Files @ 01f4b619cfa6
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/mail_forwarder/tests/

MAR-27: Update mail_forwarder role/tests:

- Install swaks on mail-server instance for testing SMTP.
- Install procmail via mail_forwarder role (needed to be explicit for Debian
- Introduce small sleep when mails are sent to localhost for delivery to remote
hosts before checking the logs in order to allow Postfix to process the
import re
import time

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_smtp_relay_truststore_file(File):
    Tests if SMTP relay truststore has correct content.

    truststore = File('/etc/ssl/certs/smtp_relay_truststore.pem')

    assert truststore.content == open("tests/data/x509/ca.cert.pem", "r").read().rstrip()

def test_smtp_mailname(File):
    Tests if SMTP mailname has been configured correctly.

    mailname = File('/etc/mailname')

    assert mailname.content == "parameters-optional"

def test_postfix_main_cf_file_content(File):
    Tests if the Postfix main configuration file content is correct.

    config = File('/etc/postfix/')
    config_lines = config.content.split("\n")

    assert "myhostname = parameters-optional" in config_lines
    assert "mydestination = parameters-optional, parameters-optional, localhost.localdomain, localhost" in config_lines
    assert "relayhost = mail-server" in config_lines
    assert "mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128" in config_lines
    assert "smtp_tls_security_level=verify" in config_lines
    assert "smtp_tls_CAfile=/etc/ssl/certs/smtp_relay_truststore.pem" in config_lines
    assert "smtp_host_lookup = dns, native" in config_lines

def test_local_aliases(Command, File, Sudo):
    Tests if local aliases are configured correctly.

    send = Command('swaks --suppress-data --to root@localhost')
    assert send.rc == 0
    message_id ='Ok: queued as (.*)', send.stdout).group(1)

    # Wait for a little while for message to be processed.

    with Sudo():
        mail_log = File('/var/log/mail.log')
        pattern1 = "%s: to=<root@parameters-optional>, orig_to=<root@localhost>.*status=sent" % message_id
        pattern2 = "%s: to=<testuser@parameters-optional>, orig_to=<root@localhost>.*status=sent" % message_id

        assert, mail_log.content) is not None
        assert, mail_log.content) is not None

def test_relay_mail_sending(Command, File, Sudo):
    Tests if mails are sent correctly via relay if relay has been configured.

    send = Command('swaks --suppress-data --to root@domain1 --server localhost')
    assert send.rc == 0
    message_id ='Ok: queued as (.*)', send.stdout).group(1)

    # Wait for a little while for message to be processed.

    with Sudo():
        mail_log = File('/var/log/mail.log')
        pattern = "%s: to=<root@domain1>, relay=mail-server.*status=sent" % message_id

        assert, mail_log.content) is not None

def test_tls_enforced_towards_relay_mail_server(Command, File, Sudo):
    Tests if TLS verification is enfoced towards the relay mail server.

    with Sudo():
        # Replace the relayhost with name that is not present in relay's
        # certificate.
        command = Command("sed -i -e s#relayhost\\ =\\ mail-server#relayhost\\ =\\ domain1# /etc/postfix/")
        assert command.rc == 0
        command = Command("service postfix restart")
        assert command.rc == 0

        # Try to send out an e-mail
        send = Command('swaks --suppress-data --to root@domain1 --server localhost')

        # Restore correct relay name in the configuration file.
        command = Command("sed -i -e s#relayhost\\ =\\ domain1#relayhost\\ =\\ mail-server# /etc/postfix/")
        assert command.rc == 0
        command = Command("service postfix restart")
        assert command.rc == 0

        # Finally check the results.
        assert send.rc == 0
        message_id ='Ok: queued as (.*)', send.stdout).group(1)

        with Sudo():
            mail_log = File('/var/log/mail.log')
            pattern = "%s: to=<root@domain1>, relay=domain1.*status=deferred \(Server certificate not verified\)" % message_id

            assert, mail_log.content) is not None