Files @ 3d9170ce641a
Branch filter:

Location: conntrackt/conntrackt/

Added documentation, removed unused admin action.
# Import all the models from the application.
from conntrackt.models import *

# Import the administrator application.
from django.contrib import admin

# Import resolver used for figuring-out the view being called in custom query
# calls.
from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve

class InterfaceInline(admin.StackedInline):
    This class implements the inline admin view of the Interface instances. This
    is used when adding the entities (since it's easier to specify interface for
    an entity right away).


      - model - Model that this admin class refers to.
      - extra - Number of interfaces that should be show inline for

    model = Interface
    extra = 1

class CommunicationAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    Modifies the default admin class for the Communication class. The
    communication class needs to be modified in a number of ways in order to
    cater for easier adding of communication links, letting us limit the
    interfaces being shown as source/destination to specific project and/or

    # Show standard fields of the model, and also include a separate edit link
    # so that other fields can be editable.
    list_display = ('source', 'destination', 'protocol', 'port', 'edit_link')
    # Make the extra edit link the main link for bringing-up admin page for
    # editing the communication.
    list_display_links = ('edit_link',)
    # All of the fields should be editable inline for ease-of-use purposes.
    list_editable = ('source', 'destination', 'protocol', 'port')
    # Add filters for project/location.
    list_filter = ['source__entity__project', 'source__entity__location']

    def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
        Overrides the default queryset for the foreign key fields. This lets us
        limit the specification of communication to specific project and/or
        location. These are in turn passed through the GET parameters.


          db_field - Name of the model field for which this method is called.

          request - Request associated with the calling view.

          kwargs - Additional keyword arguments

        # Resolve the view name based on the request's path.
        view_name = resolve(request.path).view_name

        # Only process the source and destination fields that point to
        # interfaces.
        if == "source" or == "destination":
            # Perform no filtering by default.
            interface_filter = {}

            # If project was specified in GET requests, add it as a filter.
            if 'source__entity__project__id__exact' in request.GET:
                interface_filter['entity__project'] = request.GET['source__entity__project__id__exact']
            # If location was specified in GET request, add it as a filter.
            if 'source__entity__location__id__exact' in request.GET:
                interface_filter['entity__location'] = request.GET['source__entity__location__id__exact']
            # If there are any filtering options for the show interfaces, apply them.
            if interface_filter:
                kwargs["queryset"] = Interface.objects.filter(**interface_filter)

        # Call the parent's method so it would do any of its magic.
        return super(CommunicationAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field, request, **kwargs)

class EntityAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    This class implements the admin view of the entity instances. It adds some
    inline capability that can be edited for the entity, and also adds inline
    editing of interfaces related to the entity.

    # Show the interfaces inline when editing an entity.
    inlines = [InterfaceInline]
    # Specify what should be viewed in a list display.
    list_display = ('name', 'project', 'location')
    # Allow the user to change project and location directly in the list.
    list_editable = ('project', 'location')
    # Enable filtering based on project and location.
    list_filter = ['project', 'location']

class InterfaceAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    This class implements the admin view of the interface instances. It allows
    editing the IP address and netmask of an interface directly in the listing.

    It also adds some filtering capability based on project and/or location.

    # Specify fields that should be visible in the list view.
    list_display = ('entity', 'address', 'netmask')
    # Allow changing of IP address and netmask directly in the list view.
    list_editable = ('address', 'netmask')
    # Enable filtering based on project and location.
    list_filter = ['entity__project', 'entity__location']

# Register our admin classes., EntityAdmin), InterfaceAdmin), CommunicationAdmin)