with LDAP clients instead over TCP port. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: ldap_client_config: - comment: Set the base DN option: BASE value: dc=example,dc=com - comment: Set the default URI option: URI value: ldapi:/// - comment: Set the default bind DN, useful for administration. option: BINDDN value: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com - comment: Set the LDAP TLS truststore option: TLS_CACERT value: /etc/ssl/certs/truststore.pem - comment: Enforce TLS option: TLS_REQCERT value: demand 6. Ok, time to re-run the playbooks again... Wait a minute, something is missing here... Oh, right, forgot to mention one thing - Majic Ansible Roles use TLS throughout wherever possible. In other words, you *must* have TLS private keys and certificates issued by some CA for all servers in order to be able to use most of the roles (actually, you need them issued per *service*). This includes ``ldap_server`` too. So, let's make a slight detour to create a CA of our own, plus the necessary server certificate for the LDAP service... 1. Let's first install a couple of more tools on the Ansible server, since we will be using ``certtool`` for our improvised CA needs (run this as ``root``):: apt-get install -y gnutls-bin 2. Create directory where the private keys and certificates will be stored at (you can switch back to the ``ansible`` user now):: mkdir ~/mysite/tls/ 3. It is time to create a couple of templates for the ``certtool`` so it would know what extensions and content to have in the certificates: :file:`~/mysite/tls/ca.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = "SE" cn = "Example Inc. Test Site CA" expiration_days = 1825 ca cert_signing_key crl_signing_key :file:`~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. LDAP Server" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "comms.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 4. Almost there... Now let's generate the keys and certificates:: certtool --sec-param high --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.key certtool --template ~/mysite/tls/ca.cfg --generate-self-signed --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_ldap.pem 5. And just one more small tweak - we need to provide a truststore PEM file containing all CA certificates in the chain. In this particular case we have a super-simple hierarchy (root CA is also issuing the end entity certificates), so simply make a copy of the ``ca.pem``. The ``truststore.pem`` file is picked-up automatically by many other roles:: cp ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem ~/mysite/tls/truststore.pem 7. With private keys and certificates in place, we are almost ready to re-run the playbooks! Now, just a *small* tweak to the general configuration to set where the TLS private keys and certificates can be found at, and all should be fine. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/all.yml` :: tls_private_key_dir: "~/mysite/tls/" tls_certificate_dir: "~/mysite/tls/" ca_certificates: "truststore.pem": "{{ lookup('file', '~/mysite/tls/truststore.pem') }}" 8. And now as finishing touch, simply run the playbooks again:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml Adding mail server ------------------ The next thing in line is to implement the mail server capability. *Majic Ansible Roles* come with two distinct mail server-related roles. One for setting-up a mail server host (with authenticated IMAP, SMTP, mail storage etc), and one for setting-up a local SMTP mail forwarder (for having the rest of your servers relay their mails to the mail server host). The mail server role looks-up available mail domains, users, and aliases in the LDAP directory. This has already been set-up on the server ``comms.example.com``, but some changes will be required. 1. Update the playbook for communications server to include the mail server role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/communications.yml` :: --- - hosts: communications remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - ldap_server - mail_server 2. Let's configure the role next. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # Set the LDAP URL to connect through. Keep in mind TLS is required. mail_ldap_url: ldap://comms.example.com/ # Here we need to point to the base DN of LDAP server. A bunch of entries # will need to exist under it for service to function correctly, though. mail_ldap_base_dn: dc=example,dc=com # Separate LDAP entries are used for Postfix/Dovecot # authentication. Therefore we have two passwords here. mail_ldap_postfix_password: postfix mail_ldap_dovecot_password: dovecot # Setting uid/gid is optional, but you might have a policy on how to # assign UIDs and GIDs, so it is convenient to be able to change this. mail_user_uid: 5000 mail_user_gid: 5000 3. There are two distinct mail services that need to access the LDAP directory - *Postfix* (serving as an SMTP server), and *Dovecot* (serving as an IMAP server). These two need their own dedicated LDAP entries on the LDAP server in order to log-in. Luckily, it is easy to create such entries through the options provided by the LDAP server role. In addition to this, the Postfix and Dovecot services will check if users are members of ``mail`` group in LDAP directory before accepting them as valid mail users. Once again, the LDAP server role comes with a simple option for creating groups. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # Don't forget, the passwords here must match with passwords specified # under options mail_ldap_postfix_password/mail_ldap_dovecot_password. ldap_server_consumers: - name: postfix password: postfix - name: dovecot password: dovecot ldap_server_groups: - name: mail 4. Ok, so now our SMTP and IMAP service can log-in into the LDAP server to look-up the mail server information. We have also defined the mail group for limitting which users get mail service. However, we don't have any user/domain information yet. So let's change that, using the ``ldap_entries`` option from LDAP server role. .. warning:: Long-term, you probably want to manage these entries manually or through other means than the ``ldap_entries`` option. The reason for this is because this type of data in LDAP directory can be considered more of an operational/application data than configuration data that frequently changes (especially the user passwords/info). Backups of LDAP directory on regular basis are important. We will get to that at a later point. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: ldap_entries: # Create first a couple of user entries. Don't forget to set the # "mail" attribute for them. - dn: uid=johndoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: - inetOrgPerson uid: johndoe cn: John Doe sn: Doe userPassword: johndoe mail: john.doe@example.com - dn: uid=janedoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: - inetOrgPerson uid: janedoe cn: Jane Doe sn: Doe userPassword: janedoe mail: jane.doe@example.com # Now, let's add the two users to the mail group. Observe that we use # the "state: append" option. This is a bit of a cheat since the # ldap_entries option passes the provided entries directly to the # ldap_entry module. "state: append" will make sure we don't overwrite # the group, and instead add the attributes to it (in this case we add # the two users from above). - dn: cn=mail,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com uniqueMember: - uid=johndoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com - uid=janedoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com state: append # Let's register our domain in LDAP directory. - dn: dc=example.com,ou=domains,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: dNSDomain dc: "example.com" # Finally, for the lolz, let's also add the standard postmaster alias # for our domain. - dn: cn=postmaster@example.com,ou=aliases,ou=mail,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: nisMailAlias cn: postmaster@example.com rfc822MailMember: john.doe@example.com 5. Once again, before we apply the configuration, we must make sure the necessary TLS private keys and certificates are available. In this particular case, we need to set-up separate key/certificate pair for both the SMTP and IMAP service: 1. Create new templates for ``certtool``: :file:`~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. SMTP Server" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "comms.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key :file:`~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. IMAP Server" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "comms.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 2. Create the keys and certificates for SMTP/IMAP services based on the templates:: certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_smtp.pem certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_imap.pem 6. Configuration and TLS keys have ben set-up, so it is time to apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 7. If no errors have been reported, at this point you should have two mail accounts - ``john.doe@example.com``, with password ``johndoe``, and ``jane.doe@example.com``, with password ``janedoe``. In this particular set-up, the mail addresses are used as usernames. If you want to test it out, simply install ``swaks`` on your Ansible machine, and run something along the lines of .. warning:: You may want to wait around five minutes or so at this point in order to let the ClamAV daemon download the latest virus database, otherwise mail delivery will fail. :: swaks --to john.doe@example.com --server comms.example.com swaks --to jane.doe@example.com --server comms.example.com Of course, free feel to also test out the mail server using any mail client of your choice. When doing so, use port 587 for SMTP. Port 25 is reserved for unauthenticated server-to-server mail deliveries. TLS has also been hardened on port 587 to allow only TLSv1.2 and PFS ciphers. Setting-up mail relaying from web and backup servers ---------------------------------------------------- With the mail server set-up, the next thing to do would be to set-up the SMTP server on web and backup servers to relay mails via the communications server. This way we can make sure that mail that gets sent via local SMTP to external addresses on those two servers goes through our anti-virus scanner. 1. Update the list of roles for web and backup server to include the mail forwarder role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - mail_forwarder :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/backup.yml` :: --- - hosts: backup remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - mail_forwarder 2. The next thing is to set-up the configuration for the new role. We can define this globally for all servers :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/all.yml` :: # First, let's make sure any mails directed to localhost root account get # forwarded to one of our mail users as well. local_mail_aliases: root: root john.doe@example.com # Now signal the local SMTP to relay any non-local mails via our # communications server. Don't forget to specify your own IP address (or # FQDN) here. Without this option, the SMTP would send out the mails # directly. smtp_relay_host: comms.example.com 3. Although we have told our web and backup servers to use the communications server as relay for non-local mail, the communications server is not aware of this. This would result in the communications server refusing all relay attempts (if not, it would be an open relay, which is bad). So, let's fix this a bit - we have a configuration option for the mail server for exactly this purpose. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # We want to allow relaying of mails from our web and backup servers # here.Beware the IP spoofing, though! Don't forget to change the bellow # IP for your server ;) smtp_allow_relay_from: - - 4. Let's apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 5. After this you may want to test out sending mail via web or backup server's local SMTP to the root user (to see if the aliasing works), and to some external mail address to check if forwarding works correctly too. Run some something similar to the following on your web server:: swaks --to root@localhost --server localhost swaks --to YOUR_MAIL --server localhost If all went well, you should be able to see a new mail in John Doe's mailbox, as well as your own mailbox. Adding XMPP server ------------------ Now that the users can communicate via mail server, we might as well add support for some instant messaging. For this purpose, we will use the ``xmpp_server`` role. 1. Update the playbook for communications server to include the XMPP server role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/communications.yml` :: --- - hosts: communications remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - ldap_server - mail_server - xmpp_server 2. Configure the role. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # Set one of the users to also be an XMPP administrator. xmpp_administrators: - john.doe@example.com # Unfortunately, XMPP can't look-up domains via LDAP, so we need to be # explicit here. xmpp_domains: - example.com # Simply point the XMPP server to base DN of LDAP server, and let it use # specific directory structure it expects. xmpp_ldap_base_dn: dc=example,dc=com # Password for logging-in into the LDAP directory. xmpp_ldap_password: prosody # Where the LDAP server is located at. Full-blown LDAP URIs are _not_ # supported! xmpp_ldap_server: comms.example.com 3. Now, like in case of the mail server role, we need to set-up authentication for the XMPP service. In this particular case a single consumer is present - Prosody itself. We should also create the group for granting the users right to use the service. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # Just make sure the new entry is added for the prosody user - you can # leave the postfix/dovecot intact in your file if you use different # passwords. Keep in mind password for prosody user must match with # password specified under xmpp_ldap_password. ldap_server_consumers: - name: postfix password: postfix - name: dovecot password: dovecot - name: prosody password: prosody # And simply append a new group here... ldap_server_groups: - name: mail - name: xmpp 4. Ok, configuration of the role is almost complete. You may have noticed that we still haven't added any users to the new LDAP group called "xmpp". So let us correct this in similar way as we did for the mail server. Since we have the user entries already, no need to recreate them here. We will just update the group membership instead. .. warning:: Same warning applies here as for mail server role for managing the user/group entries! Scroll up and re-read it if you missed it! :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/communications.yml` :: # Don't replace the entire ldap_entries, just append the new group # modification. ldap_entries: # Add the two users to the xmpp group. Observe that we use # the "state: append" option. This is a bit of a cheat since the # ldap_entries option passes the provided entries directly to the # ldap_entry module. "state: append" will make sure we don't overwrite # the group, and instead add the attributes to it (in this case we add # the two users). - dn: cn=xmpp,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com uniqueMember: - uid=johndoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com - uid=janedoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com state: append 5. Do you know what comes next? Yes! Create some more TLS private keys and certificates, this time for our XMPP server ;) 1. Create new template for ``certtool``: :file:`~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. XMPP Server" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "comms.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 2. Create the keys and certificates for XMPP service based on the template:: certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/comms.example.com_xmpp.pem 6. Apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 7. If no errors have been reported, at this point you should have two users capable of using the XMPP service - one with username ``john.doe@example.com`` and one with username ``jane.doe@example.com``. Same passwords are used as for when you were creating the two users for mail server. For testing you can turn to your favourite XMPP client (I don't know of any quick CLI-based tools to test the XMPP server functionality, unfortunately, but you could try using `mcabber `_). Taking a step back - preparing for web server --------------------------------------------- Up until now the usage instructions have dealt almost exclusively with the communications server. That is, we haven't done anything beyond the basic set-up of the other servers. Let us first define what we want to deploy on the web server. Here is the plan: 1. First off, we will set-up the web server. This will be necessary no matter what web application we decide to deploy later on. 2. Next, we will set-up a database server. Why? Well, most web applications need to use some sort of database to store all the data, so we might as well try to take that one out of the way. 3. With this basic deployment for a web server in place, we can move on to setting-up a couple of web applications. For the purpose of the usage instructions, we will deploy the following two: 1. `The Bug Genie `_ - an issue tracker. To keep things simple, we will not integrate it with our LDAP server (although this is supported and possible). Being written in PHP, this will demonstrate the role for PHP web application deployment. 2. `Django Wiki `_ - a wiki application written in Django. This will serve as a demo of how the WSGI role works. It should be noted that the web application deployment roles are a bit more complex - namely they are not meant to be used directly, but instead as a dependency for a custom role. They do come with decent amount of batteries included, and also play nice with the web server role. With all the above noted, let us finally move on to the next step. Setting-up the web server ------------------------- Finally we are moving on to the web server deployment, and we shell start with... Well, erm, web server deployment! To be more precise, we will set-up Nginx. 1. Update the playbook for web server to include the web server role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - mail_forwarder - web_server 2. You know the drill, role configuration comes up next. Actually... The web server role parameters are all optional, and they default to some ok-ish values. But let us spicen up things a bit nevertheless. No configuration has been deployed before for the web server, so we will be creating a new file. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/web.yml` :: --- web_default_title: "Welcome to default page!" web_default_message: "Nothing to see here, move along..." 3. The only thing left now is to create the TLS private key/certificate pair that should be used for default virtual host. 1. Create new template for ``certtool``: :file:`~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. Web Server" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "www.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 2. Create the keys and certificates for default web server virtual host based on the template:: certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/www.example.com_https.pem 4. Apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 5. If no errors have been reported, at this point you should have a default web page available and visible at https://www.example.com/ . By default plaintext connections are disabled, and trying to visit http://www.example.com/ should simply redirect you to the HTTPS address. Feel free to try it out with some browser. Keep in mind you will get a warning about the untrusted certificate! Adding the database server -------------------------- Since both of the web applications we want to deploy need a database, we will proceed to set-up the database server role on the web server itself. *Majic Ansible Roles* in particular come with a role that will deploy MariaDB database server. 1. Update the playbook for web server to include the database server role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - mail_forwarder - web_server - database_server 2. Now let's configure the role. This is rather simplistic, since we only need to set the database server root (admin) password. :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/web.yml` :: db_root_password: root 3. No TLS support has been implemented for this role (yet), so simply apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 4. If no errors have been reported, you should have a database server up and running on the web server. You should be able to log-in using password ``root`` by running the following command on the web server itself:: mysql -uroot -p Of course, no database has been created for either of the web applications, but we will get to that one later (there is a dedicated ``database`` role which can be combined with web app roles for this purpose). Deploying a PHP web application (The Bug Genie) ----------------------------------------------- We have some basic infrastructure up and running now on our web server, so we shall move on to setting-up a PHP web application on it. As mentioned before, we will take *The Bug Genie* as an example. For this we will create a local role in our site to take care of it. This role will in turn utilise two roles coming from *Majic Ansible Roles* that will make our life (a little) easier. To make the example a bit simpler, no parameters will be introducd for this role (not even the password for database, we'll hard-code everything). Before we start, here is a couple of useful pointers regarding the ``php_website`` role we'll be using for the PHP part: * The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website, for example ``web-tbg_example_com``. * PHP applications are executed via FastCGI, using the ``php5-fpm`` package. * Static content (non-PHP) is served directly by *Nginx*. * For administrative purposes you can use a separate user that you have created before (for example via the ``common`` role). This user will get added to application's group. * Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``, named after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are created with ``2750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin user, and group set to the application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit set-up, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group automatically set to the group of the parent directory. * Files are served (both by *Nginx* and *php5-fpm*) from sub-directory called ``htdocs`` (located in website directory). For example ``/var/www/tbg.example.com/htdocs/``. Normally, this can be a symlink to some other sub-directory within the website directory (useful for having multiple versions for easier downgrades etc). * Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID`` permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and application can be granted write permissions to a *minimum* of necessary files. .. warning:: Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like ``mv``, do *not* respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would recommend using ``cp`` when you deploy new files to the directory instead (don't simply move them from your home). 1. Start-off with creating the necessary directories for the new role:: mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/tbg/{tasks,meta,files}/ 2. Let's set-up role dependencies, reusing some common roles to make our life easier. :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/meta/main.yml` :: --- dependencies: # Ok, so this role helps us set-up Nginx virtual host for serving our # app. - role: php_website # We shall let our admin account be able to read/write files # belonging to the application. This allows us to use regular user # (admin in this case) without sudo for managing and accessing # application files. admin: admin # Our virtual host will for PHP website will respond to this name. fqdn: tbg.example.com # Some additional packages are required in order to deploy and use TBG. packages: - php5-gd - php5-curl - git - php5-mysql - expect # Set-up URL rewriting. This is based on public/.htaccess file from # TBG. php_rewrite_urls: - ^(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1 # We don't necessarily need this, but in case you have a policy on # uid/gid usage, this is useful. Take note that below value is used # for both the dedicated uid and gid for application user. uid: 2000 # And this role sets up a new dedicated database for our web # application. - role: database # This is both the database name, _and_ name of the database user # that will be granted full privileges on the database. db_name: tbg # This will be the password of our user 'tbg' for accessing the # database. Take note the user can only login from localhost. db_password: tbg 3. Now for my favourite part again - creating private keys and certificates! Why? Because the ``php_website`` role requires a private key/certificate pair to be deployed. So... Moving on: 1. Create new template for ``certtool``: :file:`~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. Issue Tracker" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "tbg.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 2. Create the keys and certificates for the application:: certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/tbg.example.com_https.pem 4. Time to get our hands a bit more dirty... Up until now we didn't have to write custom tasks, but at this point we need to. :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/tasks/main.yml` :: --- - name: Define TBG version set_fact: tbg_version=4.1.0 - name: Download the TBG archive get_url: url=https://github.com/thebuggenie/thebuggenie/archive/v{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz dest="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz" sha256sum=0fd0a680ba281adc97d5d2c720e63b995225c99716a36eca6a198b8a5ebf8057 become: yes become_user: admin - name: Download Composer get_url: url=https://getcomposer.org/download/1.0.0-alpha10/composer.phar dest="/usr/local/bin/composer" sha256sum=9f2c7d0364bc743bcde9cfe1fe84749e5ac38c46d47cf42966ce499135fd4628 owner=root group=root mode=755 - name: Unpack TBG unarchive: src="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}.tar.gz" dest="/var/www/tbg.example.com/" copy=no creates="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}" become: yes become_user: admin - name: Create TBG cache directory file: path="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/cache" state=directory mode=2770 become: yes become_user: admin - name: Set-up the necessary write permissions for TBG directories file: path="{{ item }}" mode=g+w with_items: - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/ - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/public/ - /var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/ - name: Create symbolic link to TBG application file: src="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/public" path="/var/www/tbg.example.com/htdocs" state=link owner="admin" group="web-tbg_example_com" mode=2750 become: yes become_user: admin - name: Install TBG dependencies composer: command=install working_dir="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}" become: yes become_user: admin - name: Deploy database configuration file for TBG copy: src="b2db.yml" dest="/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/core/config/b2db.yml" mode=640 owner=admin group=web-tbg_example_com - name: Deploy expect script for installing TBG copy: src="tbg_expect_install" dest="/var/www/tbg.example.com/tbg_expect_install" mode=750 become: yes become_user: admin - name: Run TBG installer via expect script command: /var/www/tbg.example.com/tbg_expect_install chdir=/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }} creates=/var/www/tbg.example.com/thebuggenie-{{ tbg_version }}/installed become: yes become_user: admin 5. Set-up the files that are deployed by our role. :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/files/b2db.yml` :: b2db: username: "tbg" password: "tbg" dsn: "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=tbg" tableprefix: '' cacheclass: '\thebuggenie\core\framework\Cache' :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/files/tbg_expect_install` :: #!/usr/bin/expect spawn ./tbg_cli install --accept_license=yes --url_subdir=/ --use_existing_db_info=yes --enable_all_modules=yes --setup_htaccess=yes expect "Press ENTER to continue with the installation: " send "\r" expect "Press ENTER to continue: " send "\r" interact 6. And... Let's add the new role to our web server. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - mail_forwarder - web_server - database_server - tbg 7. Apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 8. At this point *The Bug Genie* has been installed, and you should be able to open the URL https://tbg.example.com/ (if you open http://tbg.example.com/ , you will be redirected to the HTTPS URL) and log-in into *The Bug Genie* with username ``administrator`` and password ``admin``. Deploying a WSGI application (Django Wiki) ------------------------------------------ Next thing up will be to deploy a WSGI Python application. Similar to the PHP application deployment, we will use a couple of roles to make it easier to deploy it in a standardised manner, and we will not have any kind of parameters for configuring the role to keep things simple. Most of the notes on how a ``php_website`` role is deployed also stand for the ``wsgi_website`` role, but we will reiterate and clarify them a bit just to be on the safe side: * The role is designed to execute every application via dedicated user and group. The user/group name is automatically derived from the FQDN of website, for example ``web-wiki_example_com``. * WSGI applications are executed via *Gunicorn*. The WSGI server listens on a Unix socket, making the socket accessible by *Nginx*. * Static content is served directly by *Nginx*. * For administrative purposes you can use a separate user that you have created before (for example via the ``common`` role). This user will get added to application's group. The administrator will also be able to switch to website virtual environment using the ``workon`` command from ``virtualenv-wrapper`` package. * Each web application gets distinct sub-directory under ``/var/www``, named after the FQDN. All sub-directories created under there are created with ``2750`` permissions, with ownership set to admin user, and group set to the application's group. In other words, all directories will have ``SGID`` bit set-up, allowing you to create files/directories that will have their group automatically set to the group of the parent directory. * Each WSGI website gets a dedicated virtual environment, stored in the sub-directory ``virtualenv`` of the website directory, for example ``/var/www/wiki.example.com/virtualenv``. * Static files are served from sub-directory ``htdocs`` in the website directory, for example ``/var/www/wiki.example.com/htdocs/``. * The base directory where your website/application code should be at is expected to be in sub-directory ``code`` in the website directory, for example ``/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/``. * Combination of admin user membership in application group, ``SGID`` permission, and the way ownership of sub-directories is set-up usually means that the administrator will be capable of managing application files, and application can be granted write permissions to a *minimum* of necessary files. .. warning:: Just keep in mind that some file-management commands, like ``mv``, do *not* respect the ``SGID`` bit. In fact, I would recommend using ``cp`` when you deploy new files to the directory instead (don't simply move them from your home). 1. Set-up the necessary directories first:: mkdir -p ~/mysite/roles/wiki/{tasks,meta,files}/ 2. Set-up some role dependencies, reusing the common role infrastructure. :file:`~/mysite/roles/wiki/meta/main.yml` :: --- dependencies: - role: wsgi_website admin: admin fqdn: wiki.example.com # In many cases you need to have some development packages available # in order to build Python packages installed via pip packages: - build-essential - python-dev - libjpeg-dev - libzip-dev - libtiff-dev - libfreetype6-dev - liblcms2-dev - libwebp-dev - libopenjpeg-dev - libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev - libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat # Here we specify that anything accessing our website with "/static/" # URL should be treated as request to a static file, to be served # directly by Nginx instead of the WSGI server. static_locations: - /static/ # Again, not mandatory, but it is good to have some sort of policy # for assigning UIDs. uid: 2001 # These are additional packages that should be installed in the # virtual environment. virtualenv_packages: - pillow - wiki - MySQL-python # This is the name of the WSGI application to # serve. wiki_example_com.wsgi will be the Python "module" that is # accesed, while application is the object instantiated within it (the # application itself). The module is referenced relative to the code # directory (in our case /var/www/wiki.example.com/code/). wsgi_application: wiki_example_com.wsgi:application - role: database db_name: wiki db_password: wiki 3. Let's create a dedicated private key/certificate pair for the wiki website: 1. Create new template for ``certtool``: :file:`~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.cfg` :: organization = "Example Inc." country = SE cn = "Exampe Inc. Wiki" expiration_days = 365 dns_name = "wiki.example.com" tls_www_server signing_key encryption_key 2. Create the keys and certificates for the application:: certtool --sec-param normal --generate-privkey --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key certtool --generate-certificate --load-ca-privkey ~/mysite/tls/ca.key --load-ca-certificate ~/mysite/tls/ca.pem --template ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.cfg --load-privkey ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.key --outfile ~/mysite/tls/wiki.example.com_https.pem 4. At this point we have exhausted what we can do with the built-in roles. Time to add some custom tasks. :file:`~/mysite/roles/wiki/tasks/main.yml` :: --- - name: Create Django project directory file: dest="/var/www/wiki.example.com/code" state=directory owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com mode=2750 - name: Start Django project for the Wiki website command: /var/www/wiki.example.com/virtualenv/bin/exec django-admin.py startproject wiki_example_com /var/www/wiki.example.com/code chdir=/var/www/wiki.example.com creates=/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/wiki_example_com become: yes become_user: admin - name: Deploy settings for wiki website copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/wiki_example_com/{{ item }}" mode=640 owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com with_items: - settings.py - urls.py notify: - Restart website wiki.example.com - name: Deploy project database and deploy static files django_manage: command="{{ item }}" app_path="/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/" virtualenv="/var/www/wiki.example.com/virtualenv/" become: yes become_user: admin with_items: - syncdb - migrate - collectstatic - name: Deploy the superadmin creation script copy: src="create_superadmin.py" dest="/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/create_superadmin.py" owner=admin group=web-wiki_example_com mode=750 - name: Create initial superuser command: /var/www/wiki.example.com/virtualenv/bin/exec ./create_superadmin.py chdir=/var/www/wiki.example.com/code/ become: yes become_user: admin register: wiki_superuser changed_when: wiki_superuser.stdout == "Created superuser." 5. There is a couple of files that we are deploying through the above tasks. Let's create them as well. :file:`~/mysite/roles/wiki/files/settings.py` :: """ Django settings for wiki_example_com project. For more information on this file, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/settings/ For the full list of settings and their values, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/settings/ """ # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) import os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/deployment/checklist/ # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret! SECRET_KEY = 'l^q+t$7h$ebls)v34+w9m9v4$n+^(9guxqntu&#cc4m&lfd-6_' # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = False TEMPLATE_DEBUG = False ALLOWED_HOSTS = ["wiki.example.com", "localhost"] # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', 'django.contrib.sites', 'django.contrib.humanize', 'django_nyt', 'mptt', 'sekizai', 'sorl.thumbnail', 'wiki', 'wiki.plugins.attachments', 'wiki.plugins.notifications', 'wiki.plugins.images', 'wiki.plugins.macros', ) MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( 'django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware', 'django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware', 'django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware', 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware', 'django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware', 'django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware', ) ROOT_URLCONF = 'wiki_example_com.urls' WSGI_APPLICATION = 'wiki_example_com.wsgi.application' # Database # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/ref/settings/#databases DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql', 'NAME': 'wiki', 'USER': 'wiki', 'PASSWORD': 'wiki', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '3306', } } # Internationalization # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/topics/i18n/ LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Stockholm' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATIC_ROOT = '/var/www/wiki.example.com/htdocs/static' from django.conf import settings TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = settings.TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS + ( "django.core.context_processors.debug", "django.core.context_processors.request", "sekizai.context_processors.sekizai", ) SITE_ID=1 :file:`~/mysite/roles/wiki/files/urls.py` :: from django.conf.urls import patterns, include, url from wiki.urls import get_pattern as get_wiki_pattern from django_nyt.urls import get_pattern as get_nyt_pattern from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns('', # Examples: # url(r'^$', 'wiki_example_com.views.home', name='home'), # url(r'^blog/', include('blog.urls')), url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)), ) urlpatterns += patterns('', (r'^notifications/', get_nyt_pattern()), (r'', get_wiki_pattern()) ) :file:`~/mysite/roles/wiki/files/create_superadmin.py` :: #!/usr/bin/env python import os from django import setup os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']='wiki_example_com.settings' setup() from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import User User.objects.all() if len(User.objects.filter(username="admin")) == 0: User.objects.create_superuser('admin', 'john.doe@example.com', 'admin') print("Created superuser.") 6. Time to add the new role to our web server. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/web.yml` :: --- - hosts: web remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - ldap_client - mail_forwarder - web_server - database_server - tbg - wiki 7. Apply the changes: .. warning:: Due to `Debian Bug 766996 `_ before applying the changes please manually run command ``sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mariadb_config /usr/local/bin/mysql_config`` on the web server. Otherwise the MySQL-python package will fail to build due to missing ``mysql_config`` binary. :: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 8. At this point Django Wiki has been installed, and you should be able to open the URL https://wiki.example.com/ (if you open http://wiki.example.com/ , you will be redirected to the HTTPS URL) and log-in into *Django Wiki* with username ``admin`` and password ``admin``. Backups, backups, backups! -------------------------- As it is well known, everyone has backups of their important data. Right? Riiiiight? There are two Ansible roles that implement backup functionality. One is the ``backup_server`` role, while the other is ``backup_client`` role. Backup is based around the use of `Duplicity `_ and its convenience wrapper, `Duply `_. Due to this selection, it should be noted that the backup clients are the ones making connection to the backup server (not the other way around). Backups are encrypted and signed using GnuPG before being stored on the backup server. Private key used for encryption and signing is therefore stored on the client side. This key should not be encrypted in order to allow for unattended backups. Although not necessary, it is highly recommended to have separation between different backup clients and the keys used for encryption and signing. I.e. stick to a separate encryption/signing key for each backup client. It should be noted that it is also possible to specify additional *public* keys to encrypt with. This lets you have a backup decryptable with some other, "master" key. The backups are transferred to the backup server via SFTP - the ``backup_server`` role sets-up a dedicated OpenSSH server instance that limits the connecting clients to a SFTP chroot. All backups are stored within directory ``/srv/backups`` (on the backup server). Within this directory, every client server has a dedicated sub-directory, and within this sub-directory another sub-directory called ``duplicity``, where the actual *Duplicity* backups are stored. So, for example, the directory where backups for ``www.example.com`` are stored at would be ``/srv/backups/www.example.com/duplicity``. When backups are configured, they are set-up to be running every morning at 02:00. Before the backup run it is possible to run a preparation task, and a lot of roles do this in order to create database dumps etc. Setting-up the backup server ---------------------------- With the overview of backups out of the way, it is time to set-up the backup server itself first. This is a farily simple task to perform, so let's get straight to it: 1. Update the playbook for backup server to include the backup server role. :file:`~/mysite/playbooks/backup.yml` :: --- - hosts: backup remote_user: ansible sudo: yes roles: - common - mail_forwarder - backup_server 2. There is just one mandatory parameter for the role - OpenSSH server keys to be used for backup-dedicated instance: :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/backup.yml` :: --- backup_host_ssh_private_keys: dsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_dsa_key') }}" rsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_rsa_key') }}" ed25519: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_ed25519_key') }}" ecdsa: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_ecdsa_key') }}" 3. Since we have decided to specify the keys above through file lookup, the above-listed keys now need to be generated:: ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/bak_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/bak_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/bak_ed25519_key -N '' -t ed25519 ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/bak_ecdsa_key -N '' -t ecdsa Adding backup clients --------------------- Well, that was all nice and dandy, but it does look like something is missing... Ah, we haven't really configured any backup clients, right? Surprisingly enough, specifying backup clients is optional, but that won't get you far. Luckily for you, all relevant *Majic Ansible Roles* are *backup-aware*. In other words, all the roles have been implemented with support for doing back-ups - it is just that by default this functionality is disabled (since you might be relying on some other schema to back things up - LVM snapshots or what-not). All that is needed is to enable the backups for each role, and provide some extra variables required by the ``backup_client`` role. For this a set of GnuPG private keys are necessary. These need to be provided as ASCII-armoured GnuPG-exported files. For simplicity sake, this example documents use of GnuPG keyring in conjunction with Ansible's ``pipe`` lookup. So, back to the business: 1. Update the backup server configuration - each client needs to be explicitly registered: :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/backup.yml` :: backup_clients: - server: comms.example.com public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/comms.example.com.pub') }}" ip: - server: www.example.com public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/www.example.com.pub') }}" ip: # Ah, this is a bit interesting - we can back-up the backup server # itself! Don't worry, though, this is mainly so the logs and home # directories are preserved, so it won't take too much space ;) - server: bak.example.com public_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak.example.com.pub') }}" ip: 2. And now to configure backup clients for all servers: :file:`~/mysite/group_vars/all.yml` :: enable_backup: yes backup_encryption_key: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'gpg2 --homedir ~/mysite/gnupg/ --armour --export-secret-keys ' + ansible_fqdn ) }}" backup_server: bak.example.com backup_server_host_ssh_public_keys: - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_dsa_key.pub') }}" - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_rsa_key.pub') }}" - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_ed25519_key.pub') }}" - "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/bak_ecdsa_key.pub') }}" backup_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', inventory_dir + '/ssh/' + ansible_fqdn) }}" 3. So, looking at the configuration up there, there is a couple of file lookups for getting the variable values, as well as one pipe lookup for fetching the encryption keys. For start, let's create the SSH private keys used for client log-ins to backup server:: ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/comms.example.com -N '' ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/www.example.com -N '' ssh-keygen -f ~/mysite/ssh/bak.example.com -N '' 4. Next off, a GnuPG keyring needs to be populated with private keys that will be used for backup encryption and signing. In total, we need three keys, one for each server. The keys should not be encrypted, and they should be named after the respective server's FQDN. For simplicity sake, here is a nice copy-pastable batch version for doing so: .. note:: Key generation requires a lot of entropy. If you are running this command on a VM, you may want to ``apt-get install haveged`` to speed this up. Please do read up on haveged if deploying to a real system, though! Don't trust it blindly! :: chmod 700 ~/mysite/gnupg cat << EOF | gpg2 --homedir ~/mysite/gnupg --batch --gen-key Key-Type:RSA Key-Length:1024 Name-Real:comms.example.com Expire-Date:0 %commit Key-Type:RSA Key-Length:1024 Name-Real:www.example.com Expire-Date:0 %commit Key-Type:RSA Key-Length:1024 Name-Real:bak.example.com Expire-Date:0 %commit EOF 5. And... Apply:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 6. At this point the backup roles have been set-up everywhere, and the backups will be running every day at 02:00 in the morning. Of course, you may want to test out a backup yourself immediatelly by running the following command on servers:: duply main backup .. note:: For more information on available commands and how to work with backup tool, please have look at `Official Duply Pages `_. Adding backup support to custom roles ------------------------------------- As mentioned before, all of the supplied roles coming with *Majic Ansible Roles* include backup support. What gets backed-up depends on the role implementation (see role reference for details). What about backup support for custom roles? This is something that has to be done by hand. However, it is quite simple to do so. Backup integration will be demonstrated with the previously implemented ``tbg`` role. *The Bug Genie* stores most of its data in database, but thanks to the ``database`` role its backup is already handled for us. As a side-note, just before every backup run the database is dumped and stored in location ``/srv/backup/tbg.sql``. That file is subsequently backed-up via *Duply* run. What is not backed-up for us, though, are the files uploaded to *The Bug Genie*. So let's fix that one. 1. Add the backup client role to list of dependencies. It is important to define unique filename for the backup patterns. Take into account that you can use pretty much any globbing pattern supported by Duplicity. :file:`~/mysite/roles/tbg/meta/main.yml` :: - role: backup_client when: enable_backup backup_patterns_filename: "tbg" backup_patterns: - "/var/www/tbg.example.com/files" 2. Apply the changes:: workon mysite && ansible-playbook playbooks/site.yml 3. Now rerun the backup on server ``www.example.com`` (as root). If you haven't uploaded any files, you may want to do so before testing to make sure something is backed-up. :: duply main backup 4. Verify that the files have been backed-up: :: duply main list .. note:: If you wanted to run a script prior to backup run, you would simply deploy a shell script with desired content to ``/etc/duply/main/pre.d/``. Just make sure the permissions for it are ok (it has to be executable by the root user). Dealing with failures --------------------- While the roles have been designed to be fairly robust, it should be taken into account that certain handlers are used to bring the system into consistent state. These handlers are mostly the ones dealing with service restarts, but there are also a couple of handlers that take care of transforming certain data into the required formats, import of files etc. This means that failure to successfully execute such handlers could result in inconsistent state on the server. Think of service configuration files being updated, yet the service itself is not restarted and therefore continues to run with the old configuration. Handler execution failure can depend on a couple of things, including the loss of SSH connectivity to managed machine, or some kind of unusual time-out during handler execution. To help handle this situation, Majic Ansible Roles all come with a special way to invoke the handlers explicitly. Each role will include handlers as tasks, provided that a special variable (``handlers``) is passed in to playbook run. To make the run shorter, the handlers in such a run are also tagged with ``handlers``. This doubling of environment variable + tagging stems from current limitations of Ansible (it is not possible to specify that certain task should be run only if a tag is specified, therefore an additional variable has to be used). Handlers alone can be invoked specifically with command similar to:: ansible-playbook -t handlers -e handlers=true playbook.yml The ``handlers`` variable is treated as boolean, and by default it is not set. Where to go next? ----------------- Well, those were some rather lengthy usage instructions, but hopefuly they are useful. Things you might want to check-out next: * :ref:`rolereference` * :ref:`testsite` * Finally, if it tickles your interest, have a look at role implementations themselves.