import os import re import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner import pytest testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('parameters-*') def test_pam_umask(host): """ Tests configuration of PAM umask module. """ pam_auth_update_config = host.file('/usr/share/pam-configs/umask') assert pam_auth_update_config.exists assert pam_auth_update_config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert pam_auth_update_config.mode == 0o644 assert host.file('/etc/pam.d/common-session').contains(r'session[[:blank:]]\+required[[:blank:]]\') assert host.file('/etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive').contains(r'session[[:blank:]]\+required[[:blank:]]\') def test_login_umask(host): """ Tests set-up of default UMASK via /etc/login.defs. """ assert host.file('/etc/login.defs').contains(r'UMASK[[:blank:]]\+027') def test_adduser_umask(host): """ Tests UMASK configuration used for creating user home directory. """ assert host.file('/etc/adduser.conf').contains('DIR_MODE=0750') def test_bash_prompt(host): """ Tests file permissions on custom bash prompt configuration. """ bash_prompt = host.file('/etc/profile.d/') assert bash_prompt.exists assert bash_prompt.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert bash_prompt.mode == 0o644 def test_home_profile_d(host): """ Tests deployment of special profile file used for enabling profile.d-like capability in user's home directory. """ home_profile_d = host.file('/etc/profile.d/') assert home_profile_d.is_file assert home_profile_d.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert home_profile_d.mode == 0o644 def test_home_skeleton_bashrc(host): """ Tests deployment of home directory skeleton bashrc. """ bashrc = host.file('/etc/skel/.bashrc') assert bashrc.is_file assert bashrc.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert bashrc.mode == 0o644 assert bashrc.sha256sum == '4f946fb387a413c8d7633787d8e8a7785c256d77f7c6a692822ffdb439c78277' def test_default_bashrc(host): """ Tests deployment of default bashrc file. """ bashrc = host.file('/etc/bash.bashrc') assert bashrc.is_file assert bashrc.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert bashrc.mode == 0o644 def test_root_bashrc(host): """ Tests overwriting of root's bashrc configuration with default one. """ with host.sudo(): bashrc = host.file('/root/.bashrc') assert bashrc.is_file assert bashrc.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert bashrc.mode == 0o640 assert bashrc.sha256sum == '4f946fb387a413c8d7633787d8e8a7785c256d77f7c6a692822ffdb439c78277' def test_installed_packages(host): """ Tests installation of required packages. """ assert host.package('sudo').is_installed assert host.package('ssl-cert').is_installed assert host.package('ferm').is_installed assert host.package('apticron').is_installed assert host.package('python3-setuptools').is_installed assert host.package('virtualenv').is_installed def test_root_remote_login_disabled(host): """ Tests if SSH server has been configured to prevent remote root logins. """ assert 'PermitRootLogin no' in host.file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').content_string def test_remote_login_via_password_disabled(host): """ Tests if SSH server has been configured to disable password-based authentication. """ assert 'PasswordAuthentication no' in host.file('/etc/ssh/sshd_config').content_string def test_ferm_service_configuration(host): ferm_service_config = host.file('/etc/default/ferm') assert ferm_service_config.is_file assert ferm_service_config.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ferm_service_config.mode == 0o644 assert 'FAST=yes' in ferm_service_config.content_string assert 'CACHE=no' in ferm_service_config.content_string assert 'ENABLED="yes"' in ferm_service_config.content_string def test_ferm_configuration_directory(host): """ Tests creation of ferm configuration directory. """ with host.sudo(): ferm_dir = host.file('/etc/ferm/conf.d') assert ferm_dir.is_directory assert ferm_dir.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ferm_dir.mode == 0o750 def test_ferm_configuration(host): """ Tests deployment of basic ferm configuration files. """ with host.sudo(): ferm_configuration = host.file('/etc/ferm/ferm.conf') assert ferm_configuration.is_file assert ferm_configuration.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ferm_configuration.mode == 0o640 assert "@include '/etc/ferm/conf.d/';" in ferm_configuration.content_string ferm_base = host.file('/etc/ferm/conf.d/00-base.conf') assert ferm_base.is_file assert ferm_base.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ferm_base.mode == 0o640 def test_ferm_service(host): """ Tests if ferm is started and enabled to start automatically on boot. """ ferm = host.service('ferm') assert ferm.is_running assert ferm.is_enabled def test_check_certificate_script(host): check_certificate = host.file('/usr/local/bin/') assert check_certificate.is_file assert check_certificate.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert check_certificate.mode == 0o755 def test_check_certificate_directory(host): check_certificate_dir = host.file('/etc/check_certificate') assert check_certificate_dir.is_directory assert check_certificate_dir.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert check_certificate_dir.mode == 0o755 def test_check_certificate_crontab(host): """ Tests deployment of cron job for checking certificates. """ check_certificate_crontab = host.file('/etc/cron.d/check_certificate') assert check_certificate_crontab.is_file assert check_certificate_crontab.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert check_certificate_crontab.mode == 0o644 assert "0 0 * * * nobody /usr/local/bin/ -q expiration" in check_certificate_crontab.content_string def test_pipreqcheck_virtualenv(host): """ Tests creation of Python virtual environment used for performing pip requirements upgrade checks. """ virtualenv_activate_path = '/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/activate' with host.sudo(): virtualenv_activate = host.file(virtualenv_activate_path) assert virtualenv_activate.is_file assert virtualenv_activate.user == 'pipreqcheck' assert == 'pipreqcheck' assert virtualenv_activate.mode == 0o640 def test_pipreqcheck_virtualenv_prompt(host): """ Tests if Python virtual environment prompt has been set-up correctly. """ with host.sudo("pipreqcheck"): prompt ='bash -c "source /var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/activate; printenv PS1"') # Chop off trailing newline if present (this is from the # itself). if prompt.stdout.endswith("\n"): prompt_stdout = prompt.stdout[:-1] else: prompt_stdout = prompt.stdout assert prompt_stdout == "(pipreqcheck) " def test_pipreqcheck_directories(host): """ Tests creation of directories used for storing configuration used by script that performs pip requirements upgrade checks. """ config_dir = '/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades' with host.sudo(): pipreqcheck_config_directory = host.file(config_dir) assert pipreqcheck_config_directory.is_directory assert pipreqcheck_config_directory.user == 'root' assert == 'pipreqcheck' assert pipreqcheck_config_directory.mode == 0o750 pipreqcheck_config_directory_pipreqcheck = host.file(os.path.join(config_dir, 'pipreqcheck')) assert pipreqcheck_config_directory_pipreqcheck.is_directory assert pipreqcheck_config_directory_pipreqcheck.user == 'root' assert == 'pipreqcheck' assert pipreqcheck_config_directory_pipreqcheck.mode == 0o750 def test_pipreqcheck_requirements(host): """ Tests deployment of requirements input and text file used for virtual environment utilised by script that perform pip requirements upgrade checks. """ requirements_in_path = '/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/' requirements_txt_path = '/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt' with host.sudo(): requirements_in = host.file(requirements_in_path) assert requirements_in.is_file assert requirements_in.user == 'root' assert == 'pipreqcheck' assert requirements_in.mode == 0o640 requirements_txt = host.file(requirements_txt_path) requirements_txt.is_file assert requirements_txt.user == 'root' assert == 'pipreqcheck' assert requirements_txt.mode == 0o640 def test_pipreqcheck_virtualenv_packages(host): """ Tests if correct packages are installed in virtualenv used for pip requirements checks.. """ pip_path = '/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/pip' expected_packages = [ "build==1.0.3", "click==8.1.7", "importlib-metadata==6.7.0", "packaging==23.2", "pip-tools==6.14.0", "pip==23.1.2", "pyproject_hooks==1.0.0", "setuptools==68.0.0", "tomli==2.0.1", "typing_extensions==4.7.1", "wheel==0.41.3", "zipp==3.15.0", ] packages ="sudo -u pipreqcheck %s freeze --all", pip_path) # Normalise package names and order. expected_packages = sorted([p.lower() for p in expected_packages]) actual_packages = sorted(packages.stdout.lower().strip().split("\n")) # This is a dummy distro-provided package ignored by the # pip-tools. Two variants of this name have been previously known. if "pkg-resources==0.0.0" in actual_packages: actual_packages.remove("pkg-resources==0.0.0") if "pkg_resources==0.0.0" in actual_packages: actual_packages.remove("pkg_resources==0.0.0") assert actual_packages == expected_packages def test_pipreqcheck_script(host): """ Tests script used for performing pip requirements upgrade checks. """ pipreqcheck_script = host.file('/usr/local/bin/') assert pipreqcheck_script.is_file assert pipreqcheck_script.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert pipreqcheck_script.mode == 0o755 def test_pipreqcheck_crontab(host): """ Tests if crontab entry is set-up correctly for running the pip requirements upgrade checks. """ crontab_path = '/etc/cron.d/check_pip_requirements' virtualenv_path = '/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv' crontab = host.file(crontab_path) assert crontab.is_file assert crontab.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert crontab.mode == 0o644 assert "MAILTO=root" in crontab.content_string assert virtualenv_path in crontab.content_string.split(" ") def test_pipreqcheck_virtualenv_python_version(host): """ Tests if Python virtual environment for pipreqcheck has been set-up correctly. """ python_path = '/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/python' expected_major_version = '3' with host.sudo('pipreqcheck'): major_version ="%s -c %s", python_path, "import sys; print(sys.version_info.major)") assert major_version.rc == 0 assert major_version.stdout.strip() == expected_major_version def test_pipreqcheck_script_output(host): """ Tests if the script properly reports available updates or not. """ virtualenv = '/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv' config_directory = '/tmp/pip_check_requirements_upgrades' expected_line_count = 9 expected_warning_message = "[WARN] Upgrades available for: %s/with_updates/requirements.txt" % config_directory expected_package_diff = "@@ -1 +1 @@\n-urllib3==1.24.2\n+urllib3==1.24.3" with host.sudo("pipreqcheck"): report ="/usr/local/bin/ -q -V %s %s", virtualenv, config_directory) # Clean-up the SSH warning from the beginning of stderr if # present. stderr = re.sub("^Warning: Permanently added.*?\r\n", "", report.stderr) assert stderr == "" assert len(report.stdout.split("\n")) == expected_line_count assert expected_warning_message in report.stdout assert expected_package_diff in report.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize('default_path', [ '/usr/sbin/ferm', ]) def test_dpkg_diversions(host, default_path): """ Tests if dpkg diversions have been put in place. """ default = host.file(default_path) diversion = host.file(default_path + '.original') dpkg_divert ='dpkg-divert --list %s', default_path) assert dpkg_divert.rc == 0 assert default_path in dpkg_divert.stdout assert default.exists assert diversion.exists @pytest.mark.parametrize('path,owner,group,mode,checksum', [ ('/usr/sbin/ferm', 'root', 'root', 0o755, "13765317d7068005dac18757abe03762f79b6285ce7d078d33826d53801ee6b3"), ]) def test_file_overrides(host, path, owner, group, mode, checksum): """ Tests if file overrides (that replace package-provided defaults) have been deployed correctly. """ with host.sudo(): file_override = host.file(path) assert file_override.is_file assert file_override.user == owner assert == group assert file_override.mode == mode assert file_override.sha256sum == checksum @pytest.mark.parametrize('iptables_family', [ 'ip', 'ip6', ]) def test_legacy_iptables_not_present(host, iptables_family): """ Tests if the legacy iptables are present (shouldn't be the case if ferm binary was patched/replaced). """ iptables_save ="sudo /usr/sbin/%stables-save", iptables_family) warning_message = "Warning: %stables-legacy tables present" % iptables_family assert warning_message not in iptables_save.stderr def test_legacy_iptables_removal_script(host): """ Tests if the script for dropping legacy iptables rules has been deployed correctly. """ script = host.file("/usr/local/sbin/") assert script.is_file assert script.user == "root" assert == "root" assert script.mode == 0o755