Files @ 421171af6c75
Branch filter:

Location: conntrackt/conntrackt/tests/

CONNT-25: Updating application and project to use Django 1.11.x:

- Bumped Django version in both the development requirements and setup
script to 1.11.x.
- Bumped Django Crispy Forms to version 1.7.0 in both development
requirements and setup script.
- Updated import of URL-related modules to use the new path (previous
one is deprecated).
- Added explicit on_delete = models.CASCADE option to all foreign key
fields (old implicit behaviour will be deprecated in Django 2.0).
- Fixed the custom change_list.html template used in Django Admin to
render without errors.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2017 Branko Majic
# This file is part of Django Conntrackt.
# Django Conntrackt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Django Conntrackt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Django Conntrackt.  If not, see <>.

# Standard library imports.
import json
from StringIO import StringIO
from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED

# Python third-party library imports.
import mock

# Django imports.
from django.template import Context, Template, TemplateSyntaxError
from django.test import TestCase

# Application imports
from conntrackt.templatetags.conntrackt_tags import html_link, active_link, current_url_equals

class HtmlLinkTest(TestCase):

    def test_url_reverse_called_with_passed_in_args(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if URL reversing is performed using the correct set of
        passed-in arguments.

        html_link("My link", "my_view", 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')

        mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with("my_view", args=('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'))

    def test_url_reverse_called_without_args_if_they_are_not_passed_in(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if URL reverse is performed without using any positional
        arguments if they are not specified.

        kwargs = {
            "id": "myid",
            "class": "myclass",
            "title": "mytitle",

        html_link("My link", "my_view", **kwargs)

        mock_reverse.assert_called_once_with("my_view", args=())

    def test_html_id_applied_to_output_element(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if id attribute is filled-in correctly in the HTML tag.

        # Mock a view we want to reverse.
        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"
        kwargs = {
            'id': "my_id",

        link = html_link("My link", "my_view", **kwargs)

        self.assertIn('id="my_id"', link)

    def test_html_class_applied_to_output_element(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if class attribute is filled-in correctly in the HTML tag.

        # Mock a view we want to reverse.
        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"
        kwargs = {
            'class': "class1,class2,class3",

        link = html_link("My link", "my_view", **kwargs)

        self.assertIn('class="class1,class2,class3"', link)

    def test_html_title_applied_to_output_element(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if title attribute is filled-in correctly in the HTML tag.

        # Mock a view we want to reverse.
        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"
        kwargs = {
            'title': "My title",

        link = html_link("My link", "my_view", **kwargs)

        self.assertIn('title="My title"', link)

    def test_get_parameter_applied_to_output_element_link(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if generated URL contains the passed-in get argument.

        # Mock a view we want to reverse.
        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"
        kwargs = {
            'get': "MyGetParameter",

        link = html_link("My link", "my_view", **kwargs)

        self.assertIn('href="/my/url?MyGetParameter"', link)

    def test_rendered_output_format(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if the rendered output format is correct.

        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"

        link = html_link(
            "My link",
                "id": "my_id",
                "class": "my_class",
                "title": "my_title",
                "get": "MyGetParameter=20",

        self.assertEqual(link, '<a href="/my/url?MyGetParameter=20" class="my_class" title="my_title" id="my_id">My link</a>')

    def test_invalid_passed_in_keyword_argument_raises_exception(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if passing-in a non-supported keyword argument raises an
        exception (if parameter validation works correctly).

        with self.assertRaises(TemplateSyntaxError):
            html_link("My link", "my_view", invalid_keyword="some-value")

    def test_rendered_output_not_escaped(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if rendered output is not double-escaped by Django.

        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"

        template = Template('{% load conntrackt_tags %}{% html_link "My link" "my_view" class="my_class" title="my_title" id="my_id" get="MyGetParameter=20" %}')
        context = Context()
        rendered_output = template.render(context)

        self.assertEqual(rendered_output, '<a href="/my/url?MyGetParameter=20" class="my_class" title="my_title" id="my_id">My link</a>')

    def test_html_escapes_passed_in_values(self, mock_reverse):
        Tests if values passed-in as keyword arguments are escaped within
        resulting output.

        mock_reverse.return_value = "/my/url"

        link = html_link(
            "My </a> link",
                "id": "my</a>_id",
                "class": "my</a>_class",
                "title": "my</a>_title",
                "get": "MyGetParameter=</a>",

        self.assertEqual(link, '<a href="/my/url?MyGetParameter=&lt;/a&gt;" class="my&lt;/a&gt;_class" title="my&lt;/a&gt;_title" id="my&lt;/a&gt;_id">My &lt;/a&gt; link</a>')