import os import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('parameters-*') def test_supporting_packages_installed(host): """ Tests if all the necessary supporting packages have been installed. """ assert host.package('python-apt').is_installed assert host.package('lua-ldap').is_installed def test_prosody_apt_key(host): """ Tests if Prosody repository signing key has been imported. """ keys ="apt-key adv --fingerprint --fingerprint prosody") assert "107D 65A0 A148 C237 FDF0 0AB4 7393 D7E6 74D9 DBB5" in keys.stdout assert "44AB 6DD0 6DA4 6979 CFAF 997F 9B1B 8278 6C8F 28BA" in keys.stdout def test_prosody_repository(host): """ Tests if Prosody repository has been added. """ repository = host.file("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/packages_prosody_im_debian.list") distribution_release = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_distribution_release"] expected_content = "deb %s main\n" % distribution_release assert repository.is_file assert repository.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert repository.mode == 0o644 assert repository.content_string == expected_content def test_prosody_user(host): """ Tests if Prosody user has been set-up correctly to access TLS material. """ assert 'ssl-cert' in host.user('prosody').groups def test_prosody_modules_directory(host): """ Tests if directory for storing additional Prosody modules is set-up correctly. """ directory = host.file('/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules') assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert directory.mode == 0o755 def test_prosody_mod_auth_ldap(host): """ Tests if Prosody module mod_auth_ldap has been deployed correctly. """ module = host.file('/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/mod_auth_ldap.lua') assert module.is_file assert module.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert module.mode == 0o644 assert 'module:provides("auth", provider);' in module.content_string assert 'mod_auth_ldap' in module.content_string def test_prosody_configuration_file(host): """ Tests if Prosody configuration file has correct permissions. """ with host.sudo(): config = host.file('/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'prosody' assert config.mode == 0o640 def test_services(host): """ Tests if services are enabled and running. """ service = host.service('prosody') assert service.is_enabled assert service.is_running def test_firewall_configuration_file(host): """ Tests if firewall configuration file has been deployed correctly. """ with host.sudo(): config = host.file('/etc/ferm/conf.d/30-xmpp.conf') assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o640 def test_xmpp_server_dh_parameters_file(host): """ Tests if the Diffie-Hellman parameter file has been generated correctly. """ fqdn ='hostname -f').stdout.strip() dhparam_file_path = '/etc/ssl/private/%s_xmpp.dh.pem' % fqdn with host.sudo(): dhparam_file = host.file(dhparam_file_path) assert dhparam_file.is_file assert dhparam_file.user == 'root' assert == 'prosody' assert dhparam_file.mode == 0o640 dhparam_info ="openssl dhparam -noout -text -in %s", dhparam_file_path) assert "DH Parameters: (2048 bit)" in dhparam_info.stdout def test_prosody_tls_files(host): """ Tests if Prosody TLS private key and certificage have been deployed correctly. """ hostname ='hostname -f').stdout.strip() with host.sudo(): tls_file = host.file('/etc/ssl/private/%s_xmpp.key' % hostname) assert tls_file.is_file assert tls_file.user == 'root' assert == 'prosody' assert tls_file.mode == 0o640 assert tls_file.content_string == open("tests/data/x509/server/%s_xmpp.key.pem" % hostname, "r").read().rstrip() tls_file = host.file('/etc/ssl/certs/%s_xmpp.pem' % hostname) assert tls_file.is_file assert tls_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert tls_file.mode == 0o644 assert tls_file.content_string == open("tests/data/x509/server/%s_xmpp.cert.pem" % hostname, "r").read().rstrip() def test_certificate_validity_check_configuration(host): """ Tests if certificate validity check configuration file has been deployed correctly. """ hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip() config = host.file('/etc/check_certificate/%s_xmpp.conf' % hostname) assert config.is_file assert config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert config.mode == 0o644 assert config.content_string == "/etc/ssl/certs/%s_xmpp.pem" % hostname def test_xmpp_server_uses_correct_dh_parameters(host): """ Tests if the HTTP server uses the generated Diffie-Hellman parameter. """ fqdn ='hostname -f').stdout.strip() # Use first defined domain for testing. domain = host.ansible.get_variables()['xmpp_domains'][0] with host.sudo(): expected_dhparam = host.file('/etc/ssl/private/%s_xmpp.dh.pem' % fqdn).content_string.rstrip() connection ="gnutls-cli --no-ca-verification --starttls-proto=xmpp --port 5222 " "--priority 'NONE:+VERS-TLS1.2:+CTYPE-X509:+COMP-NULL:+SIGN-RSA-SHA384:+DHE-RSA:+SHA384:+AEAD:+AES-256-GCM' --verbose %s", domain) output = connection.stdout begin_marker = "-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----" end_marker = "-----END DH PARAMETERS-----" used_dhparam = output[output.find(begin_marker):output.find(end_marker) + len(end_marker)] assert used_dhparam == expected_dhparam def test_tls_connectivity(host): """ Tests if it is possible to connect to the XMPP server using STARTTLS/TLS. """ # Use first defined domain for testing. domain = host.ansible.get_variables()['xmpp_domains'][0] starttls ='echo "test" | openssl s_client -quiet -starttls xmpp -xmpphost %s -connect localhost:5222', domain) assert starttls.rc == 0 assert 'jabber:client' in starttls.stdout assert 'not-well-formed' in starttls.stdout tls ='echo "test" | openssl s_client -quiet -connect %s:5223', domain) assert tls.rc == 0 assert 'jabber:client' in starttls.stdout assert 'not-well-formed' in starttls.stdout s2s ='echo "test" | openssl s_client -quiet -starttls xmpp-server -xmpphost %s -connect localhost:5222', domain) assert s2s.rc == 0 assert 'jabber:client' in s2s.stdout assert 'not-well-formed' in s2s.stdout def test_backports_repository(host): """ Tests if backports repository has been added. """ repository = host.file("/etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list") distribution_release = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_distribution_release"] expected_content = "deb %s-backports main\n" % distribution_release assert repository.is_file assert repository.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert repository.mode == 0o644 assert repository.content_string == expected_content def test_lua_ldap_pin_and_version(host): """ Tests if lua-ldap package has been correctly pinned to the backports repository. """ distribution_major_version = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_distribution_major_version"] backports_version_suffix = "bpo%s" % distribution_major_version pin_configuration_file = host.file("/etc/apt/preferences.d/lua-ldap") lua_ldap = host.package("lua-ldap") assert pin_configuration_file.is_file assert pin_configuration_file.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert pin_configuration_file.mode == 0o644 assert backports_version_suffix in lua_ldap.version def test_prosody_configuration_validity(host): """ Tests the Prosody configuration file using the 'prosodyctl check' command. """ with host.sudo(): check_config ="prosodyctl check config") assert check_config.rc == 0, check_config.stdout def test_enabled_modules(host): """ Tests if correct modules have been enabled. """ expected_modules = [ "admin_adhoc", "announce", "dialback", "disco", "legacyauth", "pep", "ping", "posix", "private", "register", "roster", "saslauth", "time", "tls", "uptime", "vcard", "version", ] with host.sudo(): module_list_command ="/usr/local/bin/list_prosody_modules.lua") enabled_modules = sorted(module_list_command.stdout.strip().splitlines()) assert enabled_modules == expected_modules # @TODO: Tests which were not implemented due to lack of out-of-box tools: # # - Proxy capability. # - MUC. # - Server administration through XMPP.