Role Reference ============== Preseed ------- The ``preseed`` role can be used for generating simple preseed files for Debian Wheezy installations. The generated preseed files allow simplified installation, with a single root partition. A number of common parameters can be provided. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **preseed_directory** (mandatory) Destination directory where the preseed files should be stored. **preseed_servers** (mandatory) List of servers for which a preseed file should be created. Each item in this list defines options for a single server. The options are as follows: **name** (string, mandatory) Name associated with the server. This name is used in the preseed configuration filename. **language** (string, mandatory) Language. **country** (string, mandatory) Country. **locale** (string, mandatory) Locale. **keymap** (string, mandatory) Keymap. **network_interface** (string, mandatory) Name of network interface (for example *eth0*) that should be configured. **network_auto** (boolean, mandatory) Specifies whether the network configuration should be automatic (using DHCP) or manual. If manual configuration is selected a number of additional options needs to be specified. **network_ip** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) IP address for the server network interface. **network_netmask** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) Netmask for the server network interface. **network_gateway** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) Default gateway for the server. **network_dns** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) Comma-separated list of DNS servers. **network_hostname** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) Server hostname. **network_domain** (string, mandatory if **network_auto** is set to ``no``) Server domain. **mirror_hostname** (string, mandatory) Resolvable hostname of FQDN where the Debian apt repositories can be found. Only HTTP mirrors are supported. **mirror_directory** (string, mandatory) Directory under which the Debian apt repositories can be found on the specified mirror. **mirror_proxy** (string, optional, default is *None*) An HTTP proxy that should be used for accessing the Debian apt repositories. **root_password** (string, mandatory) Initial password that should be set for the server during the installation. **timezone** (string, mandatory) Timezone that should be used when calculating server time. It is assumed that the local hardware clock is set to UTC. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for a preseed file for two servers, one with automatic and one with manual network configuration: .. code-block:: yaml --- preseed_directory: /var/www/preseed/ preseed_servers: - name: language: en country: SE locale: en_US.UTF-8 keymap: us network_interface: eth0 network_auto: yes mirror_hostname: mirror_directory: /debian mirror_proxy: root_password: testserver timezone: Europe/Stockholm - name: language: en country: SE locale: en_US.UTF-8 keymap: us network_interface: eth0 network_auto: no network_ip: network_netmask: network_gateway: network_dns:, network_hostname: test1 network_domain: mirror_hostname: mirror_proxy: mirror_directory: /debian root_password: testserver timezone: Europe/Stockholm Bootstrap --------- The ``bootstrap`` role can be used for bootstraping a new server with Ansible. In order to apply this role to a server, all that is necessary is root access to the server (either via SSH or locally). The role implements the following: * Installs sudo package. * Creates operating system user and group for Ansible (``ansible``). * Sets-up an authorized_key for operating system user ``ansible`` (for remote SSH access). * Configures sudo to allow operating system user ``ansible`` to run sudo commands without password authentication. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **ansible_key** (string, mandatory) SSH public key that should be deployed to authorized_keys truststore for operating system user ``ansible``. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Since the role is meant to be used just after the server has been installed, and using the ``root`` account, it is probably going to be invoked from a separate playbook. For example, a playbook (``bootstrap.yml``) could look something similar to: .. code-block:: yaml --- - hosts: "{{ server }}" remote_user: root roles: - bootstrap vars: ansible_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'authorized_keys/') }}" With such a playbook in place, it would be invoked with: ansible-playbook --ask-pass -e bootstrap.yml Common ------ The ``common`` role can be used for applying a common configuration and hardening across all servers, no matter what services they provide. The role implements the following: * Sets-up umask for all logins to ``0027``. * Installs sudo. * Installs additional base packages, as configured. * Creates additional operating system groups, as configured. * Creates additional operating system users, as configured. * Hardens the SSH server by disabling remote ``root`` logins and password-based authentication. * Allows traversing of directory ``/etc/ssl/private/`` to everyone. This lets you put TLS private keys in central location where any operating system user can reach them provided they have appropriate read/write rights on the file itself, and provided they know the exact path of the file. * Deploys CA certificate files, normally used for truststore purposes, to ``/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/``, updating the TLS cache at ``/etc/ssl/certs/`` along the way. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **os_users** (list, optional) A list of operating system users that should be set-up on a server. Each item is a dictionary with the following options describing the user parameters: **name** (string, mandatory) Name of the operating system user that should be created. User's default group will have the same name as the user. **uid** (number, mandatory) UID for the operating system user. User's default group will have a GID identical to the user's UID. **additional_groups** (string, mandatory) Comma-separated list of additional groups that a user should belong to. If no additional groups should be appended to user's list of groups, set it to empty string (``""``). **authorized_keys** (list, mandatory) List of SSH public keys that should be deployed to user's authorized_keys truststore. If no authorized keys should be deployed, set it to empty list (``[]``). **password** (string, mandatory) Encrypted password that should be set for the user. **os_groups** (list, optional) A list of operating system groups that should be set-up on a server. Each item is a dictionary with the following options describing the group parameters: **name** (string, mandatory) Name of the operating system group that should be created. **gid** (number, mandatory) GID for the operating system group. **common_packages** (list, optional) List of additional operating system packages that should be installed on the server. Each element of the list should be a simple string denoting the name of the package. **ca_certificates** (list, optional) List of additional CA certificate files that should be deployed on the server. Each element of the list should be a filepath to a CA certificate file on originating (Ansible) host that should be copied to destination server. Combinations of multiple CA certificates in the same file can be specified as well. File names should end with ``.crt`` or ``.pem``. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting-up some common users, groups, and packages on all servers: .. code-block:: yaml --- os_users: - name: admin uid: 1000 additional_groups: sudo authorized_keys: - "{{ lookup('file', '/home/admin/.ssh/') }}" password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.' - name: john uid: 1001 additional_groups: "" authorized_keys: [] password: '$6$AaJRWtqyX5pk$IP8DUjgY0y2zqMom9BAc.O9qHoQWLFCmEsPRCika6l/Xh87cp2SnlMywH0.r4uEcbHnoicQG46V9VrJ8fxp2d.' os_groups: - name: localusers gid: 2500 common_packages: - emacs23-nox - screen - debconf-utils ca_certificates: - ../certs/truststore.pem .. _ldap_client: LDAP Client ----------- The ``ldap_client`` role can be used for setting-up an OpenLDAP client on destination machine. The role implements the following: * Installs OpenLDAP client tools. * Sets-up global configuration file for OpenLDAP clients at /etc/ldap/ldap.conf. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **ldap_client_config** (list, mandatory) A list of configuration options that should be put into the LDAP configuration file. Each item is a dictionary with the following options defining the configuration parameter: **comment** (string, mandatory) Comment that will be shown in the file just above the configuration option. **option** (string, mandatory) Name of configuration option. **value** (string, mandatory) Value for configuration option. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting some common LDAP client options: .. code-block:: yaml --- ldap_client_config: - comment: Set the base DN option: BASE value: dc=example,dc=com - comment: Set the default URI option: URI value: ldap:// - comment: Set the truststore for TLS/SSL option: TLS_CACERT value: /etc/ssl/certs/example_ca.pem - commment: Force basic server certificate verification option: TLS_REQCERT value: demand - comment: Disable CRL checks for server certificate option: TLS_CRLCHECK value: none LDAP Server ----------- The ``ldap_server`` role can be used for setting-up an OpenLDAP server on destination machine. The role implements the following: * Deploys LDAP TLS private key and certificate. * Installs OpenLDAP server (package ``slapd``). * Configures OpenLDAP server (base DN - domain, organisation, TLS, SSF, log levels). * Sets-up separate log file for OpenLDAP server at ``/var/log/slapd.log`` (with log rotation included). * Enables the ``memberof`` overlay on top of default database. The overlay is configured to keep track of membership changes for object class ``groupOfUniqueNames`` via attribute ``uniqueMember``. Enforcement of referential integrity is turned on as well (modifications of ``memberof`` attribute will update corresponding group as well. * Configures permissions. * Creates LDAP entries. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **ldap_server_config** (list, mandatory) A dictionary of configuration options for OpenLDAP server. The following configuration options are available: **domain** (string, mandatory) Domain that should be used for constructing the base DN of default user LDAP database. This should be a sub-domain dedicated to organisation. The base DN will be constructed by putting all elements of the sub-domain as ``dc`` entries (as per standard Debian convention). I.e. ```` would get transformed into ``dc=example,dc=com``. **organization** (string, mandatory) Organization that should be specified in the base DN entry. **log_level** (string, mandatory) Log level to use for the server. This should be compatible with OpenLDAP configuration option ``olcLogLevel``. See `OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide ` for value description and syntax. **tls_certificate** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS for LDAP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``. **tls_key** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for LDAP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``. **ssf** (number, mandatory) Minimum *Security Strength Factor* to require from all incoming connections. This applies for both remote and local connections. **ldap_permissions** (list, mandatory) List of LDAP access controls to apply to directories served by the LDAP server. Each item is a dictionary with the following options describing the permissions: **filter** (string, mandatory) An LDAP filter that should be applied on base DN ``cn=config`` using sub-tree scope to locate the LDAP database for which the access control rules will be applied. For default user database this could be something in the lines of ``(olcSuffix=dc=example,dc=com)``. **rules** (list, mandatory) A list of access control rules that should be applied for the selected database. The access control rules listed will *replace* all existing rules, and will be added in the same order they are listed in. Each item is a string that constitutes a single access control rule. The format should be the same as described in `OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide `. **ldap_entries** (list, mandatory) List of entries that should be kept in the LDAP directory. Each item is a dictionary describing a single LDAP entry, with all of its attributes listed. The keys in this dictionary should be the attribute names. The values should be either strings, for setting a single attribute value, or a list of strings if it is necessary to set multiple values for the same attribute. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting-up LDAP server: .. code-block:: yaml --- ldap_server_config: domain: "" organization: "Example Corporation" log_level: 256 tls_certificate: ~/tls/ldap.example.com_ldap.pem tls_key: ~/tls/ldap.example.com_ldap.key ssf: 128 ldap_permissions: - filter: '(olcSuffix=dc=example,dc=com)' rules: - > to * by dn.exact=gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth manage by * break - > to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange by self write by anonymous auth by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write by * none - > to dn.base="" by * read - > to * by self write by dn="cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" write by users read by * none ldap_entries: - dn: ou=people,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: people - dn: ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: groups - dn: uid=john,dc=example,dc=com objectClass: - inetOrgPerson - simpleSecurityObject userPassword: somepassword uid: john cn: John Doe sn: Doe Prosody ------- The ``prosody`` role can be used for setting-up Prosody, an XMPP server, on destination machine. The role implements the following: * Sets-up the Prosody apt repository. * Deploys XMPP TLS private key and certificate. * Installs Prosody. * Configures Prosody. Prosody is configured as follows: * Modules enabled: roster, saslauth, tls, dialback, posix, private, vcard, version, uptime, time, ping, pep, register, admin_adhoc, announce, legacyauth. * Self-registration is not allowed. * TLS is configured. Legacy TLS is available on port 5223. * Client-to-server communication requires encryption (TLS). * Authentication is done via LDAP. For setting the LDAP TLS truststore, see :ref:`LDAP Client `. * Internal storage is used. * For each domain specified, a dedicated conference/multi-user chat (MUC) service is set-up, with FQDN set to ``conference.DOMAIN``. * For each domain specified, a dedicated file proxy service will be set-up, with FQDN set to ``proxy.DOMAIN``. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **prosody_administrators** (list, mandatory) List of Prosody users that should be granted administrator privileges over Prosody. Each item is a string with value equal to XMPP user ID (i.e. ````). **prosody_tls_key** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for XMPP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``. **prosody_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS for SMTP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``. **prosody_domains** (list, mandatory) List of domains that are served by this Prosody instance. Each item is a string specifying a domain. **prosody_ldap_server** (string, mandatory) Fully qualified domain name, hostname, or IP address of the LDAP server used for user authentication and listing. **prosody_ldap_bind_dn** (string, mandatory) Distinguished name of LDAP user used for authenticating to the LDAP server. This user is used for looking-up the users available on the server. Users themselves authenticate via their own account. **prosody_ldap_password** (string, mandatory) Password used for authenticating to the LDAP server. **prosody_ldap_filter** (string, mandatory) LDAP filter used for obtaining a list of users available on the Prosody server. Two special strings can be used for specifying the user and domain, ``$user``, and ``$host`` within. These will be replaced with real values in the filter every time a user is looked-up. **prosody_ldap_scope** (string, mandatory) Scope for performing the LDAP search for obtaining a list of users available on the Prosody server. **prosody_ldap_tls** (boolean, mandatory) Specifies whether to use STARTTLS extension when connecting to the LDAP server or not. **prosody_ldap_base** (string, mandatory) Base DN under which the lists of users available on the Prosody should be looked-up. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody: .. code-block:: yaml --- prosody_administrators: - # These are default key and certificate that generated during Prosody # installation. prosody_tls_key: /etc/prosody/certs/localhost.key prosody_tls_certificate: /etc/prosody/certs/localhost.crt prosody_domains: - prosody_ldap_server: prosody_ldap_bind_dn: cn=xmpp,ou=services,dc=example,dc=com prosody_ldap_password: xmpp # This would require that the memberof overlay is available on LDAP server # side. prosody_ldap_filter: '(&(memberOf=cn=xmpp,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com)(mail=$user@$host))' prosody_ldap_scope: "onelevel" prosody_ldap_tls: "true" prosody_ldap_base: "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" Mail Server ----------- The ``mail_server`` role can be used for setting-up a complete mail server solution, which includes both SMTP and IMAP service, on destination machine. Postfix is used SMTP, while Dovecot is used for IMAP. The role implements the following: * Installs rsync. * Adds the Wheezy backports repository. * Deploys IMAP/SMTP TLS private keys and certificates. * Installs and configures Dovecot (from backports), Postfix, ClamAV, and ClamAV Milter. * Purges Exim4 configuration (just in case). * Installs SWAKS (utility for testing SMTP servers). * Sets-up the necessary directories and files under Postfix chroot. Deployed services are configured as follows: * Both Postfix and Dovecot look-up available domains, users, and aliases in LDAP. * Incoming and outgoing mail is scanned with ClamAV (via ClamAV Milter). Infected mails are rejected. * Mail is stored in directory ``/var/MAIL_USER/DOMAIN/USER``, using ``Maildir`` format. * TLS is required for user log-ins for both SMTP and IMAP. * RBL's are used for combating spam (if any is specified in configuration, see below). Both Postfix and Dovecot expect a specific directory structure in LDAP when doing look-ups: * Postfix will log-in to LDAP as user ``cn=postfix,ou=services,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN``. * Dovecot will log-in to LDAP as user ``cn=dovecot,ou=services,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN``. * Domain entries need to be available as ``dc=DOMAIN,ou=domains,ou=mail,ou=services,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN``. * Alias entries need to be available as ``cn=ALIAS,ou=aliases,ou=mail,ou=services,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN``. * User entries are read from sub-tree (first-level only) ``ou=people,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN``. Query filter used for finding users is ``(&(mail=%s)(memberOf=cn=mail,ou=groups,MAIL_LDAP_ROOT_DN))``. This allows group-based granting of mail services to users. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **mail_ldap_url** (string, mandatory) LDAP URL that should be used for connecting to the LDAP server for doing domain/user look-ups. **mail_ldap_tls_truststore** (string, mandatory) Path to TLS truststore used for verifying the LDAP certificate. Should be in PEM format. **mail_ldap_root_dn** (string, mandatory) Root DN in LDAP under where the entries (domains, users, aliases) can be found. **mail_ldap_postfix_password** (string, mandatory) Password for authenticating the Postfix LDAP user. **mail_ldap_dovecot_password** (string, mandatory) Password for authenticating the Dovecot LDAP user. **mail_user** (string, mandatory) Name of the user that owns all the mail files. **mail_user_uid** (integer, mandatory) UID of the user that owns all the mail files. **mail_user_gid** (integer, mandatory) GID of the user that owns all the mail files. **imap_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS for IMAP and ManageSieve services. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``. **imap_tls_key** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for IMAP and ManageSieve services. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``. **smtp_tls_certificate** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the X.509 certificate used for TLS for SMTP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/certs/``. **smtp_tls_key** (string, mandatory) Path to file on Ansible host that contains the private key used for TLS for SMTP service. The file will be copied to directory ``/etc/ssl/private/``. **imap_folder_separator** (string, mandatory) Character used for separating the IMAP folders when clients are requesting listing from the server. Usually either slash(``/``) or dot(``.``). **smtp_rbl** (list, mandatory) List of RBLs to use for detecting servers which send out spam. Each item is a string resembling the RBL domain. **mail_postmaster** (string, mandatory) Mail address to use for the postmaster account in Dovecot. **smtp_allow_relay_from** (list, mandatory) List of networks from which mail relaying is allowed even without authentication. Each item in the list is a string defining a network. The format must be compatible with Postfix ``mynetworks`` setting (for example: ````, ```` etc). Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting-up XMPP server using Prosody: .. code-block:: yaml --- mail_ldap_url: ldap:// mail_ldap_tls_truststore: /etc/ssl/certs/truststore.pem mail_ldap_root_dn: dc=example,dc=com mail_ldap_postfix_password: postfix mail_ldap_dovecot_password: dovecot mail_user: vmail mail_user_uid: 5000 mail_user_gid: 5000 imap_tls_certificate: ~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.pem imap_tls_key: ~/tls/mail.example.com_imap.key smtp_tls_certificate: ~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.pem smtp_tls_key: ~/tls/mail.example.com_smtp.key imap_folder_separator: / smtp_rbl: - - mail_postmaster: smtp_allow_relay_from: - - Mail Forwarder -------------- The ``mail_forwarder`` role can be used for setting-up a local SMTP server for sending out mails and receiving mails for local users. The SMTP server is provided by Postfix. SMTP service on server set-up this way is not meant to be exposed to the Internet directly, and should receive delivery failures from the relay server instead. The role implements the following: * Installs and configures Postfix. * Purges Exim4 configuration (just in case). * Sets-up aliases for the local recipients. * Installs SWAKS (utility for testing SMTP servers). Postfix is configured as follows: * Local destinations are set-up. * A relay host is set. Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ **local_mail_aliases** (dictionary, mandatory) Dictionary defining the local aliases. Aliases defined this way will either be appended to default aliases on the server, or replace the existing entries (if the alias/recipient is already present). Keys in the dictionary are the local recipients/aliases, while the value provided should be a space-separated list of mail addresses (or local users) where the mails should be forwarded. **smtp_relay_host** (string, mandatory) SMTP server via which the mails are sent out for non-local recipients. Examples ~~~~~~~~ Here is an example configuration for setting-up the mail forwarder: .. code-block:: yaml --- # All mails sent to local user root will be forwarded to external account as # well. local_mail_aliases: root: "root" smtp_relay_host: