diff --git a/openpgp/gitprotect.sh b/openpgp/gitprotect.sh
index f6480c9b7fb133087841e294fa7ffa9801d86ee5..5f149240ae87469e3fb2851a1a81d3f077e05789 100755
--- a/openpgp/gitprotect.sh
+++ b/openpgp/gitprotect.sh
@@ -225,7 +225,8 @@ temporary GnuPG files.
 Before proceeding with the commit, verify the changes with:
-git status --staged .
+git status .
+git diff --staged .
 After you have verfied the changes, commit the changes with (you may specify
 alternative message):
@@ -302,25 +303,42 @@ elif [[ $command = "encrypt" ]]; then
     # Make sure that we have at least a single recipient.
     if [[ "${#recipients[@]}" == 0 ]]; then
-        echo "ERROR: No suitable recipients were found in the keyring." >&2
+        echo "ERROR: No suitable recipients were found in the keyring. Did you forget ot add keys?" >&2
         exit "$ERR_NORECIPIENTS"
     # Encrypt every file from the decrypted sub-directory.
-    while read filePath; do
-        filename=$(basename "$filePath")
+    while read decryptedFile; do
+        filename=$(basename "$decryptedFile")
+        encryptedFile="./${filename}.gpg"
+        # If the encrypted file is present, fetch list of keys that were used to
+        # encrypt it, and list of keys in the current keyring so we can compare
+        # them later on.
+        if [[ -f $encryptedFile ]]; then
+            currentFileRecipients=$(gpg2 --status-fd 1 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --quiet --batch --list-only --decrypt "$encryptedFile" | grep ENC_TO | sed -e 's/.*ENC_TO //;s/ .*//' | sort -u)
+            newFileRecipients=$(echo "${recipients[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u)
+        fi
+        # If an encrypted file exists, and its recipient list is outdated,
+        # re-encrypt the decrypted file to get the recipients into sync.
+        if [[ -f $encryptedFile && $currentFileRecipients != $newFileRecipients ]]; then
+            echo "INFO: Encrypting file '$decryptedFile' due to differing recipients in keyring and current encrypted file."
+            cat "$decryptedFile" | gpg2 --trust-model always "${gnupgArgs[@]}" \
+                --armor "${recipientArgs[@]}" --encrypt > "$encryptedFile"
+            sha256sum "$decryptedFile" > "$checksumFile"
         # If the checksum file exists, then verify it. This way we detect if
         # decrypted file has been changed in any way since it has been
         # decrypted. We should skip unchanged files.
-        if [[ -f $checksumFile ]] && sha256sum --quiet -c "$checksumFile" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-            echo "INFO: File decrypted/$filename doesn't seem to have been changed. Skipping."
+        elif [[ -f $checksumFile ]] && sha256sum --quiet -c "$checksumFile" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+            echo "INFO: File $decryptedFile doesn't seem to have been changed. Skipping."
         # The file was changed, so we need to encrypt new version of it.
-            cat "$filePath" | gpg2 --trust-model always "${gnupgArgs[@]}" \
-                --armor "${recipientArgs[@]}" --encrypt > "${filename}.gpg"
-            sha256sum "decrypted/$filename" > "decrypted/.${filename}.sha256"
+            echo "INFO: Encrypting new version of file '$decryptedFile'."
+            cat "$decryptedFile" | gpg2 --trust-model always "${gnupgArgs[@]}" \
+                --armor "${recipientArgs[@]}" --encrypt > "$encryptedFile"
+            sha256sum "$decryptedFile" > "$checksumFile"
     done < <(find "decrypted/" -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '.*.sha256')
 elif [[ $command = "decrypt" ]]; then