@ fe6cdb2443c7
Branch filter:
Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/common/tasks/main.yml - annotation
3.1 KiB
MAR-19: Simplified the parameters for common role, making a lot of them optional with some sane defaults. Switched to using an actual list for additional groups.
626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf babda105c9cf 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 284ed92d40bb 284ed92d40bb 284ed92d40bb 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 fe6cdb2443c7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 fe6cdb2443c7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 fe6cdb2443c7 fe6cdb2443c7 fe6cdb2443c7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 fe6cdb2443c7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 626eadba53b7 9eca957bb9db 9eca957bb9db 76ed37089b33 0ad9410c243a 76ed37089b33 76ed37089b33 284ed92d40bb 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 941f4f372672 a6633bcc83d1 | ---
- name: Enable use of proxy for retrieving system packages via apt
template: src="apt_proxy.j2" dest="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy"
owner=root group=root mode=644
when: apt_proxy is defined
- name: Disable use of proxy for retrieving system packages via apt
file: path="/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00proxy" state=absent
when: apt_proxy is undefined
- name: Deploy pam-auth-update configuration file for enabling pam_umask
copy: src=pam_umask dest=/usr/share/pam-configs/umask mode=644 owner=root group=root
notify: Update PAM configuration
- name: Set login UMASK
lineinfile: dest=/etc/login.defs state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^UMASK(\s+)' line='UMASK\g<1>027'
- name: Set home directory mask
lineinfile: dest=/etc/adduser.conf state=present backrefs=yes regexp='^DIR_MODE=' line='DIR_MODE=0750'
- name: Install sudo
apt: name=sudo state=present
- name: Install ssl-cert package
apt: name=ssl-cert state=present
- name: Install common packages
apt: name="{{ item }}" state="present"
with_items: common_packages
- name: Set-up operating system groups
group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.gid | default(omit) }}" state=present
with_items: os_groups
- name: Set-up operating system user groups
group: name="{{ }}" gid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" state=present
with_items: os_users
- name: Set-up operating system users
user: name="{{ }}" uid="{{ item.uid | default(omit) }}" group="{{ }}"
groups="{{ ",".join(item.additional_groups | default([])) }}" append=yes shell=/bin/bash state=present
password="{{ item.password | default('!') }}"
with_items: os_users
- name: Set-up authorised keys
authorized_key: user="{{ }}" key="{{ item.1 }}"
- "{{ os_users | selectattr('authorized_keys', 'defined') | list }}"
- authorized_keys
- name: Disable remote logins for root
lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PermitRootLogin" line="PermitRootLogin no"
- Restart SSH
- name: Disable remote login authentication via password
lineinfile: dest="/etc/ssh/sshd_config" state=present regexp="^PasswordAuthentication" line="PasswordAuthentication no"
- Restart SSH
- name: Deploy CA certificates
copy: src="{{ item }}" dest="/etc/ssl/certs/{{ item | basename }}" mode=644 owner=root group=root
with_items: ca_certificates
- Update CA certificate cache
- name: Install ferm (for firewall management)
apt: name=ferm state=installed
- name: Configure ferm init script coniguration file
copy: src=ferm dest=/etc/default/ferm owner=root group=root mode=644
- Restart ferm
- name: Create directory for storing ferm configuration files
file: dest="/etc/ferm/conf.d/" mode=750 state=directory owner=root group=root
- name: Deploy main ferm configuration file
copy: src=ferm.conf dest=/etc/ferm/ferm.conf
- Restart ferm
- name: Deploy ferm base rules
template: src=00-base.conf.j2 dest=/etc/ferm/conf.d/00-base.conf
owner=root group=root mode=640
- Restart ferm
- name: Enable ferm service
service: name=ferm enabled=yes state=started