--- - name: Install Postfix ansible.builtin.apt: name: postfix state: present - name: Install procmail ansible.builtin.apt: name: procmail state: present - name: Purge Exim configuration ansible.builtin.apt: name: "exim4*" state: absent purge: true - name: Deploy the SMTP relay TLS truststore ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ smtp_relay_truststore }}" dest: "/etc/ssl/certs/smtp_relay_truststore.pem" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" - name: Generate the SMTP server Diffie-Hellman parameter community.crypto.openssl_dhparam: owner: root group: root mode: "0640" path: "/etc/ssl/private/{{ ansible_fqdn }}_smtp.dh.pem" size: 2048 notify: - Restart Postfix - name: Configure visible mail name of the system ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" dest: "/etc/mailname" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" notify: - Restart Postfix - name: Deploy Postfix main configuration ansible.builtin.template: src: "main.cf.j2" dest: "/etc/postfix/main.cf" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" notify: - Restart Postfix - name: Set-up local mail aliases ansible.builtin.lineinfile: dest: "/etc/aliases" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" regexp: "^{{ item.key }}" state: present with_dict: "{{ local_mail_aliases }}" notify: - Rebuild mail aliases - name: Enable and start postfix service ansible.builtin.service: name: postfix state: started enabled: true - name: Retrieve IPv4 addresses of SMTP relay host ansible.builtin.shell: "getent ahostsv4 '{{ smtp_relay_host }}' | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort -u" # noqa risky-shell-pipe # [risky-shell-pipe] Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option # The getent ahostsv4 command has non-zero exit code if the # supplies name cannot be resolved. However, that is a valid # use-case for extracting this information. It effectively means # that no IPv4 firewall rules will be deployed for allowing # incoming connections from the SMTP relay host. changed_when: false register: smtp_relay_host_ipv4 - name: Retrieve IPv6 addresses of SMTP relay host ansible.builtin.shell: "getent ahostsv6 '{{ smtp_relay_host }}' | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep -v '^::ffff:' | sort -u" # noqa risky-shell-pipe # [risky-shell-pipe] Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option # The getent ahostsv6 command has non-zero exit code if the # supplies name cannot be resolved. However, that is a valid # use-case for extracting this information. It effectively means # that no IPv6 firewall rules will be deployed for allowing # incoming connections from the SMTP relay host. changed_when: false register: smtp_relay_host_ipv6 - name: Normalise the SMTP relay host IPv4 addresses variable ansible.builtin.set_fact: smtp_relay_host_ipv4: "{{ smtp_relay_host_ipv4.stdout_lines | reject('equalto', '') | list }}" when: "smtp_relay_host | length != 0" - name: Normalise the SMTP relay host IPv6 addresses variable ansible.builtin.set_fact: smtp_relay_host_ipv6: "{{ smtp_relay_host_ipv6.stdout_lines | reject('equalto', '') | list }}" when: "smtp_relay_host | length != 0" - name: Deploy firewall configuration for mail forwader ansible.builtin.template: src: "ferm_mail.conf.j2" dest: "/etc/ferm/conf.d/20-mail.conf" owner: root group: root mode: "0640" notify: - Restart ferm - name: Install SWAKS ansible.builtin.apt: name: swaks state: present - name: Explicitly run all handlers ansible.builtin.import_tasks: ../handlers/main.yml when: "run_handlers | default(False) | bool()" tags: - handlers