import os import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('parameters-*') def test_installed_packages(host): """ Tests if the necessary packages are installed. """ distribution_release = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_distribution_release"] if distribution_release == "buster": expected_package_name = "python-pexpect" else: expected_package_name = "python3-pexpect" assert host.package(expected_package_name).is_installed assert host.package('duply').is_installed assert host.package('duplicity').is_installed def test_duply_directories(host): """ Tests if Duply directories have been set-up correctly. """ with host.sudo(): for directory_path in ["/etc/duply", "/etc/duply/main", "/etc/duply/main/patterns", "/etc/duply/main/gnupg", "/etc/duply/main/ssh", "/var/cache/duply", "/var/cache/duply/main"]: directory = host.file(directory_path) assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert directory.mode == 0o700 def test_gnupg_private_keys_file(host): """ Tests if file containing GnuPG private keys has been created and has correct permissions. """ with host.sudo(): gnupg_private_keys = host.file('/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc') assert gnupg_private_keys.is_file assert gnupg_private_keys.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert gnupg_private_keys.mode == 0o600 def test_gnupg_public_keys_file(host): """ Tests if file containing additional GnuPG public keys used for encryption has been created and has correct permissions. """ with host.sudo(): gnupg_public_keys = host.file('/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc') assert gnupg_public_keys.is_file assert gnupg_public_keys.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert gnupg_public_keys.mode == 0o600 def test_private_ssh_key_file(host): """ Tests if the file containing client SSH key used for logging-in into the backup server has been deployed and has correct permissions. """ with host.sudo(): ssh_key = host.file('/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity') assert ssh_key.is_file assert ssh_key.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert ssh_key.mode == 0o600 def test_known_hosts(host): """ Tests if the Duply known_hosts file has been deployed and has correct permissions. """ with host.sudo(): known_hosts = host.file('/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts') assert known_hosts.is_file assert known_hosts.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert known_hosts.mode == 0o600 def test_duply_configuration(host): """ Tests if Duply configuraiton file has been deployed and has correct file permissions. """ with host.sudo(): duply_configuration = host.file('/etc/duply/main/conf') assert duply_configuration.is_file assert duply_configuration.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert duply_configuration.mode == 0o600 def test_exclude_file(host): with host.sudo(): exclude = host.file('/etc/duply/main/exclude') assert exclude.is_file assert exclude.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert exclude.mode == 0o600 assert exclude.content_string == "- **" def test_pre_backup_script_directory(host): with host.sudo(): pre_backup_dir = host.file('/etc/duply/main/pre.d') assert pre_backup_dir.is_directory assert pre_backup_dir.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert pre_backup_dir.mode == 0o700 def test_pre_backup_script(host): """ Tests if the script used for running pre-backup handles has been deployed and has correct permissions.x """ with host.sudo(): pre_backup_script = host.file('/etc/duply/main/pre') assert pre_backup_script.is_file assert pre_backup_script.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert pre_backup_script.mode == 0o700 def test_cron_entry(host): """ Tests if cron job has been correctly set-up for running backups. """ cron = host.file('/etc/cron.d/backup') assert cron.is_file assert cron.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert cron.mode == 0o644 assert cron.content_string == "#Ansible: backup\n0 2 * * * root /usr/bin/duply main backup\n" def test_duply_include_file(host): """ Tests include file existence and permissions. """ with host.sudo(): include = host.file('/etc/duply/main/include') assert include.is_file assert include.user == 'root' assert == 'root' assert include.mode == 0o600 def test_backup_and_restore(host): """ Tests a simple backup and restore to a directory. Includes tests for checking if the pre-backup handles are run correctly. """ with host.sudo(): # Remove this file so we can be sure the pre-backup script has been run. host.ansible("file", "path=/var/lib/pre-backup-test state=absent") backup_run ='duply main backup') assert backup_run.rc == 0 assert host.file('/var/lib/pre-backup-test').is_file # Remove restore directory in order to make sure restore has worked # correctly. host.ansible("file", "path=/root/restore state=absent") restore_run ='duply main restore /root/restore') assert restore_run.rc == 0 assert host.file('/root/restore').is_directory