import os import re import pytest import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('client-relay-forbidden') def test_open_relay(host): """ Tests if mail server behaves as open relay. """ no_recipients_accepted = 24 send ='swaks --suppress-data --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Relay access denied" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Relay access denied" in send.stdout send ='swaks --port 27 --suppress-data --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Relay access denied" in send.stdout send ='swaks --port 27 --suppress-data --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Relay access denied" in send.stdout def test_mail_delivery(host): """ Tests if mails can be delivered to valid accounts. Has to be run on client with no unauthenticated relay permissions. """ no_recipients_accepted = 24 # Valid accounts. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to jane.doe@domain2 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to jane.doe@domain2 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout # Invalid accounts. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain2 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain2 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to jane.doe@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to jane.doe@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout # Test for valid mail address that's not allowed by LDAP group membership. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to nomail@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to nomail@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout # Valid aliases. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to postmaster@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to postmaster@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to webmaster@domain2 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to webmaster@domain2 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout # Invalid aliases. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to postmaster@domain2 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to postmaster@domain2 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to webmaster@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout send ='swaks --suppress-data --to webmaster@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == no_recipients_accepted assert "Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table" in send.stdout def test_smtp_authentication(host): """ Tests if SMTP authentication works via TLS and allows sending mails to anywhere. """ send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout def test_smtp_authentication_with_alias_sender(host): """ Tests if SMTP authentication works via TLS and allows sending mails to anywhere while using sender alias. """ send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from postmaster@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from postmaster@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout def test_smtp_authentication_requires_tls(host): """ Tests if SMTP authentication requires TLS. """ auth_error = 28 send ='swaks --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr send ='swaks --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr def test_smtp_authentication_requires_submission_port(host): """ Tests if SMTP authentication cannot be done on regular SMTP port. """ auth_error = 28 send ='swaks --port 25 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr send ='swaks -tls --port 25 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr send ='swaks --port 25 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr send ='swaks -tls --port 25 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == auth_error assert "Host did not advertise authentication" in send.stderr def test_dovecot_inbox_separator(host): """ Tests if inbox separator has been configured correctly. """ pattern_slash_separator = re.compile(r'WARNING:imap-cli:Ignoring "LIST" response part : \([^)]*\) "/" INBOX') pattern_dot_separator = re.compile(r'WARNING:imap-cli:Ignoring "LIST" response part : \([^)]*\) "\." INBOX') status ="imapcli status -c ~/imapcli-parameters-mandatory-john_doe.conf") assert is not None status ="imapcli status -c ~/imapcli-parameters-optional-john_doe.conf") assert is not None @pytest.mark.parametrize("server", [ "parameters-mandatory", "parameters-optional" ]) def test_imap_authentication_requires_tls(host, server): """ Tests if IMAP authentication requires TLS. """ capabilities_command = "a0001 CAPABILITY\na0002 LOGOUT" # No TLS. command ="echo %s | nc %s 143", capabilities_command, server) assert command.rc == 0 assert "LOGINDISABLED" in command.stdout # STARTTLS. command ="echo %s | openssl s_client -quiet -connect %s:143 -starttls imap", capabilities_command, server) assert command.rc == 0 assert "LOGINDISABLED" not in command.stdout # TLS. command ="echo %s | openssl s_client -quiet -connect %s:993", capabilities_command, server) assert command.rc == 0 assert "LOGINDISABLED" not in command.stdout def test_sieve_authentication_requires_tls(host): """ Tests if SIEVE authentication requires TLS. """ # No TLS. command ="echo 'LOGOUT' | nc parameters-mandatory 4190") assert command.rc == 0 assert "PLAIN LOGIN" not in command.stdout command ="echo 'LOGOUT' | nc parameters-optional 4190") assert command.rc == 0 assert "PLAIN LOGIN" not in command.stdout # STARTTLS # @TODO: In case of failed login (authentication rejected), # sieve-connect will return error code 255. However, # internally Testinfra treats error code as if it is a # signal from the SSH (over which the command is being run) # that the SSH itself has failed, and throws a runtime # exception. The use of || //bin/false is a workaround for # now. It would be a good idea to get in contact with # Testinfra maintainer and raise an issue around # this. There are more similar uses of sieve-connect in the # test files, don't forget to update those as well if some # kind of better solution pops-up. command ="echo 'johnpassword' | sieve-connect -u john.doe@domain1 --password 0 --server parameters-mandatory --port 4190 --list || /bin/false") assert command.rc == 0 command ="echo 'johnpassword' | sieve-connect -u john.doe@domain1 --password 0 --server parameters-optional --port 4190 --list || /bin/false") assert command.rc == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("server", [ "parameters-mandatory", "parameters-optional" ]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [ 25, 26, 27, 587, 143, 993, 4190 ]) def test_connectivity(host, server, port): """ Tests connectivity to the mail server (ports that should be reachable). """ with host.sudo(): ping ='hping3 -S -p %s -c 1 %s', str(port), server) assert ping.rc == 0 def test_port_forwarding(host): """ Tests if port forwarding is set-up correctly for additional SMTP and submission ports. """ # Regular SMTP. send ='swaks -tls --port 27 --to john.doe@domain1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 27 --to john.doe@domain1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout # Submission port. send ='swaks -tls --port 26 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 26 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from john.doe@domain1 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 0 assert "Ok: queued as" in send.stdout def test_dovecot_sieve(host): """ Tests if Sieve service is available. """ # Test valid users. command ='echo johnpassword | sieve-connect --list -s parameters-mandatory -p 4190 -u john.doe@domain1 --password 0 || /bin/false') assert command.rc == 0 command ='echo janepassword | sieve-connect --list -s parameters-optional -p 4190 -u jane.doe@domain2 --password 0 || /bin/false') assert command.rc == 0 # Test invalid users. command ='echo johnpassword | sieve-connect --list -s parameters-mandatory -p 4190 -u john.doe@domain2 --password 0 || /bin/false') assert command.rc != 0 assert "Authentication refused by server" in command.stderr command ='echo janepassword | sieve-connect --list -s parameters-optional -p 4190 -u jane.doe@domain1 --password 0 || /bin/false') assert command.rc != 0 assert "Authentication refused by server" in command.stderr def test_smtp_sender_forging(host): """ Tests if SMTP sender forging is possible. """ send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from jane.doe@domain2 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 24 assert "Sender address rejected: not owned by user john.doe@domain1" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from jane.doe@domain2 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 24 assert "Sender address rejected: not owned by user john.doe@domain1" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from webmaster@domain2 --to root@client1 --server parameters-mandatory') assert send.rc == 24 assert "Sender address rejected: not owned by user john.doe@domain1" in send.stdout send ='swaks -tls --port 587 --auth-user john.doe@domain1 --auth-password johnpassword ' '--from webmaster@domain2 --to root@client1 --server parameters-optional') assert send.rc == 24 assert "Sender address rejected: not owned by user john.doe@domain1" in send.stdout