import os import re import time import uuid import defusedxml.ElementTree as ElementTree import pytest import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner( os.environ['MOLECULE_INVENTORY_FILE']).get_hosts('parameters-optional') def test_mailname_file_content(host): """ Tests the system mail name file content. """ mailname = host.file('/etc/mailname') hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip() assert mailname.content_string == hostname def test_postfix_main_cf_file_content(host): """ Tests if the Postfix main configuration file content is correct. """ distribution_release = host.ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]["ansible_distribution_release"] host_variables = host.ansible.get_variables() allow_relay_from_ip = host_variables["release_based_smtp_allow_relay_from"][distribution_release] hostname ='hostname').stdout.strip() config = host.file('/etc/postfix/') config_lines = config.content_string.split("\n") assert "myhostname = %s" % hostname in config_lines assert "mydestination = %s, %s, localhost.localdomain, localhost" % (hostname, hostname) in config_lines assert "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 %s" % allow_relay_from_ip in config_lines assert "smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/%s_smtp.pem" % hostname in config_lines assert "smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/ssl/private/%s_smtp.key" % hostname in config_lines assert " reject_rbl_client" in config_lines assert " reject_rbl_client" in config_lines assert "smtp_host_lookup = dns, native" in config_lines def test_local_aliases(host): """ Tests if local aliases are configured correctly. """ message_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) send ='swaks --header %s --suppress-data --to root@localhost', "Message-Id: <%s>" % message_id) time.sleep(1) assert send.rc == 0 with host.sudo(): mail_log = host.file('/var/log/mail.log') pattern = r"dovecot: lda\(john.doe@domain1\)<\d+><.+?>: msgid=<%s>: saved mail to INBOX" % message_id assert, mail_log.content_string) is not None def test_dovecot_mailbox_directories(host): """ Tests if mailbox directories are created correctly. """ # Deliver two mails in order to make sure the directory structure is # created. send ='swaks --suppress-data --to john.doe@domain1 --server localhost') assert send.rc == 0 send ='swaks --suppress-data --to jane.doe@domain2 --server localhost') assert send.rc == 0 with host.sudo(): for directory_path in ["/var/virtmail/domain1", "/var/virtmail/domain1/john.doe", "/var/virtmail/domain1/john.doe/Maildir", "/var/virtmail/domain2", "/var/virtmail/domain2/jane.doe", "/var/virtmail/domain2/jane.doe/Maildir"]: directory = host.file(directory_path) assert directory.is_directory assert directory.user == "virtmail" assert == "virtmail" assert directory.mode == 0o700 def test_mail_owner(host): """ Tests creation of mail owner group and user. """ group ="virtmail") assert group.exists assert group.gid == 5000 user = host.user("virtmail") assert user.exists assert user.uid == 5000 assert user.home == "/var/virtmail" assert == "virtmail" assert user.groups == ["virtmail"] @pytest.mark.parametrize("port", [ 143, 993, 587, ]) def test_imap_and_smtp_submission_tls_version_and_ciphers(host, port): """ Tests if the correct TLS version and ciphers have been enabled for IMAP and SMTP submission. """ expected_tls_versions = ["TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2"] expected_tls_ciphers = [ "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384", "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", ] # Run the nmap scanner against the server, and fetch the results. nmap ="nmap -sV --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p %s localhost -oX /tmp/report.xml", str(port)) assert nmap.rc == 0 report_content = host.file('/tmp/report.xml').content_string report_root = ElementTree.fromstring(report_content) tls_versions = [] tls_ciphers = set() for child in report_root.findall("./host/ports/port/script/table"): tls_versions.append(child.attrib['key']) for child in report_root.findall(".//table[@key='ciphers']/table/elem[@key='name']"): tls_ciphers.add(child.text) tls_versions.sort() tls_ciphers = sorted(list(tls_ciphers)) assert tls_versions == expected_tls_versions assert tls_ciphers == expected_tls_ciphers def test_dovecot_postmaster(host): """ Tests if Dovecot postmaster has been correctly configured. """ with host.sudo(): config ="doveadm config") assert config.rc == 0 assert " postmaster_address = webmaster@parameters-optional" in config.stdout def test_imap_max_user_connections_per_ip(host): """ Tests if Dovecot per-user connection limit has been set-up correctly. """ with host.sudo(): config ="doveadm config") assert config.rc == 0 assert " mail_max_userip_connections = 2" in config.stdout def test_sieve_tls_configuration(host): """ Tests TLS configuration for SIEVE in Dovecot """ # @TODO: Currently not possible to test since nmap and openssl # s_client do not support STARTTLS for Sieve. pass def test_mail_message_size_limit(host): """ Tests if the mail message size limit advertised by the SMTP server is correct. """ capabilities ="(echo 'ehlo localhost' && sleep 2) | telnet localhost 25") begin = capabilities.stdout.find("250-SIZE") end = capabilities.stdout.find("\n", begin) mail_message_size_limit = capabilities.stdout[begin:end] assert mail_message_size_limit == "250-SIZE 20480001" def test_smtp_additional_configuration_present_in_file(host): """ Tests if additional SMTP server configuration has been applied against the configuration file. """ config = host.file("/etc/postfix/") assert "smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP My SMTP Server" in config.content_string assert "smtp_skip_5xx_greeting = no" in config.content_string def test_smtp_additional_configuration_active(host): """ Tests if additional SMTP server configuration has been applied against the running server. """ command ='swaks --quit-after BANNER --to root@localhost') assert "ESMTP My SMTP Server" in command.stdout