Files @ b68d19ad38a3
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/backup_client/tasks/main.yml - annotation

MAR-33: Added initial scaffolding for wsgi_website tests:

- Added Molecule configuration file.
- Implemented test playbook that sets-up three separate instances of WSGI
website in order to test all variations of parameters.
- Added name for the set_fact task.
- Fixed linting errors related to mode that lacks leading zero.
- Added skip_ansible_lint tag for command that creates the Python virtual
- Added missing become keyword wherever become_user is specified.
- Fixed invalid parameter name for specifying if HTTPS should be enforced or
- Added small initial sample WSGI apps that get deployed.
- Added static/media sample files.
- Added TLS material.
- Added initial dummy test file.

- name: Install pexpect for pexpect+sftp Duplicity backend (mainly needed on Stretch)
  apt: name="python-pexpect" state=installed

- name: Install backup software
  apt: name="{{ item }}" state=installed
    - duplicity
    - duply

- name: Set-up Duply directories
  file: path="{{ item }}" state=directory owner=root group=root mode=0700
    - "/etc/duply"
    - "/etc/duply/main"
    - "/etc/duply/main/patterns"
    - "/etc/duply/main/gnupg"
    - "/etc/duply/main/ssh"
    - "/var/cache/duply"
    - "/var/cache/duply/main"

- name: Deploy GnuPG private keys
  copy: content="{{ backup_encryption_key }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc"
        owner=root group=root mode=0600
    - Clean-up GnuPG keyring for import of new keys
    - Import private keys
    - Import public keys

- name: Deploy GnuPG public keys
  copy: content="{{ backup_additional_encryption_keys | join('\n') }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc"
        owner=root group=root mode=0600
    - Clean-up GnuPG keyring for import of new keys
    - Import private keys
    - Import public keys

- name: Extract encryption key identifier (Duplicty requires key ID in hexadecimal format)
  shell: "{{ gnupg_binary }} --list-packets /etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc | grep keyid: | head -n1 | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sed -re 's/^.{{gnupg_key_cutoff}}//'"
  register: backup_encryption_key_id
  changed_when: False
  failed_when: backup_encryption_key_id.stdout == ""

- name: Extract additional encryption keys identifiers (Duplicty requires key ID in hexadecimal format)
  shell: "{{ gnupg_binary }} --list-packets /etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc | grep keyid: | sed -e 's/.*: //' | sort -u | sed -re 's/^.{{gnupg_key_cutoff}}//' | tr '\n' ',' | sed -e 's/,$//'"
  register: backup_additional_encryption_keys_ids
  when: backup_additional_encryption_keys
  changed_when: False
  failed_when: backup_additional_encryption_keys_ids.stdout == ""

- name: Deploy private SSH key for logging-in into backup server
  copy: content="{{ backup_ssh_key }}" dest="/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="0600"
  no_log: True

- name: Deploy custom known_hosts for backup purposes
  template: src="known_hosts.j2" dest="/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts"
            owner="root" group="root" mode="0600"

- name: Deploy Duply configuration file
  template: src="duply_main_conf.j2" dest="/etc/duply/main/conf"
            owner=root group=root mode=0600

- name: Deploy base exclude pattern (exclude all by default)
  copy: content="- **" dest="/etc/duply/main/exclude"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="0600"

- name: Set-up directory for storing pre-backup scripts
  file: path="/etc/duply/main/pre.d/" state=directory
        owner="root" group="root" mode="0700"

- name: Set-up script for running all pre-backup scripts
  copy: src="duply_pre" dest="/etc/duply/main/pre"
        owner="root" group="root" mode="0700"

- name: Deploy crontab entry for running backups
  cron: name=backup cron_file=backup hour=2 minute=0 job="/usr/bin/duply main backup"
        state=present user=root

- name: Ensure the file with include patterns exists (but do not overwrite)
    content: ""
    dest: /etc/duply/main/include
    force: no
    group: root
    owner: root
    mode: 0600

- name: Explicitly run all handlers
  include: ../handlers/main.yml
  when: "handlers | default(False) | bool() == True"
    - handlers