Release notes ============= x.y.z ----- **New features/improvements** * ``backup_client`` role * Switched to using Paramiko + SFTP backend (instead of pexpect + SFTP), which should improve the backup performance. **Bug fixes:** * ``common`` role * Fixed permission errors with Python cache directories in the pip requirements upgrade checks virtual environment that can happen if the initial virtual environment set-up fails. 8.0.0 ----- Dropped support for Python 2.7 and Debian 10 Buster. Added support for Debian 12 Bookworm. Numerous minor improvements and fixes. **Breaking changes:** * All roles * Dropped support for Debian 10 (Buster). * Added support for Debian 12 (Bookworm). * ``netaddr`` Python package is now required for using the roles. * ``dnspython`` Python package is no longer required for using the roles. * ``backup_client`` role * Previously the backup would run even if pre-backup scripts would fail. This is no longer the case, and all pre-backup scripts must exit with non-zero exit code in order for backup process to kick-in. * Old backups are now automatically purged after successful backup. This could lead to longer runtimes for entire backup process, as well as higher CPU usage. * ``common`` role * Dropped support for Python 2.7 pip requirements upgrade checks. Only Python 3 is supported now. Requirements (input) files for Python 3 are now put under the ``/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades`` directory instead of ``/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades-py3``. The ``pip_check_requirements_py3`` / ``pip_check_requirements_py3_in`` role parameters have been renamed to ``pip_check_requirements`` / ``pip_check_requirements_in``. * Parameter ``maintenance_allowed_hosts`` has been dropped and replaced with parameter ``maintenance_allowed_sources``. The new parameter expects a list of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (or subnets). Resolvable names can no longer be specified. * NTP server configuration is now based on use of pools instead of servers. Parameter ``ntp_servers`` has been deprecated and replaced with parameter ``ntp_pools``. * ``ldap_server`` role * Starting with Debian 12 Bookworm, the role no longer deploys *rsyslog* and *logrotate* configuration for writing and rotating the LDAP servers logs under ``/var/log/slapd.log``. Primary reason is that Debian 12 Bookworm no longer installs *rsyslog* by default, and it is considered to be deprecated at this point. The LDAP server logs can be read via ``journalctl -u slapd`` when necessary. * ``mail_forwarder`` role * Firewall rules for incoming connections from the SMTP relay server are now based on relay's IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as resolved on managed machine during deployment time. In case the SMTP relay server's IP addresses change, the role needs to get reapplied against managed machines for those changes to take place. This change in behaviour was introduced to avoid firewall-related errors due to inability to resolve names via DNS servers during boot time. * ``mail_server`` role * Parameter ``mail_server_tls_protocols`` has been dropped and replaced with parameter ``mail_server_minimum_tls_protocol``. Full list of TLS protocols can no longer be specified, only the minimum one. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Dropped support for Python 2.7. Only Python 3 is supported now. The ``python_version`` role parameter has been dropped. The ``python_interpreter`` parameter is still available, but it defaults to Python 3 binary. Python (input) requirements files are now placed under the ``/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades`` path, in accordance to changes made in this release to the ``common`` role. * Dropped the ``proxy_headers`` parameter, and replaced it with the ``http_header_overrides`` parameter. The new parameter has similar function, but the values should no longer include double quotes. Main goal is ease of use and consistency between the PHP and WSGI website roles. **New features/improvements** * ``php_website`` role * Environment indicator can now be collapsed by clicking on the arrows on the left side. * Added parameter ``http_header_overrides`` which can be used to set/override request's HTTP headers before passing it on to the PHP application. * ``mail_server`` role * Protection against forging of sender addresses has been implemented, preventing logged-in users from using arbitrary sender mail addresses, even if authenticated. Authenticated users can use either their own login as sender, or one of the aliases that are associated with their mail account. * ``web_server`` role * Added parameter ``environment_indicator`` which is used on the default page to indicate what environment the web server belongs to. Useful for distinguishing between test, staging, and production environments (similar to what is already available in the ``php_website`` and ``wsgi_website`` roles). Indicator can be collapsed by clicking on the arrows on the left side. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Environment indicator can now be collapsed by clicking on the arrows on the left side. **Bug fixes:** * ``common`` role * Fix deprecation warnings for Python requirements upgrade checks when using pip-tools 7.3.0. This would result in unnecessary notifications being sent out to server administrator. 7.1.0 ----- Added support for Debian 11 (Bullseye), with some smaller bug fixes. **New features/improvements** * All roles * Added support for Debian 11 (Bullseye). **Bug fixes:** * ``xmpp_server`` role * Make sure to take care of deprecation-related package and configuration removals prior to running the rest of the tasks to avoid errors related to deprecated elements being invalid (like repository URLs for Prosody). 7.0.0 ----- Dropped support for Debian 9 (Stretch), moved away from using non-Debian project repositories (like Prosody ones). **Breaking changes:** * All roles * Dropped support for Debian 9 (Stretch). * ``xmpp_server`` role * Parameter ``xmpp_prosody_package`` has been dropped. **New features/improvements** * ``common`` role * Added parameters ``pip_check_requirements_in`` and ``pip_check_requirements_py3_in`` that can be used for specifying input requirements when checking for available package upgrades for Python virtual environments that are used for the checks themselves. This is particularly helpful in cases where Python version gets deprecated and some packages do not correctly declare the minimum version required, allowing to be more specific to avoid unnecessary warning mails being sent out. * Updated default package pins for virtual environments used to check for available pip package upgrades. * ``mail_server`` role * Added parameter ``mail_server_smtp_additional_configuration`` that provides ability to include additional configuration directives for the SMTP server. * ``xmpp_server`` role * Drop dependency on the external (Prosody) package repository. Install everything using official Debian repositories. This should help avoid future issues with Prosody project removing older versions of packages or dropping entire repository archives for older Debian releases. * Prosody package and some of its dependencies are installed from Debian backports to get more featureful release installed. * Role no longer depends on fetching external Prosody modules from project code repository, and instead relies on the prosody-modules package for LDAP authentication module. 6.0.0 ----- Added support for Debian 10 (Buster), alongside a couple of minor changes and features/improvements. **Breaking changes:** * ``ldap_server`` role * Use 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients/servers trying to connect to the LDAP server. This change is applicable only under Debian Buster. **New features/improvements:** * All roles * Added support for Debian 10 (Buster). * ``common`` role * Added parameters ``maintenance`` and ``maintenance_allowed_hosts`` for enabling maintenance mode. In maintenance mode only the listed hosts are allowed to connect to the server. **Bug fixes:** * ``ldap_server`` role * Allow use of DHE TLS ciphers by generating the necessary Diffie-Hellman parameters. This bug fix is applicable only under Debian Buster. * ``wsgi_website_`` role * When the virtual environment is created, the ``setuptools`` and ``pip`` packages will not get pinned to any specific version, allowing roles that are based on ``wsgi_website`` to easily install preferred versions, and avoid idempotence problems in the process. 5.0.0 ----- Upgrade to Ansible 2.9.x, dropping support for Debian 8 Jessie, upgrade to Python 3.x, dropping support for Python 2.7. A number of parameters have been made mandatory or deprecated. Security has been slightly improved in a number of roles, and there is plenty of bug-fixes and minor improvements throughout as well. **Breaking changes:** * Switched to Ansible 2.9.x, removing support for older versions. All documentation has been updated. * Switched to using Python 3 on both controller and managed server side. Python 2.7 can no longer be used for this purpose. Support for WSGI applications running on Python 2.7 remains. * All roles * Support for Debian 8 Jessie has been dropped. * Common parameters ``tls_private_key_dir`` and ``tls_certificate_dir`` are no longer used. * TLS private key and certificate parameters are now mandatory. * ``bootstrap`` role * Parameter ``ansible_key`` is now mandatory. * ``common`` role`` * Minimum version of ``pip-tools`` in the ``pip_check_requirements`` and ``pip_check_requirements_py3`` is now 5.3.0. This change was required in order to fix the deprecation warnings being sent out when the ```` script is run. * ``database_server`` role * Parameter ``db_root_password`` has been deprecated. The root user can now login into the database (as the root database user) via unix socket authentication. * Role will drop the use of Debian system maintenance user (``debian-sys-maint``) in favour of using the root account with UNIX socket authentication if the database server has not already been set-up in that manner. This is the default behaviour starting from Debian Stretch, and the ``debian-sys-main`` will be present only if the server has been upgraded from older releases. * ``ldap_server`` role * Parameter ``ldap_server_domain`` is now mandatory. * Updated default set of TLS ciphers used by server (``ldap_tls_ciphers`` parameter). All CBC ciphers have been dropped. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients trying to connect to the LDAP server. * ``mail_forwarder`` role * Use 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients/servers trying to connect to the SMTP server. * ``mail_server`` role * Use 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients/servers trying to connect to the SMTP/IMAP server. * Updated default set of TLS ciphers used by IMAP/SMTP servers (``mail_server_tls_ciphers`` parameter). All CBC ciphers have been dropped. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients trying to connect to the IMAP/SMTP server. * Dropped the use of ``procmail`` for local mail deliveries. * ``php_website`` role * Parameter ``enforce_https`` has been deprecated and removed. HTTPS is now mandatory in all cases. * ``preseed`` role * Parameter ``ansible_key`` is now mandatory. * Parameter ``preseed_directory`` is now mandatory. * ``web_server`` role * Use 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients trying to connect to the web server. * Updated default set of TLS ciphers used by the server (``web_server_tls_ciphers`` parameter). All CBC ciphers have been dropped. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients trying to connect to the server. * Parameter ``default_enforce_https`` has been deprecated and removed. HTTPS is now mandatory in all cases. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Parameters ``gunicorn_version`` and ``futures_version`` have been deprecated and removed. Existing roles should be updated to utilise the ``wsgi_requirements`` parameter instead. * Parameter ``enforce_https`` has been deprecated and removed. HTTPS is now mandatory in all cases. * Added parameter ``wsgi_requirements_in`` for listing top-level packages for performing pip requirements upgrade checks for Gunicorn requirements (listed via existing ``wsgi_requirements`` parameter). * ``xmpp_server`` role * Parameter ``xmpp_domains`` is now mandatory. * Use 2048-bit Diffie-Hellman parameters for relevant TLS ciphers. This could introduce incompatibility with older clients/servers trying to connect to the XMPP server. * TLS hardening is now applied to the *c2s* (client) connections on both the standard (``5222``) and legacy (``5223``) ports. Protocol version and ciphers are configurable via new ``xmpp_server_tls_protocol`` and ``xmpp_server_tls_ciphers`` parameters with defaults enforcing TLSv1.2+ and PFS (perfect forward secrecy) ciphers. * Support for older Prosody versions (``0.9.x``) has been dropped. Only Prosody ``0.10.x`` is supported at the moment (due to missing Lua LDAP bindings in Debian 9 Stretch). * Support for running Prosody 0.11.x has been added. This is also the new default version of Prosody that gets deployed to the target system. **Bug fixes:** * ``common`` role * Run apticron at least once during initial installation to avoid accidental locking later on during the same playbook run. * ``mail_server`` role * Fixed the problem with the SMTP server (Postfix) not using TLS at all for outgoing SMTP connections. The server will now default to using opportunistic TLS (using TLS where available). * ``wsgi_website`` role * Deploy the requirement files used for upgrade checks to correct location when using Python 3. Previously the files would get deployed to directory dedicated to Python 2 version, which means the checks would be performed using Python 2 instead of Python 3. **New features/improvements:** * Tests have been updated to work with latest Molecule/Testinfra as part of the Ansible upgrade process. * X.509 artefacts used during testing are now generated on the fly using `Gimmecert `_. * ``mail_forwader`` role * The role now supports specifying the maximum mail message size limit for the SMTP server to accept via ``mail_message_size_limit`` role parameter. * Mail server configuration has been slightly updated to better match what is currently the defaults in Debian Stretch. * ``mail_server`` role * The role now supports specifying the maximum mail message size limit for the SMTP server to accept via ``mail_message_size_limit`` role parameter. * Mail server configuration has been slightly updated to better match what is currently the defaults in Debian Stretch. * ``xmpp_server`` role * Server now supports blocking users via `XEP-0191: Blocking Command `_. * Server now supports `XEP-0280: Message Carbons `_, letting multiple online XMPP clients receive/store the same message. * Server now supports `XEP-0313: Message Archive Management `_, storing copies of received messages server-side. Message expiration is configurable via parameter ``xmpp_server_archive_expiration``. * XMPP server certificate is checked on daily basis using the ``prosodyctl check certs`` command. This helps catch issues where issued certificate does not include all the necessary subject alternative names (this has also been documented in the role reference documentation). **Deprecations:** * ``backup_server`` and ``backup_client`` role * Officially dropped support for DSA keys (this was mainly remnant from Debian 8 Jessie support, on Debian 9 Stretch and upwards the DSA keys were not supported at all). 4.0.0 ----- A couple of smaller bug-fixes, and introduction of (minor) breaking change related to handling of pip requirements upgrade checks in the ``common`` role (see below). Breaking changes: * ``common`` role: * Added separate parameter (``pip_check_requirements_py3``) for specifying dedicated Python 3 virtual environment package requirements used for package upgrade checks on (other user-provided) Python 3 virtual environments. If the existing ``pip_check_requirements`` parameter has been overridden, the new parameter will most likely need to be overridden in your site configuration as well. Take note that the new requirements will differ between Debian Jessie and Debian Stretch due to differnece in Python 3 minor version releases. Bug fixes: * ``backup_client`` role * Avoid errors related to lack of ``tty`` when invoking the GnuPG utility by using the ``--no-tty`` option. * ``common`` role * Fixed problem with pip requirements upgrades checks outputting package list to stderr, causing the cron job to report outdated packages to administrator even though nothing is outdated (cron job treats anything output to stderr as worthy of notification). 3.1.0 ----- Minor improvements and fixes. Breaking changes: * ``common`` role: * Default values for the ``pip_check_requirements`` have changed to include ``pip`` and ``setuptools`` (and a couple more). It might be necessary to update any customised values of this parameter to match the default set of packages. Bug fixes: * ``common`` role * Use Python 3 in Python virtual environment used for checking if upgrades are available for Python requirements files. Fixes possibly incorrect package resolution due to wrong version of Python (for packages that have different dependencies based on Python version). New features/improvements: * ``common`` role * Changed how the packages are installed in Python virtual environments used for performing pip requirements upgrade checks, making the process more reliable. The packages in those dedicated environments are now fully pinned, including system packages such as ``setuptools`` and ``pip`` itself. * Changed the pip requirements checks to now take into account unsafe packages as well (such as ``setuptools`` and ``pip``) if listed. 3.0.0 ----- Upgrade to Ansible 2.7.x and full support for Debian 9 (Stretch). Breaking changes: * Switched to Ansible 2.7.x, removing support for older versions. All documentation has been updated. * All roles * In order to avoid collision with reserved name, the variable for running the handlers explicitly has been changed from ``handlers`` to ``run_handlers``. E.g. to run all handlers a command similar to ``ansible-playbook -t handlers -e run_handlers=true playbooks/site.yml`` should be used. * ``ldap_server`` role * Custom LDAP module ``m_ldap_entry`` has been removed. Role uses the official ``ldap_entry`` and ``ldap_attr`` modules. * The ``ldap_entries`` parameter now supports only the states supported by ``ldap_entry`` module (e.g. ``append`` is not supported any longer - since it came with custom LDAP module). * ``xmpp_server`` role * Installs Prosody nightly builds (default version 0.10) instead of latest stable. Change made to improve reproducability, and to avoid future breakages after new major/minor releases of Prosody. Prosody package name can be specified through the ``xmpp_prosody_package`` variable. This should most likely not break anything, but is included as possibly breaking change nevertheless since it is a big change in how Prosody is installed. This change had to be done because LDAP integration broke with Prosody 0.11 due to missing LDAP bindings for Lua 5.2. See `MAR-137: XMPP server LDAP integration not working for Prosody 0.11.x `_ for more details. New features/improvements: * Tests have been updated to work with latest Molecule/Testinfra as part of the Ansible upgrade process. * All roles * Full support for Debian 9 (Stretch) has been added to all roles. * ``common`` role * The ``pip`` requirements upgrade checks are now performed once per day instead of once per hour. * The ``pip`` requirements upgrade checks now do not output warning in case deployed ``.in`` file does not have a matching ``.txt`` file. * Certificate expiration check is less verbose. No mails are sent out any longer in case no certificates have been configured for checking, nor in cases where all certificates have passed the check. E.g. mails are sent out only in case some of the configured certificates will expire within next 30 days. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Support for specifying Python version for Python virtual environment. 2.0.0 ----- Upgrade to Ansible 2.3.x, minor bug fixes and updates needed for the upgrade. Breaking changes: * Switched to Ansible 2.3.x, removing support for Ansible 1.9.x. All documentation has been updated. * Due to switch to Ansible 2.x which is more restrictive when deploying code on remote server, it is now necessary to use one of the methods listed in `Ansible documentation `_ if connecting to remote server as user other than ``root``. Easiest fix is to enable ``pipelining``. Tests have been already updated to take advantage of this. * ``ldap_server`` role * Renamed ``ldap_entry`` module to ``m_ldap_entry`` to avoid collision with official module. * Renamed ``ldap_permissions`` module to ``m_ldap_permissions`` to be consistent and to avoid potential future collisions with official module names. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Removed handler with parametrised name used for restarting the web service. Dependent roles should instead define their own handlers from now on. New features/improvements: * Updated documentation to refer to Debian Jessie documentation where necessary. * ``ldap_server`` role * Updated tests to be more resilient to ordering changes. * ``mail_forwarder`` role * Updated tests to be more resilient to ordering changes and time races. * ``backup_client`` role * Switched to using the ``file`` module when cleaning-up GnuPG backup keyring, which should make it more robust.. Bug-fixes: * Updated pip requirements and its input file to include ``python-vagrant`` (needed for Molecule tests). * Updated handling of key ID extraction for OpenPGP keys in order for it to work with Ansible 2.x. * Updated usage instructions in order to be able to install The Bug Genie via script, and added missing instructions for creating one of the directories for the demo wiki role (``handlers`` directory). * All roles * Updated test playbooks to avoid idempotence test failures due to apt cache updates. * ``backup_client`` role * Fixed scenario in which backup keys could not be properly replaced on Debian Stretch machines (due to more up-to-date version of GnuPG compared to Debian Jessie). * ``common`` role * Fixed handling of complex version specifications when installing packages via pip. Needed for Ansible 2.x. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Fixed handling of complex version specifications when installing packages via pip. Needed for Ansible 2.x. * Fixed erroneous calculation of adminstrator username in internal defaults parameter. 1.7.0 ----- Minor improvements for mail-related roles, internal refactoring of task syntax, and improvements of tests. New features/improvements: * Documentation * Added new sub-section in development section describing some of the conventions used while developing the roles. * All roles * Switched to using expanded syntax in all roles and cleaned-up the tasks a bit (mainly internal change). * Minor cleanups within tests and tasks to accomodate the syntax changes (mainly internal change). * ``mail_forwarder`` role * Added parameter ``smtp_from_relay_allowed`` that controls if managed machine should accept incoming SMTP connections from the relay server. Useful for NAT'ed or laptop machines. * Added parameter ``smtp_relay_host_port`` that controls what port is used for connecting to the specified SMTP relay. Useful for machines behind restrictive ISPs. * ``mail_server`` role * Introduced firewall rules to redirect from TCP port 27 to TCP port 25, useful for machines behind restrictive ISPs. 1.6.0 ----- Implemented full test suite with a plethora of smaller bug-fixes, and some minor (internal) improvements. Breaking changes: * All roles * Previously a number of roles would modify permissions on the ``/srv`` directory. This has now been fixed in order to prevent weird backup failures etc. Manual intervention is necessary on existing servers to fix the issue by changing the mode to ``0755`` (this is the usual default upon the OS installation). * ``mail_server`` role * Since Postfix will now fall-back to using ``/etc/hosts`` if it cannot resovle a domain via DNS, some special care may be needed in case you have some unusual entries in ``/etc/hosts``. Normally this should not be an issue, though. * ``backup_client`` role * Up to this point, if you had more than one additional encryption key specified in configuration, only the first one was taken into account. This is a major issue since it would render backups up to this point decryptable only with one of the keys. It is highly suggested to perform a full backup after upgrading to new version of Majic Ansible Roles via command:: sudo duply main full This will ensure the most recent backup is decryptable with all additional keys! New features/improvements: * Added new documentation chapter dedicated to development. * Added ``requirements.txt`` that can be used for installing the required packages in virtual environment (useful for development). * Small fixes (mostly typos and such) throughout the documentation. * All roles * Implemented tests using Molecule. See documentation for instructions on how to run tests. * Small internal refactorings to make things simpler and easier to maintain. * ``common`` role * Added missing documentation for parameters ``pipreqcheck_uid`` and ``pipreqcheck_gid``. * ``mail_server`` role * Updated Postfix configuration to fall-back to using ``/etc/hosts`` if DNS lookup fails. This allows for more flexibility when testing and deploying if proper DNS is not available. Bug-fixes: * All roles * Fixed how TLS key and certificate material is deployed in order to avoid mangling of tabs. * Fixed how file modes are specified in tasks to ensure correct permissions are applied. * Fixed missing ``become`` keyword in tasks that use ``become_user`` for consistent execution. * ``backup_client`` role * Fixed configuration (and documentation) for specifying the backup server URI - previous implementation included too many forward slashes which could cause failures in case of custom SSH server being used for backup. * Fixed configuration of additional encryption keys to include all keys listed instead of just the first one. * Fixed issue with ``backup_server_port`` parameter being completely ignored in the configuration. * Fixed issue with missing ``/etc/duply/main/include`` configuration file in case no backup patterns are deployed. * ``backup_server`` role * Fixed deployment of backup server SSH keys in order to avoid unusable ``ed25519`` keys. * ``common`` role * Fixated version of ``pip`` installed for performing Pyhton requirements package upgrade checks. * Fixed incorrect documentation for parameter ``additional_groups``. * Fixed ownership setting for firewall configuration file. * Fixed script used for performing checks on pip requirementes files for availalbe package upgrades. False positives due to different sorting will not be reported anymore, and the script will actually make sure to check if upgrades are available (which was not the case before due ot missing paramter to pip-compile). * ``ldap_server`` role * Fixed invalid configuration of LDAP server package via ``debconf-set-selections`` (wrong option was used for ``shared/organization``). * Fixed role documentation example for parameter ``ldap_entries`` (was using obsolete syntax of ``ldap_entry`` module). * When making changes to the LDAP server configuration, make sure to use Unix socket. This way the role does not depend on correct LDAP client configuration. * ``mail_server`` role * Fixed Postfix main configuraiton file permissions set-up to be explicit. * Fixed issue where Postfix server is not restarted when the truststore (used for verifying the LDAP server certificate) is changed. * Fixed issue with Postfix configuration where the parameter ``mail_user`` was ignored when making deliveries to Dovecot (old implementation used fixed value of ``vmail`` instead of parameter). * ``php_website`` role * Fixed Nginx configuration file to use correct parameter (``enforce_https`` instead of ``default_enforce_https``) when configuring HSTS. Previously it was possible to set the parameter to ``no``, and still end-up with HSTS headers being set-up. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Fixed Nginx configuration file to use correct parameter (``enforce_https`` instead of ``default_enforce_https``) when configuring HSTS. Previously it was possible to set the parameter to ``no``, and still end-up with HSTS headers being set-up. * ``xmpp_server`` role * Fixed invalid default value for paramerer ``xmpp_domains`` - it should be a list and not a simple string. Previously this would result in invalid domain set-up in Prosody configuration file. * Fixed issue with permissions not being set on Prosody configuration file, making it world-readable (the configuration file contains passwords). 1.5.1 ----- Small bug-fix release for misbehaving package upgrade checks. Bug-fixes: * ``common`` role * Fixed script used for performing checks on pip requirementes files for availalbe package upgrades. False positives due to different sorting will not be reported anymore, and the script will actually make sure to check if upgrades are available (which was not the case before due ot missing paramter to pip-compile). 1.5.0 ----- Minor bug-fixes, package upgrade checks, and better support for next Debian stable release (Stretch). New features/improvements: * ``backup_client`` role * Implemented support for next Debian stable release (*Debian Stretch*). This was needed due to changes in duplicity parameters and their syntax. * ``common`` role * Added parameter for configuring common backup patterns. Allows for better control over ``/root`` and ``/home`` directories. Backup of remaining directories is still hard-coded. * Added support for checking if package upgrades are available. Covers system packages out-of-the-box, and provides ability to perform checks on pip requirements files. * Added generic support for checking certificate expiration dates. Relevant roles need to deploy special configuration files to trigger the checks. * ``ldap_server`` role * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on LDAP server certificate. * ``mail_server`` role * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on all mail server certificates. * ``php_website`` role * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on website server certificate. * ``xmpp_server`` role * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on XMPP server certificate. * ``web_server`` role * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on default web server certificate. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Added alternative way to specify Gunicorn version to install in virtual environment (via separate parameter). If this parameter is in use, package upgrade checks will be done as well (against auto-assembled pip requirements file). See role reference documentation for details. * Updated role to perform certificate expiration date check on website server certificate. Bug-fixes: * ``mail_server`` role * Fixed incorrect mail name (FQDN) used for mails originating from the server. * ``web_server`` role * Fixed configuration of available TLS versions on the Nginx web server. Documentation: * Added release procedures and related information. * Added information about Debian release compatibility to role reference. 1.4.0 ----- Minor fixes and features allowing for more fine-tuning of installations. New features/improvements: * ``ldap_server`` role * TLS versions and ciphers supported by server are now configurable. * ``mail_server`` role * TLS versions and ciphers supported by SMTP and IMAP server are now configurable. * Number of allowed concurent IMAP connections for a single user from a single IP address is now configurable. * ``web_server`` role * TLS versions and ciphers supported by server are now configurable. 1.3.0 ----- IPv6 support in firewall rules, small bug fixes and improvements. New features/improvements: * All roles that deploy firewall rules * Set-up IPv6 firewall rules in addition to IPv4. * ``common`` role * Crontabs, operating system user passwords (``/etc/shadow``), and local user mails are now included in the backup. Bug-fixes: * ``wsgi_website`` role * Do not traverse static locations that have not been explicitly configured. Fixes issue where static location ends-up being served by Nginx instea of WSGI application. 1.2.0 ----- Minor fixes and features. New features: * ``wsgi_website`` role * Added support for providing custom proxy headers to pass on to Gunicorn server. Bug-fixes: * ``php_website`` role * Make sure the environment indicator is always shown on top by increasing its ``z-index`` value. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Make sure the environment indicator is always shown on top by increasing its ``z-index`` value. 1.1.0 ----- Minor bug fixes, enchancements, and features. New features/improvements: * ``common`` role * Added support for having user-defined ``/etc/profile.d`` style scripts (in ``~/.profile.d/``. * Disables Emacs ``electric-indent-mode`` globally if Emacs is installed. * Deploys symbolic link for ``mysql_config`` if package ``libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat`` is installed (workaround for `Debian Bug 766996 `_) * Updates CA cache immediatelly so that roles depending on cache being up-to-date do not throw validation errors. * ``mail_server`` role * Added support for specifying local aliases. * Undeliverable bounces are now delivered to postmaster. * ``php_website`` role * Added support for specifying custom ``php-fpm`` pool configuration options. * Added support for having ribon/strip at bottom to identify website environment. Useful for testing/staging environments. * Deploys symbolic link for ``mysql_config`` if package ``libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat`` is installed (workaround for `Debian Bug 766996 `_) * Forwards mails delivered to application or application administrator users to local ``root`` account (can be configured to deliver mails elsewhere). * Sets ``HSTS`` policy if TLS is enforced. * *Umask* for the operating system which runs the website is set to ``0007``. * When administrator user is created for the first time, its home directory is populated from ``/etc/skel``. This makes prompts etc look more uniform across the system. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Added support for having ribon/strip at bottom to identify website environment. Useful for testing/staging environments. * Added support for specifying environment variables that should be set when running the service, or when administering the installation (using application administrator operating system user). * Deploys symbolic link for ``mysql_config`` if package ``libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat`` is installed (workaround for `Debian Bug 766996 `_) * Forwards mails delivered to application or application administrator users to local ``root`` account (can be configured to deliver mails elsewhere). * Sets ``HSTS`` policy if TLS is enforced. * *Umask* for the operating system which runs the website is set to ``0007``. * When administrator user is created for the first time, its home directory is populated from ``/etc/skel``. This makes prompts etc look more uniform across the system. Bug-fixes: * ``database_server`` role * Applies UTF-8 configuration immediatelly. This should fix issues during inital server set-up for roles that need to create database using UTF-8 character set. * ``wsgi_website`` role * Fixed virtualenv wrapper shell script to use proper escaping around arguments. * Website service is now restarted in case of package changes (system or virtual environment). * ``mail_forwarder`` role * Allows incoming SMTP connections from the SMTP relay server (if configured). This way the SMTP relay can deliver bounces. 1.0.1 ----- Minimal bugfix update to improve interoperability. Changes: * ``xmpp_server`` role no longer restricts TLS to version 1.2 and ciphers to PFS ciphers. Should solve ``s2s`` communication issues with old XMPP servers. 1.0.0 ----- Initial release of Majic Ansible Roles. New roles: * ``backup``, reusable role for specifying files to back-up. * ``backup_client``, base role for setting-up backup client on a server (Duplicity). * ``backup_server``, sets-up a backup server. * ``bootstrap``, sets-up server for Ansible management (bootstrapping it for subsequent Ansible runs). * ``common``, basic set-up of server, some hardening, creation of admin accounts etc. * ``database``, reusable role for creating MariaDB database and user for accessing the database. * ``database_server``, sets-up database server (MariaDB). * ``ldap_client``, sets-up LDAP client tools and configuration (OpenLDAP). * ``ldap_server``, sets-up and manages basic entries in an LDAP server (OpenLDAP). * ``mail_forwarder``, sets-up local SMTP server that forwards mail to the main mail server (Postfix). * ``mail_server``, sets-up a mail server with SMTP and IMAP services (Postfix, Dovecot). * ``php_website``, reusable role for creating PHP-based websites. Provides basic building block for PHP applications (Nginx). * ``preseed``, small role for generating Debian preseed files for automated OS installation. * ``web_server``, sets-up web server with basic welcome page (Nginx). * ``wsgi_website``, reusable role for creating WSGI-based websites. Provides basic building block for WSGI applications (Nginx). * ``xmpp_server``, sets-up an XMPP server for instant messaging services (Prosody). New features: * Usage (tutorial-like) instructions. * Test site, serving as an example and used for basic regression testing. * Role reference documentation.