Files @ 52778a401e6e
Branch filter:

Location: gimmecert/tox.ini

GC-35: Freeze time when testing status command outputs:

Freezing the time will ensure the tests can be run in future without
having to make modifications for issuance dates - otherwise the tests
will fail because certificates will be reported as expired.
envlist = {py34,py35,py36,py37},lint,doc

whitelist_externals =

basepython =
  doc: python3
  lint: python3
  py34: python3.4
  py35: python3.5
  py36: python3.6
  py37: python3.7

deps =

commands =
  # Must specify cov-report explicitly, otherwise coverage starts
  # going through the tests as well.
  pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing:skip-covered --basetemp={envtmpdir} tests/ functional_tests/

deps =
commands =

deps =
setenv =
  # Override Sphinx build directory so we do not trample over user's
  # build in source directory.
commands =
  # Easier to run than changing directory with separate comand. -e
  # will ensure the BUILDDIR gets picked-up and overrides the Makefile
  # content.
  make -C docs/ -e html