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Location: majic-ansible-roles/roles/ldap_server/molecule/default/tests/

MAR-192: Drop rsyslog/logrotate configuration for ldap_server role under Debian 12 Bookworm:

- Default installations of Debian 12 Bookworm no longer come with
rsyslog pre-installed (and it is considered to be deprecated as
default system logger under Debian 12 Bookworm).
import os

import testinfra.utils.ansible_runner

testinfra_hosts = testinfra.utils.ansible_runner.AnsibleRunner(

def test_log_rotation_configuration(host):
    Tests if log rotation configuration file has been deployed correctly and has
    valid syntax.

    config = host.file('/etc/logrotate.d/slapd')

    assert config.is_file
    assert config.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert config.mode == 0o644

    with host.sudo():

        assert'logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/slapd').rc == 0

def test_syslog_configuration(host):
    Tests if syslog configuration file has been deployed, and log file was
    created correctly (and is being logged to).

    config = host.file('/etc/rsyslog.d/slapd.conf')
    assert config.is_file
    assert config.user == 'root'
    assert == 'root'
    assert config.mode == 0o644

    with host.sudo():
        log = host.file('/var/log/slapd.log')
        assert log.is_file
        assert 'slapd' in log.content_string