@ 502fdc081d35
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/common/tasks/main.yml - annotation
9.5 KiB
MAR-32: Added initial scaffolding for testing web_server role:
- Added Molecule configuration for for bringing up a couple of instances.
- Added test playbook that sets-up test instances.
- Fixed issues with file mode in tasks (added leading 0).
- Added test data (TLS private keys and certificates).
- Added dummy test file.
- Added Molecule configuration for for bringing up a couple of instances.
- Added test playbook that sets-up test instances.
- Fixed issues with file mode in tasks (added leading 0).
- Added test data (TLS private keys and certificates).
- Added dummy test file.
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- name: Enable use of proxy for retrieving system packages via apt
template: src="apt_proxy.j2" dest="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: apt_proxy is defined
- name: Disable use of proxy for retrieving system packages via apt
file: path="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy" state=absent
when: apt_proxy is undefined
- name: Deploy pam-auth-update configuration file for enabling pam_umask
copy: src=pam_umask dest=/usr/share/pam-configs/umask mode=0644 owner=root group=root
notify: Update PAM configuration
- name: Set login UMASK
lineinfile: dest=/etc/login.defs state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^UMASK(\s+)' line='UMASK\g<1>027'
- name: Set home directory mask
lineinfile: dest=/etc/adduser.conf state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^DIR_MODE=' line='DIR_MODE=0750'
- name: Deploy bash profile configuration for fancier prompts
template: src="" dest="/etc/profile.d/"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Deploy profile configuration that allows for user-specific profile.d files
copy: src="" dest="/etc/profile.d/"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: Replace default and skeleton bashrc
copy: src="{{ item.key }}" dest="{{ item.value }}"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
skel_bashrc: "/etc/skel/.bashrc"
bashrc: "/etc/bash.bashrc"
- name: Calculate stock checksum for bashrc root account
stat: path="/root/.bashrc"
register: root_bashrc_stat
- name: Replace stock bashrc for root account with skeleton one
copy: src="skel_bashrc" dest="/root/.bashrc"
owner=root group=root mode=0640
when: root_bashrc_stat.stat.checksum == "b737c392222ddac2271cc8d0d8cc0308d08cf458"
- name: Install sudo
apt: name=sudo state=present
- name: Install ssl-cert package
apt: name=ssl-cert state=present
- name: Install rcconf (workaround for systemctl broken handling of SysV)
apt: name=rcconf state=present
- name: Install common packages
apt: name="{{ item }}" state="present"
with_items: "{{ common_packages }}"
- name: Set-up MariaDB mysql_config symbolic link for compatibility (workaround for Debian bug 766996)
file: src="/usr/bin/mariadb_config" dest="/usr/bin/mysql_config" state=link
when: "'libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat' in common_packages and ansible_distribution_release == 'jessie'"
- name: Disable electric-indent-mode for Emacs by default for all users
copy: src="01disable-electric-indent-mode.el" dest="/etc/emacs/site-start.d/01disable-electric-indent-mode.el"
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: "'emacs24' in common_packages or 'emacs24-nox' in common_packages"
- name: Set-up operating system groups
group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.gid | default(omit) }}" state=present
with_items: "{{ os_groups }}"
- name: Set-up operating system user groups
group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" state=present
with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
- name: Set-up operating system users
user: name="{{ }}" uid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ }}"
groups="{{ ",".join(item.additional_groups | default([])) }}" append=yes shell=/bin/bash state=present
password="{{ item.password | default('!') }}" update_password=on_create
with_items: "{{ os_users }}"
- name: Set-up authorised keys
authorized_key: user="{{ }}" key="{{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ os_users | selectattr('authorized_keys', 'defined') | list }}"
- authorized_keys
- name: Disable remote logins for root
lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PermitRootLogin" line="PermitRootLogin no"
- Restart SSH
- name: Disable remote login authentication via password
lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PasswordAuthentication" line="PasswordAuthentication no"
- Restart SSH
- name: Deploy CA certificates
copy: content="{{ item.value }}" dest="/usr/local/share/ca-certificates/{{ item.key }}.crt" mode=0644 owner=root group=root
with_dict: "{{ ca_certificates }}"
register: deploy_ca_certificates_result
- name: Update CA certificate cache
command: /usr/sbin/update-ca-certificates --fresh
when: deploy_ca_certificates_result.changed
# [ANSIBLE0016] Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers
# CA certificate cache must be updated immediatelly in order for
# applications depending on deployed CA certificates can use them to
# validate server/client certificates.
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Install ferm (for firewall management)
apt: name=ferm state=installed
- name: Configure ferm init script coniguration file
copy: src=ferm dest=/etc/default/ferm owner=root group=root mode=0644
- Restart ferm
- name: Create directory for storing ferm configuration files
file: dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/" mode=0750 state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Deploy main ferm configuration file
copy: src=ferm.conf dest=/etc/ferm/ferm.conf owner=root group=root mode=0640
- Restart ferm
- name: Deploy ferm base rules
template: src=00-base.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ferm/conf.d/00-base.conf
owner=root group=root mode=0640
- Restart ferm
- name: Enable ferm service on boot (workaround for systemctl broken handling of SysV)
command: rcconf -on ferm
register: result
changed_when: result.stderr == ""
- name: Enable ferm service
service: name=ferm state=started
- name: Deploy script for validating server certificates
copy: src="" dest="/usr/local/bin/"
owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: Set-up directory for holding configuration for certificate validation script
file: path="/etc/check_certificate" state="directory"
owner="root" group="root" mode="0755"
- name: Deploy crontab entry for checking certificates
cron: name="check_certificate" cron_file="check_certificate" hour=0 minute=0 job="/usr/local/bin/ expiration"
state=present user=nobody
- name: Install apticron (for checking available upgrades)
apt: name=apticron state=installed
# Implementation for checking pip requirements files via via pip-tools.
- name: Install virtualenv for pip requirements checks
apt: name=virtualenv state=installed
- name: Create dedicated group for user running pip requirements checks
group: name="pipreqcheck" gid="{{ pipreqcheck_gid | default(omit) }}" state=present
- name: Create user for running pip requirements checks
user: name="pipreqcheck" uid="{{ pipreqcheck_uid | default(omit) }}" group="pipreqcheck"
home="/var/lib/pipreqcheck" state=present
- name: Create directory for Python virtual environment used for installing/running pip-tools
file: path="/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv" state=directory
owner="pipreqcheck" group="pipreqcheck" mode="0750"
- name: Create Python virtual environment used for installing/running pip-tools
become: yes
become_user: "pipreqcheck"
command: /usr/bin/virtualenv --prompt "(pipreqcheck)" "/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv" creates="/var/lib/pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/activate"
# [ANSIBLE0012] Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing
# Command will not run if the virtualenv has already been created,
# therefore the warning is a false positive.
- skip_ansible_lint
- name: Create directory for storing pip requirements files
file: path="/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades" state="directory"
owner="root" group="pipreqcheck" mode=0750
- name: Set-up directory for storing pip requirements file for pip-tools virtual environment itself
file: path="/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck" state="directory"
owner="root" group="pipreqcheck" mode=0750
- name: Deploy .in file for pip requirements in pip-tools virtual environment
copy: src="" dest="/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/"
owner="root" group="pipreqcheck" mode=0640
- name: Deploy requirements file for pipreqcheck virtual environment
template: src="pipreqcheck_requirements.txt.j2" dest="/etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
owner="root" group="pipreqcheck" mode=0640
- name: Install latest pip in pip-tools virtual environment
become: yes
become_user: "pipreqcheck"
pip: name="pip>=9.0.0,<10.0.0" virtualenv="~pipreqcheck/virtualenv"
- name: Install pip-tools if not present
become: yes
become_user: "pipreqcheck"
pip: name=pip-tools state=present virtualenv="~pipreqcheck/virtualenv"
- name: Synchronise pip-tools virtual environment via deployed requirements file
become: yes
become_user: "pipreqcheck"
shell: "source ~pipreqcheck/virtualenv/bin/activate && pip-sync /etc/pip_check_requirements_upgrades/pipreqcheck/requirements.txt"
executable: /bin/bash
register: pipreqcheck_pip_sync
changed_when: "pipreqcheck_pip_sync.stdout != 'Everything up-to-date'"
- name: Deploy script for checking available upgrades
copy: src="" dest="/usr/local/bin/"
owner=root group=root mode=0755
- name: Deploy crontab entry for checking pip requirements
copy: src="cron_check_pip_requirements" dest="/etc/cron.d/check_pip_requirements"
owner="root" group="root" mode=0644
- name: Explicitly run all handlers
include: ../handlers/main.yml
when: "handlers | default(False) | bool() == True"
- handlers