Files @ e8434f637f9f
Branch filter:

Location: conntrackt/conntrackt/templates/conntrackt/entity_detail.html

Removed the line stripper middleware since it interfered with regular template lookups. Added some custom code to remove all blank lines from iptables rendering instead.
{% extends "conntrackt/template.html" %}

{# For html_link. #}
{% load conntrackt %}

{% block content %}
{# Use a bit shorter variable names. #}
{% with project=entity.project location=entity.location %}

{% if entity %}
  <dt>Project</dt><dd>{% html_link 'project'  %}</dd>
  <dt>Incoming communications</dt><dd><ul class="unstyled">{% for interface in entity.interface_set.all %}
    {% for communication in interface.destination_set.all %}
    <li>{{communication.source}} - {{communication.protocol}}: {{communication.port}}</li>
    {% endfor %}{% endfor %}</ul></dd>
    <dt>Outgoing communications</dt><dd><ul class="unstyled">{% for interface in entity.interface_set.all %}
  {% for communication in interface.source_set.all %}
      <li>{{communication.destination}} - {{communication.protocol}}: {{communication.port}}</li>
{% endfor %}{% endfor %}</ul></dd>
      <dt>iptables rules</dt><dd><pre>{% include "conntrackt/entity_iptables.html" with entity=entity %}</pre>{% html_link 'Download' 'entity_iptables' class="btn btn-primary" %}</dd>
{% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock %}