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Location: gimmecert/tests/

GC-37: Introduce gctmpdir fixture for reducing duplication in tests:

- Fixture can be used to initialise the temporary directory with
1-level deep Gimmecert hierarchy. It is very useful for tests that
do not care about hierarchy details, while at the same time being
much faster than the sample directory one.
- Fixture should not be used for testing of init/status
commands (since those heavily test what the hierarchy looks like).
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2018 Branko Majic
# This file is part of Gimmecert.
# Gimmecert is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# Gimmecert is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# Gimmecert.  If not, see <>.

import collections
import io

import gimmecert
import gimmecert.crypto

import pytest

def key_with_csr(tmpdir):
    Fixture that generates a private key and CSR within tmpdir, and
    provides information about them.

    The following artefacts are generated in the directory:

        - custom_csr/mycustom.key.pem (private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format)
        - custom_csr/mycustom.csr.pem (CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format)

    :param tmpdir: Temporary directory (normally pytest tmpdir fixture) created for running the test.
    :type tmpdir: py.path.local

    :returns: Named tuple that describes the generated private key and CSR. The following properties are made available:
      private_key (cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey) - private key object.
      private_key_path (str) - path to generated private key.
      private_key_pem (str) - private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format.
      csr (cryptography.x509.CertificateSigningRequest) - CSR object.
      csr_path (str) - path to generated CSR.
      csr_pem (str) - CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format.
    :rtype: collections.namedtuple

    # Convenience named tuple for accessing generated artefacts.
    TestKeyWithCSR = collections.namedtuple('TestKeyWithCSR', 'private_key, private_key_path, private_key_pem, csr, csr_path, csr_pem')

    # Set-up directory for holding custom CSRs.
    custom_csr_dir = tmpdir.ensure('custom_csr', dir=True)

    # Set-up naming and some files.
    name = "mycustom"
    private_key_file = custom_csr_dir.join("%s.key.pem" % name)
    csr_file = custom_csr_dir.join("%s.csr.pem" % name)

    # Generate private key and CSR, and output them.
    private_key = gimmecert.crypto.generate_private_key()
    csr = gimmecert.crypto.generate_csr(name, private_key), private_key_file.strpath), csr_file.strpath)

    private_key_pem =
    csr_pem =

    return TestKeyWithCSR(private_key, private_key_file.strpath, private_key_pem, csr, csr_file.strpath, csr_pem)

def sample_project_directory(tmpdir):
    Fixture that initialises a sample Gimmecert project within tmpdir,
    and issues a couple of client and server certificates using
    different methods (internal private key generation + issuance via

    Initialised CA hierarchy is 1 level deep, with basename used being
    identical to temporary directory base name.

    The following server certificates are issued:

        - server-with-csr-1 (server certificate, issued using custom CSR)
        - server-with-csr-2 (server certificate, issued using custom CSR)
        - server-with-privkey-1 (server certificate, Gimmecert-generated private key)
        - server-with-privkey-2 (server certificate, Gimmecert-generated private key)
        - client-with-csr-1 (client certificate, issued using custom CSR)
        - client-with-csr-2 (client certificate, issued using custom CSR)
        - client-with-privkey-1 (client certificate, Gimmecert-generated private key)
        - client-with-privkey-2 (client certificate, Gimmecert-generated private key)

    The following artefacts are created "external" to Gimmecert
    standard usage, mainly for the purpose of issuing certificates
    using CSR:

        - custom_csr/server-with-csr-1.key.pem (private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format, generated for creating CSR for issuing server-with-csr-1 certificate)
        - custom_csr/server-with-csr-1.csr.pem (CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format, used for issuing sever-with-csr-1 certificate)
        - custom_csr/server-with-csr-2.key.pem (private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format, generated for creating CSR for issuing server-with-csr-2 certificate)
        - custom_csr/server-with-csr-2.csr.pem (CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format, used for issuing sever-with-csr-2 certificate)
        - custom_csr/client-with-csr-1.key.pem (private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format, generated for creating CSR for issuing client-with-csr-1 certificate)
        - custom_csr/client-with-csr-1.csr.pem (CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format, used for issuing sever-with-csr-1 certificate)
        - custom_csr/client-with-csr-2.key.pem (private key in OpenSSL-style PEM format, generated for creating CSR for issuing client-with-csr-2 certificate)
        - custom_csr/client-with-csr-2.csr.pem (CSR in OpenSSL-style PEM format, used for issuing sever-with-csr-2 certificate)

    :param tmpdir: Temporary directory (normally pytest tmpdir fixture) created for running the test.
    :type tmpdir: py.path.local

    :returs: Parent directory where Gimmecert has been initialised. Essentially the tmpdir fixture.
    :rtype: py.path.local

    # Total amount of each type certificate to issue.
    per_type_count = 2

    # Set-up directory for holding custom CSRs.
    custom_csr_dir = tmpdir.ensure('custom_csr', dir=True)

    # Set-up some custom CSRs.
    for i in range(1, per_type_count + 1):
        # Used in generated samples.
        name = "server-with-csr-%d" % i
        private_key = gimmecert.crypto.generate_private_key()
        csr = gimmecert.crypto.generate_csr(name, private_key), custom_csr_dir.join("%s.key.pem" % name).strpath), custom_csr_dir.join("%s.csr.pem" % name).strpath)

        # Used in generated samples.
        name = "client-with-csr-%d" % i
        private_key = gimmecert.crypto.generate_private_key()
        csr = gimmecert.crypto.generate_csr(name, private_key), custom_csr_dir.join("%s.key.pem" % name).strpath), custom_csr_dir.join("%s.csr.pem" % name).strpath)

    # Initialise one-level deep hierarchy.
    gimmecert.commands.init(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, tmpdir.basename, 1)

    # Issue a bunch of certificates.
    for i in range(1, per_type_count + 1):
        entity_name = "server-with-privkey-%d" % i
        gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, entity_name, None, None)

        entity_name = "server-with-csr-%d" % i
        custom_csr_path = custom_csr_dir.join("server-with-csr-%d.csr.pem" % i).strpath
        gimmecert.commands.server(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, entity_name, None, custom_csr_path)

        entity_name = "client-with-privkey-%d" % i
        gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, entity_name, None)

        entity_name = "client-with-csr-%d" % i
        custom_csr_path = custom_csr_dir.join("client-with-csr-%d.csr.pem" % i).strpath
        gimmecert.commands.client(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, entity_name, custom_csr_path)

    return tmpdir

def gctmpdir(tmpdir):
    Fixture that initialises Gimmecert project within tmpdir with a
    simple CA hierarchy.

    Initialised CA hierarchy is 1 level deep, with basename used being
    identical to temporary directory base name.

    The fixture is useful in testing of commands where the CA
    hierarchy does not matter (almost anything except init/status

    :param tmpdir: Temporary directory (normally pytest tmpdir fixture) created for running the test.
    :type tmpdir: py.path.local

    :returs: Parent directory where Gimmecert has been initialised. Essentially the tmpdir fixture.
    :rtype: py.path.local

    # Initialise one-level deep hierarchy.
    gimmecert.commands.init(io.StringIO(), io.StringIO(), tmpdir.strpath, tmpdir.basename, 1)

    return tmpdir