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GC-46: Updated the release script for changes in tox invcation.
.. Copyright (C) 2018, 2020, 2024 Branko Majic

   This file is part of Gimmecert documentation.

   This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
   Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative
   Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

Release notes


This release adds support for Python 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12, while
dropping support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7. Package dependencies
have been updated as well.

.. warning::

   This release contains the following breaking changes:

   - Support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7 has been dropped. Make sure
     that you are using one of the supported Python versions prior to
     upgrading *Gimmecert*.

Resolved issues:

- **Tasks**:

  - `GC-42: Support for Python 3.10 <>`_
  - `GC-43: Support for Python 3.11 <>`_
  - `GC-44: Support for Python 3.12 <>`_
  - `GC-45: Drop support for Python 3.5, Python 3.6, and Python 3.7 <>`_


This release adds support for Python 3.9, and updates the package

Resolved issues:

- **Tasks**:

  - `GC-39: Support for Python 3.9 <>`_
  - `GC-40: Update all requirements <>`_


This release adds support for picking the key algorithm and parameters
used for generating the private keys, and support for using ECDSA

Resolved issues:

- **User stories**:

  - `GC-36: As a system integrator, I want to be able to generate and use ECDSA keys <>`_

- **Feature requests**:

  - `GC-37: Ability to provide private key specification for key generation <>`_


This release adds support for Python 3.8, drops support for Python
3.4, and updates the package requirements.

.. warning::

   This release contains the following breaking changes:

   - Support for Python 3.4 has been dropped. Make sure that you are
     using one of the supported Python versions prior to upgrading

Resolved issues:

- **Tasks**:

  - `GC-32: Support for Python 3.8 <>`_
  - `GC-33: Update all requirements <>`_
  - `GC-35: Drop support for Python 3.4 <>`_


This release is mostly oriented towards smaller bug-fixes, updates of
package dependencies, and improving the ease of testing during

Resolved issues:

- **Bugs**:

  - `GC-26 - Wrong issuer DN for end entity certificates when CA hierarchy depth is 2 or more  <>`_

- **Feature requests**

  - `GC-29 - Prevent installation on unsupported Python versions <>`_
  - `GC-28 - Vagrant set-up for running tests against multiple Python versions <>`_
  - `GC-30 - Support for Python 3.7 <>`_

- **Tasks**

  - `GC-27 - Update all requirements <>`_


First release of Gimmecert. Implements ability to set-up per-directory
CA hierarchy that can then be used to issue server and client

Resolved issues:

- **User stories**:

  - `GC-4: As a system integrator, I want to easily issue server and client certificates so that I can quickly test software that requires them <>`_
  - `GC-5: As a system integrator, I want to initialise a CA hierarchy in project directory in order to use it within the project <>`_
  - `GC-6: As a system integrator, I want to issue server certificates so I can deploy them for use with server applications I use <>`_
  - `GC-7: As a system integrator, I want to issue client certificates so I can deploy them for use with client applications I use  <>`_
  - `GC-8: As a system integrator, I want to get status of current CA hierarchy and issued certificates so I could determine if I need to take an action <>`_
  - `GC-9: As a system integrator, I want to renew server or client certificate in order to change the additional naming or renew expigration date <>`_
  - `GC-10: As a system integrator, I want to be able to see tool's help in CLI so I can remind myself what commands are available <>`_
  - `GC-21: As a system integrator, I want to be able to issue certificates using a CSR so I can generate my own private key <>`_

- **Feature requests**:

  - `GC-2: Project skeleton <>`_
  - `GC-3: Ability to initialise CA hierarchy <>`_
  - `GC-11: Initial skeleton CLI implementation <>`_
  - `GC-12: Initial installation and usage instructions <>`_
  - `GC-15: Ability to issue server certificates <>`_
  - `GC-16: Ability to issue client certificates <>`_
  - `GC-19: Ability to update server certificate DNS subject alternative names <>`_
  - `GC-18: Ability to renew existing certificates <>`_
  - `GC-20: Ability to display status <>`_
  - `GC-22: Ability to provide CSR for issuing and renewing certificates <>`_

- **Enhancements**:

  - `GC-14: Clean-up test runtime configuration and imrpove usability  <>`_

- **Tasks**:

  - `GC-1: Set-up project infrastructure <>`_
  - `GC-17: Refactor CLI command handling and relevant tests <>`_