# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete # version. # General settings # ================ # Internet hostname of this mail system. myhostname = {{ inventory_hostname }} # Under Debian, when a file name is specified, the first line of the # file be used as the SMTP server name. myorigin = /etc/mailname # Text shown to connecting clients as part of SMTP greeting. smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU) # Listen on all network interfaces and all protocols. inet_interfaces = all inet_protocols = all # Fall-back to using native lookups (/etc/hosts etc) if DNS lookup # fails. Useful for local overrides of mail servers. smtp_host_lookup = dns, native # Recipient delimeter for separating user name from its extension. recipient_delimiter = + # Explicitly set maximum allowed mail size that should be accepted. message_size_limit = {{ mail_message_size_limit }} # Disable output of Postfix README file paths when invoking postconf. readme_directory = no # Use whitelist/blacklist instead of allowlist/denylist in log # entries. respectful_logging = no # Compatibility level for default values. For more details, see: # https://www.postfix.org/COMPATIBILITY_README.html compatibility_level = 3.6 # Local mailbox delivery # ====================== # List of domains for local transport deliveries. mydestination = {{ inventory_hostname }}, {{ inventory_hostname_short }}, localhost.localdomain, localhost # Alias maps for local deliveries (to system accounts). alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases # Alias database that gets updated when invoking "newaliases" command. alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases # Disable size limits for local user mailboxes. mailbox_size_limit = 0 # Disable use of biff service for new mail notifications to local # users (improves performance). biff = no # External command for local mail deliveries. mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION" # Remote mailbox delivery # ======================= # List of trusted networks allowed to relay mail through this system. mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128 # Allow relaying only from trusted networks. Do not relay mails for # domains for which the mail server is not responsible. smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks reject_unauth_destination # Static relay host to use for outgoing mails from this server. relayhost = {{ smtp_relay_host }}{% if smtp_relay_host and smtp_relay_host_port %}:{{ smtp_relay_host_port }}{% endif %} # TLS configuration # ================= # Allow connecting SMTP clients to use TLS when connecting to the # host, but do not enforce it. smtpd_tls_security_level = may # Use locally-issued self-signed certificates for TLS. smtpd_tls_cert_file=/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem smtpd_tls_key_file=/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key # Use custom, generated DH parameters for increased security. smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file = /etc/ssl/private/{{ inventory_hostname }}_smtp.dh.pem smtpd_tls_dh512_param_file = /etc/ssl/private/{{ inventory_hostname }}_smtp.dh.pem {% if smtp_relay_host %} # Force TLS certificate validation when connecting to relay host using # the dedicated CA certificate truststore. smtp_tls_security_level=verify smtp_tls_CAfile=/etc/ssl/certs/smtp_relay_truststore.pem {% endif %} # Enable TLS session cache database for SMTP client. Helps with # performance and bandwidth usage. smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${data_directory}/smtp_scache