Files @ 90fac7c6abb9
Branch filter:

Location: conntrackt/conntrackt/templatetags/

Renamed the tags library. Removed the line stripper middleware, and replaced it with some custom code that will remove all blank lines. The iptables rule rendering has been rewritten to accomodate this change (a utility function has been added for generating them). Fixed some code styling.
# Import Django's template library.
from django import template
# Import for determining the active URL.
from django.core import urlresolvers

# Get an instance of Django's template library.
register = template.Library()

def html_link(text, view, *args, **kwargs):
    A small wrapper for showing HTML links.

    Positional arguments:

        text - Text that should be used as a link.

        view - View name for which the URL should be shown

        args - Additional positional arguments that will be passed to resolver
        for creating the URL.

    Keyword arguments:

        id - Identifier for the <a> HTML element.

        class - Class(es) for the <a> HTML element.

        title - Title for the HTML <a> element.

        get - Additional GET parameter that should be appended to the URL.


    # We'll return a context for rendering with the template. Add the text right
    # away.
    context = {'text': text}

    # Generate the URL by using the supplied view name and arguments that should
    # be passed to the view.
    context['url'] = urlresolvers.reverse(view, args=args)

    # Iterate over keyword arguments, and if we support them, just assign them
    # to the context as is. Raise an exception if a keyword is unsupported.
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if key in ("class", "title", "id", "get"):
            context[key] = value
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError("Unknown argument for 'advhtml_link' tag: %r" % key )

    return context

def iptables(communication):
    Produces an iptables rule based on the provided models.Communication object
    instance. The rule is appropriate for inclusion in the INPUT section of a
    file provided to the iptables-restore command.


        communication - Instance of a models.Communication object.
    values = (communication.source.address, communication.source.netmask, communication.protocol.lower(), communication.protocol.lower(), communication.port)
    if communication.protocol in ('TCP', 'UDP'):
        rule_template = "-A INPUT -s %s/%s -p %s -m %s --dport %s -j ACCEPT"
    elif communication.protocol in ('ICMP'):
        rule_template = "-A INPUT -s %s/%s -p %s -m %s --icmp-type %s -j ACCEPT"

    return rule_template % values

@register.simple_tag(takes_context = True)
def active_link(context, url_name, return_value='active', **kwargs):
    This template tag can be used to check if the provided URL matches against
    the path from the request or not.


      context - Context of the current view being called.

      url_name - Name of the URL that's being checked against current path from

    matches = current_url_equals(context, url_name, **kwargs)

    return return_value if matches else ''
def current_url_equals(context, url_name, **kwargs):
    Helper function for checking if the specified URL corresponds to the current
    request path in the context.


      - context - Context of the view being rendered.

      - url_name - Name of the URL against which the context request path is
      being checked.

    # Assume that we have not been able to resolve the request path to an URL.
    resolved = False
        # Use the request path, and resolve it to a URL name.
        resolved = urlresolvers.resolve(context.get('request').path)
    except urlresolvers.Resolver404:
        # This means we haven't been able to resolve the path from request.

    # If the request was resolved and URL names match, verify that the kwargs
    # match as well.
    matches = resolved and resolved.url_name == url_name
    if matches and kwargs:
        for key in kwargs:
            kwarg = kwargs.get(key)
            resolved_kwarg = resolved.kwargs.get(key)
            if not resolved_kwarg or kwarg != resolved_kwarg:
                return False

    return matches