--- - name: Install MariaDB apt: name: - mariadb-client - mariadb-server - python3-mysqldb state: present - name: Enable and start MariaDB service: name: mysql state: started enabled: true - name: Check if root user authentication is based on use of unix_socket module command: mysql --skip-column-names -B -e "select 1 from mysql.user where user='root' and host='localhost' and plugin='unix_socket';" register: "root_using_unix_socket_authentication" changed_when: false # @TODO: It should be possible to replace this with mysql_user # invocation once MAR gets upgraded to use Ansible 2.10.x, # where mysql_user module has support for specifying the # authentication plugin. Once the switch is done, the above # task that registers the root_using_unix_socket_authentication # variable can be dropped as well. - name: Set-up unix socket authentication for the root user command: mysql --skip-column-names -B -e "grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified via unix_socket;" when: "not root_using_unix_socket_authentication.stdout" - name: Check if there are any root-like database accounts available where host is not localhost command: mysql --skip-column-names -B -e "select 1 from mysql.user where user='root' and host!='localhost';" register: "additional_root_users" changed_when: false - name: Drop all excess root user logins command: argv: - "mysql" - "-N" - "-B" - "-e" - "delete from mysql.user where User='root' and Host != 'localhost'; flush privileges;" when: "additional_root_users.stdout" - name: Remove (now deprecated) my.cnf configuration file for the root database user file: path: "/root/.my.cnf" state: absent - name: Check if Debian system maintenance configuration file uses the root account command: "grep -q 'user.*=.*root' /etc/mysql/debian.cnf" register: debian_maintenance_configuration_uses_root failed_when: false changed_when: false - name: Deploy Debian system maintenance configuration file that uses root account copy: src: "debian.cnf" dest: "/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" owner: root group: root mode: 0600 when: "debian_maintenance_configuration_uses_root.rc != 0" - name: Drop the dedicated Debian system maintenance user mysql_user: name: "debian-sys-maint" state: absent - name: Set UTF-8 encoding as default for MariaDB copy: src: "utf8.cnf" dest: "/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/90-utf8.cnf" owner: root group: root mode: 0644 register: mariadb_utf8_configuration - name: Restart MariaDB in order to use UTF-8 as default character set # noqa 503 # [503] Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers # UTF-8 configuration must be applied immediatelly in order to ensure that # subsequent tasks that create databases will end-up with correct (UTF-8) # encoding. Otherwise they will be created using default latin1. service: name: mysql state: restarted when: mariadb_utf8_configuration.changed - name: Explicitly run all handlers include: ../handlers/main.yml when: "run_handlers | default(False) | bool()" tags: - handlers