Changeset - 1c4602d59bf4
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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-06-29 04:17:24
Key removal will not raise any more questions. Most GnuPG commands are now executed with --batch options (no prompting). Added checks for addkey/rmkey commands to check if any key was specified at all. Implemented the encrypt/decrypt commands (currently they're _very_ destructive.
1 file changed with 89 insertions and 12 deletions:
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@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ for storing the passwords centrally, allowing small geographically disperse
teams to exchange them in a secure manner. The utility relies on using GnuPG
utility for performing all tasks related to encryption and decryption.

The script works on induvidual directories by keeping the GnuPG keyring used for
encryption in the subdirectory .gnupg, and using a sub-directory 'decrypted' for
storing unencrypted content.

The following commands are provided for managing the repository/directories:

@@ -58,6 +62,17 @@ The following commands are provided for managing the repository/directories:

    Lists the keys from the git repository GnuPG keyring.


    Encrypts all the files from the 'decrypted' sub-directory, and stores them
    in the initialised directory. The encrypted files will have the .gpg


    Decrypts all the files from the current directory, storing them in the
    'decrypted' sub-directory. Only the files with extension .gpg are decrypted.

$program accepts the following options:

    -v        show script version and licensing information
@@ -140,6 +155,9 @@ function gitprotectConfigured() {

# If no arguments were given, just show usage help.
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
@@ -173,30 +191,39 @@ gnupgHome="$(pwd)/.gnupg"

if [[ $command == "init" ]]; then
    if [[ -d $gnupgHome ]]; then
        echo "Directory already set-up."
        echo "Directory already set-up." >&2
        exit 0

    # Created the local .gnupg directory.
    # Create the local .gnupg directory.
    mkdir "$gnupgHome"
    chmod 700 "$gnupgHome"
    gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-keys 2>/dev/null

    # Initialise the GnuPG files in local directory.
    gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-keys 2>/dev/null
elif [[ $command == "addkey" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"

    # At least one key has to be provided.
    if [[ "${#@}" == 0 ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: At least one key file or identifier must be specified" >&2
        exit "$ERR_NOKEYARG"

    # Process all the keys specified.
    for key in "$@"; do
        # First try accessing a file by the given key name. Otherwise treat it
        # as key identifier.
        if [[ -f $key ]]; then
            if ! gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --import "$key"; then
            if ! gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --import "$key"; then
                echo "ERROR: Failed to add key from file '$key'." >&2
            if ! gpg2 --list-keys "$key" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
            if ! gpg2 --batch --list-keys "$key" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
                echo "WARN: Key with identifier '$key' not found in user's GnuPG keyring. Skipping." >&2
                if ! gpg2 --armor --export "$key" | gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --import; then
                ! gpg2 --batch --armor --export "$key" | gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --import
                if [[ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} != 0 ]]; then
                    echo "ERROR: Failed to add key with identifier '$key')." >&2
@@ -205,19 +232,69 @@ elif [[ $command == "addkey" ]]; then
elif [[ $command = "rmkey" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"

    # At least one key has to be provided.
    if [[ "${#@}" == 0 ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: At least one key file or identifier must be specified" >&2
        exit "$ERR_NOKEYARG"

    # Process all the keys specified.
    for key in "$@"; do
        if ! gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-key "$key" 2>/dev/null; then
        if ! gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-key "$key" 2>/dev/null; then
            echo "WARN: Key with identifier '$key' not found in git repository directory's GnuPG keyring. Skipping" >&2
            if ! gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --yes --delete-key "$key"; then
                echo "ERROR: Failed to remove the key with identifier '$key'." >&2
        elif ! gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --yes --delete-key "$key"; then
            echo "ERROR: Failed to remove the key with identifier '$key'." >&2
elif [[ $command = "listkeys" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"
    gpg2 --fingerprint --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-public-keys --keyid-format long
    gpg2 --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-public-keys --keyid-format long
elif [[ $command = "encrypt" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"

    # Verify that the directory with unencrypted files exists.
    if [[ ! -d "decrypted/" ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: Nothing to encrypt. sub-directory 'decrypted' does not exist."
        exit "$ERR_NODECRYPTDIR"

    # Set-up the list of recipients. Read the information about each public
    # sub-key from the local keyring.
    while read key_validity key_id key_capabilities; do
        # Only use non-expired sub-keys that have encryption capability.
        if [[ $key_validity != e && $key_capabilities =~ .*e.* ]]; then
            recipients+=("-r" "$key_id")
    done < <(gpg2 --homedir "$gnupgHome" --list-public-keys --with-colons | grep '^sub' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = ":" } ; { print $2, $5, $12 }')

    # Make sure that we have at least a single recipient.
    if [[ "${#recipients[@]}" == 0 ]]; then
        echo "ERROR: No suitable recipients were found in the keyring." >&2
        exit "$ERR_NORECIPIENTS"

    # Encrypt every file from the decrypted sub-directory.
    while read filePath; do
        filename=$(basename "$filePath")
        cat "$filePath" | gpg2 --trust-model always --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" \
            --armor "${recipients[@]}" --encrypt > "${filename}.gpg"
    done < <(find "decrypted/" -maxdepth 1 -type f)
elif [[ $command = "decrypt" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"

    # Create the sub-directory that will contain the decrypted data.
    mkdir -p "decrypted/"

    # Process each GnuPG-encrypted file.
    while read filePath; do
        filename=$(basename "$filePath" ".gpg")

        # Remove the "decrypted" file if decryption had failed.
        if ! gpg2 --decrypt "$filePath" > "decrypted/$filename"; then
            echo "ERROR: Failed to decrypt file '$filepath'. No private key available." >&2
            rm "decrypted/$filename"
    done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.gpg')
    echo "ERROR: Unsupported command '$command'" >&2
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