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Branko Majic (branko) - 7 years ago 2016-12-03 15:17:02
PYD-7: Updated usage instructions to mention multiple output formats.
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@@ -82,41 +82,57 @@ Finally, the resulting identicons can be in different formats::
  identicon_png = generator.generate("", 200, 200,
  # Create identicon in ASCII format.
  identicon_ascii = generator.generate("", 200, 200,

Supported output formats are dependant on the local Pillow installation. For
exact list of available formats, have a look at `Pillow documentation
<>`_. The ``ascii`` format is the only format
explicitly handled by the *Pydenticon* library itself (mainly useful for
debugging purposes).

Using the generated identicons

Of course, just generating the identicons is not that fun. They usually need
either to be stored somewhere on disk, or maybe streamed back to the user via
HTTP response. Since the generate function returns raw data, this is quite easy
to achieve::

  # Generate same identicon in two different formats.
  # Generate same identicon in three different formats.
  identicon_png = generator.generate("", 200, 200,
  identicon_gif = generator.generate("", 200, 200,
  identicon_ascii = generator.generate("", 200, 200,

  # Identicon can be easily saved to a file.
  f = open("sample.png", "wb")

  f = open("sample.gif", "wb")

  # ASCII identicon can be printed-out to console directly.
  print identicon_ascii


Working with transparency

.. note::
   New in version ``0.3``.

.. warning::
   The only output format that properly supports transparency at the moment is
   ``PNG``. If you are using anything else, transparency will not work.

If you ever find yourself in need of having a transparent background or
foreground, you can easily do this using the syntax
``rgba(224,224,224,0)``. All this does is effectively adding alpha channel to
selected colour.

The alpha channel value ranges from ``0`` to ``255``, letting you specify how
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