Files @ 17cf34f73ca6
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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/backup_client/tests/

MAR-28: Implemented additional tests for mail_server role:

- Deploy a number of tools on clients in order to test SMTP, IMAP, and Sieve
- Added one more user to LDAP directory for testing group restrictions.
- Deploy CA certificate on all testing machines for TLS validation purposes.
- Use different custom-configured cipher for mail server ciphers.
- Fixed invalid postmaster address for parameters-optional host.
- Deploy configuration files for use with Imap-CLI on client test machines.
- Updated testing of SMTP server to include checks for users that do not belong
to mail group.
- Extended some SMTP-related tests to cover both test servers.
- Some small fixes in SMTP-related tests for expected output from commands.
- Implemented tests covering Dovecot (IMAP + Sieve) functionality.
- Implemented tests for running/enabled services.
- Implemented tests for ClamAV.
- Implemented tests for firewall and connectivity.
- Implemented tests for Postfix TLS configuration.
- TODO: Tests for Sieve TLS configuration have not been written yet due to
limitation of available tools.
import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_gnupg_private_keys_file_content(File, Sudo):
    Tests if correct GnuPG private key used for encryption and signing has been

    with Sudo():
        gnupg_private_keys = File('/etc/duply/main/private_keys.asc')

        assert gnupg_private_keys.content == open('tests/data/gnupg/parameters-mandatory.asc', 'r').read().strip()

def test_gnupg_public_keys_file_content(File, Sudo):
    Tests if no additional public GnuPG keys have been deployed (should be
    default without optional parameters).

    with Sudo():
        gnupg_public_keys = File('/etc/duply/main/public_keys.asc')

        assert gnupg_public_keys.content == ""

def test_backup_ssh_key_file_content(File, Sudo):
    Tests if correct key has been deployed for SSH client authentication.

    with Sudo():

        ssh_key = File('/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity')

        assert ssh_key.content == open('tests/data/ssh/parameters-mandatory', 'r').read().strip()

def test_known_hosts_content(File, Sudo):
    Tests if known hosts file has been set-up with correct content.

    with Sudo():

        known_hosts = File('/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts')

        assert known_hosts.content == open('tests/data/ssh/parameters-mandatory-known_hosts', 'r').read().rstrip()

def test_duply_configuration_content(Ansible, File, Sudo):
    Tests if duply configuration has been set-up correctly.

    with Sudo():

        ansible_facts = Ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]

        duply_configuration = File('/etc/duply/main/conf')

        if ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'jessie':
            assert "GPG_KEYS_ENC='1A129C54'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "GPG_KEY_SIGN='1A129C54'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "TARGET='sftp://bak-parameters-mandatory@'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "DUPL_PARAMS=\"$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-backend pexpect --ssh-options='-oLogLevel=ERROR -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
                "-oGlobalKnownHostsFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts -oIdentityFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity'\"" in duply_configuration.content

        elif ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'stretch':
            assert "GPG_KEYS_ENC='59C26F031A129C54'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "GPG_KEY_SIGN='59C26F031A129C54'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "TARGET='pexpect+sftp://bak-parameters-mandatory@'" in duply_configuration.content
            assert "DUPL_PARAMS=\"$DUPL_PARAMS --ssh-options='-oLogLevel=ERROR -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null " \
                "-oGlobalKnownHostsFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/known_hosts -oIdentityFile=/etc/duply/main/ssh/identity'\"" in duply_configuration.content
            raise Exception("Failed to execute content check for: %s" % ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'])

def test_duply_gnupg_keyring_private_keys(Ansible, Command, Sudo):
    Tests if private key used for encryption/signing has been correctly
    imporeted into Duply GnuPG keyring.

    with Sudo():
        ansible_facts = Ansible("setup")["ansible_facts"]

        if ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'jessie':
            gpg_binary = 'gpg2'
            key_offset = 8
        elif ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'] == 'stretch':
            gpg_binary = 'gpg'
            key_offset = 8
            raise Exception("Failed to execute check for distribution release: %s" % ansible_facts['ansible_distribution_release'])

        private_key_listing = Command('%s --homedir /etc/duply/main/gnupg --list-public-keys' % gpg_binary)

        assert private_key_listing.rc == 0
        assert '59C26F031A129C54'[key_offset:] in private_key_listing.stdout