File diff ead70abc037d → 57a095aafd9b
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@@ -107,6 +107,24 @@ to achieve::
  # ASCII identicon can be printed-out to console directly.
  print identicon_ascii


Working with transparency

.. note::
   New in version ``0.3``.

If you ever find yourself in need of having a transparent background or
foreground, you can easily do this using the syntax
``rgba(224,224,224,0)``. All this does is effectively adding alpha channel to
selected colour.

The alpha channel value ranges from ``0`` to ``255``, letting you specify how
much transparency/opaqueness you want. For example, to have it at roughly 50%
(more like at ``50.2%`` since you can't use fractions), you would simply specify
value as ``rgba(224,224,224,128)``.


Full example