import re import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( '.molecule/ansible_inventory.yml').get_hosts(['parameters-mandatory', 'parameters-optional']) def test_installed_packages(host): """ Tests if the necessary packages have been installed. """ assert host.package('rsync').is_installed assert host.package('dovecot-imapd').is_installed assert host.package('dovecot-ldap').is_installed assert host.package('dovecot-sieve').is_installed assert host.package('dovecot-managesieved').is_installed assert host.package('postfix').is_installed assert host.package('postfix-ldap').is_installed assert host.package('swaks').is_installed assert host.package('clamav-milter').is_installed def test_removed_packages(host): """ Tests if certain packages have been removed from the system. """ assert not host.package('exim4').is_installed def test_postfix_user(host): """ Tests if Postfix user has been added to correct group for traversing the TLS private key directory. """ assert "ssl-cert" in host.user('postfix').groups def test_dovecot_user(host): """ Tests if Dovecot user has been added to correct group for traversing the TLS private key directory. """ assert "ssl-cert" in host.user('dovecot').groups def test_clamav_milter_configuration(host): """ Tests if ClamAV Milter configuration has been deployed correctly. """ config = host.file('/etc/clamav/clamav-milter.conf') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o644 def test_clamav_milter(host): """ Tests if ClamAV milter is blocking viruses. """ server_did_not_accept_mail = 26 eicar = 'X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*' send_mail ="swaks --to john.doe@domain1 --server localhost --attach '%s'" % eicar) assert send_mail.rc == server_did_not_accept_mail assert 'Your message has been rejected due to a possible virus' in send_mail.stdout def test_postfix_chroot_directories(host): """ Tests if Postfix chroot directories have been set-up with correct permissions. """ directory = host.file('/var/spool/postfix/var') assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert directory.mode == 0o755 directory = host.file('/var/spool/postfix/var/run') assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert directory.mode == 0o755 directory = host.file('/var/spool/postfix/var/run/clamav') assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == 'clamav' assert == 'clamav' assert directory.mode == 0o755 def test_ldap_tls_truststore_file(host): """ Tests if the LDAP TLS truststore file has been deployed correctly. """ tls_file = host.file('/etc/ssl/certs/mail_ldap_tls_truststore.pem') assert tls_file.is_file assert tls_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert tls_file.mode == 0o644 assert tls_file.content == open("tests/data/x509/ca.cert.pem", "r").read().rstrip() tls_file = host.file('/var/spool/postfix/etc/ssl/certs/mail_ldap_tls_truststore.pem') assert tls_file.is_file assert tls_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert tls_file.mode == 0o644 assert tls_file.content == open("tests/data/x509/ca.cert.pem", "r").read().rstrip() def test_mailname_file(host): """ Tests the system mail name file permissions. """ mailname = host.file('/etc/mailname') assert mailname.is_file assert mailname.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert mailname.mode == 0o644 def test_postfix_ldap_configuration_files(host): """ Tests if Postfix LDAP configuration files have been deployed correctly. """ for config_file_path in ['/etc/postfix/', '/etc/postfix/', '/etc/postfix/']: config = host.file(config_file_path) assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'postfix' assert config.mode == 0o640 def test_postfix_ldap_configuration(host): """ Tests if LDAP configuration can be used to fetch correct query results. """ with host.sudo(): # Test for valid domains. command ="postmap -q domain1 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == "domain1" command ="postmap -q domain2 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == "domain2" # Test for invalid domains. command ="postmap -q domain3 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == "" # Test for valid mail addresses. command ="postmap -q 'john.doe@domain1' ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == 'john.doe@domain1' command ="postmap -q 'jane.doe@domain2' ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == 'jane.doe@domain2' # Test for invalid mail addresses. command ="postmap -q 'jane.doe@domain1' ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == '' command ="postmap -q 'john.doe@domain2' ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == '' # Test for valid mail address that's not allowed by LDAP group membership. command ="postmap -q 'nomail@domain1' ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == '' # Test for valid mail aliases. command ="postmap -q postmaster@domain1 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == "john.doe@domain1" command ="postmap -q webmaster@domain2 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 0 assert command.stdout == "jane.doe@domain2" # Test for invalid mail aliases. command ="postmap -q postmaster@domain2 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == "" command ="postmap -q webmaster@domain1 ldap:/etc/postfix/") assert command.rc == 1 assert command.stdout == "" def test_postfix_main_cf_file(host): """ Tests Postfix main configuration file permissions. """ config = host.file('/etc/postfix/') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o644 def test_postfix_delivery_to_dovecot(host): """ Tests if mail received by Postfix is properly delivered to Dovecot. """ hostname ='hostname').stdout # Virtual account. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain1 --server %s' % hostname) assert send.rc == 0 message_id ='Ok: queued as (.*)', send.stdout).group(1) with host.sudo(): mail_log = host.file('/var/log/mail.log') pattern = "dovecot: lda\(john.doe@domain1\): msgid=<[^.]*.%s@[^>]*>: saved mail to INBOX" % message_id assert, mail_log.content) is not None def test_dovecot_system_authentication_is_disabled(host): """ Tests if Dovecot system-based authentication has been disabled. """ config = host.file("/etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf") assert "!include auth-system.conf.ext" not in config.content def test_dovecot_overrides_configuration_file(host): """ Tests if Dovecot configuration file with overrides has been deployed and has correct permissions. """ config = host.file("/etc/dovecot/conf.d/99-local.conf") assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o644 def test_dovecot_imap_ldap_configuration(host): """ Tests if Dovecot LDAP configuration is correct. """ with host.sudo(): user_does_not_exist = 67 # Test for valid mail addresses. command ="doveadm user john.doe@domain1") assert command.rc == 0 command ="doveadm user jane.doe@domain2") assert command.rc == 0 # Test for invalid mail addresses. command ="doveadm user john.doe@domain2") assert command.rc == user_does_not_exist command ="doveadm user jane.doe@domain1") assert command.rc == user_does_not_exist # Test for mail addresses present in LDAP, but entry not in mail group. command ="doveadm user nomail@domain1") assert command.rc == user_does_not_exist def test_postfix_master_file(host): """ Tests permissions for Postfix configuration file. """ config = host.file('/etc/postfix/') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o644 def test_services(host): """ Tests if all the mail-related servieces are up and running. """ for service_name in ["clamav-daemon", "clamav-freshclam", "clamav-milter", "postfix", "dovecot"]: service = host.service(service_name) assert service.is_running assert service.is_enabled def test_clamav_database_presence(host): """ Tests if ClamAV database is present. """ for database_file in ["/var/lib/clamav/bytecode", "/var/lib/clamav/daily", "/var/lib/clamav/main"]: database_cvd = host.file(database_file + '.cvd') database_cld = host.file(database_file + '.cld') assert database_cvd.is_file or database_cld.is_file def test_firewall_configuration_file(host): """ Tests if firewall configuration file has been deployed correctly. """ with host.sudo(): config = host.file('/etc/ferm/conf.d/20-mail.conf') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o640