Files @ 3c03c2ea9d2a
Branch filter:

Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/xmpp_server/tests/

MAR-128: Upgraded tests for bootstrap role:

- Switch to new Molecule configuration.
- Updated set-up playbook to use become: yes.
- Moved some preparatory steps outside of the main playbook (eases
idempotence tests).
- Updated tests to reference the yml inventory file.
- Updated tests to use new fixture (host instead of individual ones).
- Fixed some linting issues.
import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_prosody_tls_files(File, Sudo):
    Tests if Prosody TLS private key and certificage have been deployed

    with Sudo():

        tls_file = File('/etc/ssl/private/parameters-optional_xmpp.key')
        assert tls_file.is_file
        assert tls_file.user == 'root'
        assert == 'prosody'
        assert tls_file.mode == 0o640
        assert tls_file.content == open("tests/data/x509/parameters-optional_xmpp.key.pem", "r").read().rstrip()

        tls_file = File('/etc/ssl/certs/parameters-optional_xmpp.pem')
        assert tls_file.is_file
        assert tls_file.user == 'root'
        assert == 'root'
        assert tls_file.mode == 0o644
        assert tls_file.content == open("tests/data/x509/parameters-optional_xmpp.cert.pem", "r").read().rstrip()

def test_certificate_validity_check_configuration(File):
    Tests if certificate validity check configuration file has been deployed

    config = File('/etc/check_certificate/parameters-optional_xmpp.conf')
    assert config.is_file
    assert config.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert config.mode == 0o644
    assert config.content == "/etc/ssl/certs/parameters-optional_xmpp.pem"

def test_prosody_configuration_file_content(File, Sudo):
    Tests if Prosody configuration file has correct content.

    with Sudo():

        config = File('/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua')

        assert "admins = { \"jane.doe@domain2\", \"mick.doe@domain3\",  }" in config.content
        assert "key = \"/etc/ssl/private/parameters-optional_xmpp.key\";" in config.content
        assert "certificate = \"/etc/ssl/certs/parameters-optional_xmpp.pem\";" in config.content
        assert "ldap_server = \"ldap-server\"" in config.content
        assert "ldap_rootdn = \"cn=prosody,ou=services,dc=local\"" in config.content
        assert "ldap_password = \"prosodypassword\"" in config.content
        assert "ldap_filter = \"(&(mail=$user@$host)(memberOf=cn=xmpp,ou=groups,dc=local))\"" in config.content
        assert "ldap_base = \"ou=people,dc=local\"" in config.content

        assert """VirtualHost "domain2"
Component "conference.domain2" "muc"
  restrict_room_creation = "local"
Component "proxy.domain2" "proxy65"
  proxy65_acl = { "domain2" }""" in config.content

        assert """VirtualHost "domain3"
Component "conference.domain3" "muc"
  restrict_room_creation = "local"
Component "proxy.domain3" "proxy65"
  proxy65_acl = { "domain3" }""" in config.content