diff --git a/games/factorio_manager.sh b/games/factorio_manager.sh
index 4a34e4cef04934c9c8b8b12a8ed08b33744a451c..415ec7fcf764d50a98768a37838107866caf5ff7 100755
--- a/games/factorio_manager.sh
+++ b/games/factorio_manager.sh
@@ -1921,60 +1921,7 @@ elif [[ $command == info ]]; then
     if [[ ${#mod_files[@]} == 0 ]]; then
         echo "Available mods: none"
-    # Listing using just regular tools.
-    elif ! hash jq 2>/dev/null; then
-        echo "Available mods:"
-        echo
-        # Determine if mod is enabled by default or not when added to
-        # mods directory (and is not yet listed in the mod list file).
-        if grep -i -q "^[[:blank:]]*enable-new-mods=false" "$game_config"; then
-            enable_new_mods="false"
-        else
-            enable_new_mods="true"
-        fi
-        # Process every mod found.
-        for mod_file in "${mod_files[@]}"; do
-            if [[ -f $mod_file ]]; then
-                # Extract basic information about mod from the filename.
-                mod_basename=$(basename "$mod_file" .zip)
-                mod_name="${mod_basename%_*}"
-                mod_version="${mod_basename##*_}"
-                # Determine if mod is enabled or not.
-                if grep -A1 "\"name\": \"$mod_name\"" "$mod_list" | tail -n1 | grep -q '"enabled": false'; then
-                    color="$_text_yellow"
-                elif grep -A1 "\"name\": \"$mod_name\"" "$mod_list" | tail -n1 | grep -q '"enabled": true'; then
-                    color=""
-                elif [[ $enable_new_mods == "false" ]]; then
-                    color="$_text_yellow"
-                else
-                    color=""
-                fi
-                # Show colored-information for the mod.
-                printf "$color  - %-48s %8s $_text_reset\n" "$mod_name" "$mod_version"
-                if (( verbose == 1 )); then
-                    mod_info=$(unzip -Z1 "$mod_file" | grep "info\.json" | head -n1)
-                    mod_description=$(unzip -p "$mod_file" "$mod_info" | grep '"description":' | sed -e 's/\r//g;s/[^"]*"description": //;s/^"//;s/"$//')
-                    mod_description=$(echo -e "$mod_description" | fold -s -w 50 | sed -e 's/^/    /')
-                    mod_url="https://mods.factorio.com/mod/${mod_info}"
-                    echo
-                    echo "    ($mod_url)"
-                    echo
-                    echo "$mod_description"
-                    echo
-                fi
-            fi
-        done
-    # Listing using the jq utility.
-    elif hash jq 2>/dev/null; then
+    else
         echo "Available mods (enabled/${_text_yellow}disabled${_text_reset}):"
@@ -1999,10 +1946,22 @@ elif [[ $command == info ]]; then
             if [[ -f $mod_file ]]; then
-                # Extract basic information about mod from the filename.
+                # Extract internal name of the mod (used for URL paths
+                # etc). Differs from data stored in info.json.
                 mod_basename=$(basename "$mod_file" .zip)
-                mod_name="${mod_basename%_*}"
-                mod_version="${mod_basename##*_}"
+                mod_internal_name="${mod_basename%_*}"
+                # Extract mod information.
+                mod_info_file=$(unzip -Z1 "$mod_file" | grep "info\.json" | head -n1)
+                mod_info=$(unzip -p "$mod_file" "$mod_info_file")
+                mod_name=$(jq -r -e '.name' <<< "$mod_info")
+                mod_title=$(jq -r -e '.title' <<< "$mod_info")
+                mod_description=$(jq -r -e '.description' <<< "$mod_info")
+                mod_version=$(jq -r -e '.version' <<< "$mod_info")
+                mod_url="https://mods.factorio.com/mod/${mod_name}"
+                # Pretty-print description.
+                mod_description=$(fold -s -w 50 <<< "$mod_description" | sed -e 's/^/    /')
                 # Determine if mod is enabled or not.
                 if jq -e \
@@ -2015,11 +1974,8 @@ elif [[ $command == info ]]; then
                 # Show colored-information for the mod.
-                printf "$color  - %-48s %8s $_text_reset\n" "$mod_name" "$mod_version"
+                printf "$color  - %-48s %8s $_text_reset\n" "$mod_title" "$mod_version"
                 if (( verbose == 1 )); then
-                    mod_info=$(unzip -Z1 "$mod_file" | grep "info\.json" | head -n1)
-                    mod_description=$(unzip -p "$mod_file" "$mod_info" | jq -r -e '.description' | fold -s -w 50 | sed -e 's/^/    /')
-                    mod_url="https://mods.factorio.com/mod/${mod_info}"
                     echo "    ($mod_url)"