import os import pytest import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner from tls_ciphers import ALL_CIPHERS testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('parameters-mandatory') def test_tls_version(host): """ Tests if only the configured TLS protocol versions are allowed by the server. """ old_tls_versions_disabled ="echo 'Q' | openssl s_client -no_tls1_2 -connect parameters-mandatory:443") # Avoid false negatives by ensuring the client had actually # established the TCP connection. assert "CONNECTED" in old_tls_versions_disabled.stdout assert old_tls_versions_disabled.rc != 0 ENABLED_CIPHERS = [ "DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305", "ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256", "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384", "ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305", ] DISABLED_CIPHERS = sorted(list(set(ALL_CIPHERS)-set(ENABLED_CIPHERS))) @pytest.mark.parametrize("cipher", ENABLED_CIPHERS) def test_enabled_tls_ciphers(host, cipher): """ Tests available TLS ciphers on the server. """ hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip() fqdn = hostname[:hostname.rfind('-')] client ="echo 'Q' | openssl s_client -cipher %s -connect %s:443", cipher, fqdn) assert client.rc == 0 assert cipher in client.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize("cipher", DISABLED_CIPHERS) def test_disabled_tls_ciphers(host, cipher): """ Tests available TLS ciphers on the server. """ hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip() fqdn = hostname[:hostname.rfind('-')] client ="echo 'Q' | openssl s_client -cipher %s -connect %s:443", cipher, fqdn) assert client.rc != 0 assert cipher not in client.stdout def test_https_enforcement(host): """ Tests if HTTPS is being enforced. """ https_enforcement ='curl -I http://parameters-mandatory/') assert https_enforcement.rc == 0 assert 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently' in https_enforcement.stdout assert 'Location: https://parameters-mandatory/' in https_enforcement.stdout https_enforcement ='curl -I https://parameters-mandatory/') assert https_enforcement.rc == 0 assert 'Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains' in https_enforcement.stdout def test_default_vhost_index_page(host): """ Tests content of default vhost index page. """ page ='curl https://parameters-mandatory/') assert page.rc == 0 assert "Welcome" in page.stdout assert "


" in page.stdout assert "

You are attempting to access the web server using a wrong name or an IP address. Please check your URL.

" in page.stdout