--- - name: Install Python apt bindings apt: name=python-apt - name: Add Prosody repository apt key apt_key: data: "{{ lookup('file', 'prosody-debian-packages.gpg') }}" state: present - name: Add Prosody repository apt_repository: repo="deb http://packages.prosody.im/debian jessie main" state=present - name: Install Lua Sec library (needed for TLS) apt: name=lua-sec state=installed - name: Install Lua LDAP library apt: name=lua-ldap state=installed - name: Install Prosody apt: name=prosody state=installed - name: Allow Prosody user to traverse the directory with TLS private keys user: name=prosody append=yes groups=ssl-cert - name: Deploy XMPP TLS private key copy: dest="/etc/ssl/private/{{ prosody_tls_key | basename }}" src="{{ prosody_tls_key }}" mode=640 owner=root group=prosody notify: - Restart Prosody - name: Deploy XMPP TLS certificate copy: dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ prosody_tls_certificate | basename }}" src="{{ prosody_tls_certificate }}" mode=644 owner=root group=root notify: - Restart Prosody - name: Set-up directory for storing additional Prosody modules file: path=/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/ state=directory mode=755 owner=root group=root - name: Deploy the Prosody mod_auth_ldap module get_url: url=https://prosody-modules.googlecode.com/hg/mod_auth_ldap/mod_auth_ldap.lua dest=/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/mod_auth_ldap.lua - name: Set-up file permissions for the Prosody mod_auth_ldap module file: dest=/usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/mod_auth_ldap.lua owner=root group=root mode=644 - name: Deploy Prosody configuration file template: src=prosody.cfg.lua.j2 dest=/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua notify: - Restart Prosody - name: Enable and start Prosody service service: name=prosody enabled=yes state=started - name: Deploy firewall configuration for XMPP server copy: src="ferm_xmpp.conf" dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/30-xmpp.conf" owner=root group=root mode=640 notify: - Restart ferm