Changeset - 5c11eb05a67d
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Branko Majic (branko) - 4 years ago 2020-06-29 04:17:35
Added checksum checks for decrypted content. This information is used for tracking changes in decrypted files.
1 file changed with 27 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -276,9 +276,20 @@ elif [[ $command = "encrypt" ]]; then
    # Encrypt every file from the decrypted sub-directory.
    while read filePath; do
        filename=$(basename "$filePath")
        cat "$filePath" | gpg2 --trust-model always --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" \
            --armor "${recipients[@]}" --encrypt > "${filename}.gpg"
    done < <(find "decrypted/" -maxdepth 1 -type f)

        # If the checksum file exists, then verify it. This way we detect if
        # decrypted file has been changed in any way since it has been
        # decrypted. We should skip unchanged files.
        if [[ -f $checksumFile ]] && sha256sum --quiet -c "$checksumFile" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
            echo "INFO: File decrypted/$filename doesn't seem to have been changed. Skipping."
        # The file was changed, so we need to encrypt new version of it.
            cat "$filePath" | gpg2 --trust-model always --batch --homedir "$gnupgHome" \
                --armor "${recipients[@]}" --encrypt > "${filename}.gpg"
            sha256sum "decrypted/$filename" > "decrypted/.${filename}.sha256"
    done < <(find "decrypted/" -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '.*.sha256')
elif [[ $command = "decrypt" ]]; then
    gitprotectConfigured || exit "$ERR_NOCONFIG"

@@ -288,11 +299,21 @@ elif [[ $command = "decrypt" ]]; then
    # Process each GnuPG-encrypted file.
    while read filePath; do
        filename=$(basename "$filePath" ".gpg")

        # Remove the "decrypted" file if decryption had failed.
        if ! gpg2 --quiet --decrypt "$filePath" > "decrypted/$filename"; then

        # If the checksum file exists, and it does not match, the destination
        # file has been modified, so refuse to overwrite it.
        if [[ -f $checksumFile ]] && ! sha256sum --quiet -c "$checksumFile" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
            echo "ERROR: Current decrypted file 'decrypted/$filename' seems to have been modified since it was last decrypted."
        # Decrypt the file. If decryption has failed, we've ended-up with empty
        # file we need to remove.
        elif ! gpg2 --quiet --decrypt "$filePath" > "decrypted/$filename"; then
            echo "ERROR: Failed to decrypt file '$filePath'. No private key available." >&2
            rm "decrypted/$filename"
        # Create a new checksum file for checking if file had been changed by
        # user or not.
            sha256sum "decrypted/$filename" > "decrypted/.${filename}.sha256"
    done < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.gpg')
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